Low Information Voters? How about a Low Information President?

Our "super smart" President appears to be a prime example of many who have gone to law school right after college without any practical experience. Like mullahs citing the Koran, they have been trained to interpret the world through a single lens of legal theory without regard to real-world consequences. Lawyers may be good counselors, but they are rarely good leaders.

Right wingers, once again proving how school makes people stupid. But at least, they are showing how smart they are. And they didn't even need education. Such insight. Wow.
The right wing is confused, as usual. The low information president was George W. Bush. He was also low intelligence.

Bush knew how to pronounce "corpsman".

Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

The right wing is confused, as usual. The low information president was George W. Bush. He was also low intelligence.

Bush knew how to pronounce "corpsman".

Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

View attachment 24692

I can say he reversed a recession within 18 months, that he dismembered al Qaeda and forged a successful war on terrorism that kept Americans safe, that during his term unemployment did not go above 7% or so, that businesses were relatively free to invest and hire, that he had much bipartisan legislation passed in Congress and that he never bowed to foreign kings or potentates.
Damn, now I miss the guy.
Bush knew how to pronounce "corpsman".

Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

View attachment 24692

I can say he reversed a recession within 18 months, that he dismembered al Qaeda and forged a successful war on terrorism that kept Americans safe, that during his term unemployment did not go above 7% or so, that businesses were relatively free to invest and hire, that he had much bipartisan legislation passed in Congress and that he never bowed to foreign kings or potentates.
Damn, now I miss the guy.

He enabled a Great Recession that is still devastating scores of millions of Americans, he let al Qaeda grow and hurt us, he lost the war in Afghanistan when he pulled the Spec Ops and helicopter troops for Iraqi's invasion, the created two monster progressive programs in No Child Left Behind and the Prescriptions Drug Program, and was losing 700,000 jobs a month on his watch when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail for a long time.
Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

View attachment 24692

I can say he reversed a recession within 18 months, that he dismembered al Qaeda and forged a successful war on terrorism that kept Americans safe, that during his term unemployment did not go above 7% or so, that businesses were relatively free to invest and hire, that he had much bipartisan legislation passed in Congress and that he never bowed to foreign kings or potentates.
Damn, now I miss the guy.

He enabled a Great Recession that is still devastating scores of millions of Americans, he let al Qaeda grow and hurt us, he lost the war in Afghanistan when he pulled the Spec Ops and helicopter troops for Iraqi's invasion, the created two monster progressive programs in No Child Left Behind and the Prescriptions Drug Program, and was losing 700,000 jobs a month on his watch when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail for a long time.

So says Fakey Jakey.
In fact Democrats enabled the recession by failing to put oversight on fannie/freddie. He destroyed al Qaeda after Clinton gave them a pass. He was doing fine in Afghanistan and won in Iraq. His mistake was working wit Democrats in Congress (who wrote No Child Left Behind, Jakey?). The prescription drug program is the only entitlement that has come in under budget.
So says the history of the last 12 years. The minority Dems forced the GOP to crash the economy? What are you, a picklehead? He lost Afghanistan, nearly lost Iraq, allowed al Quada to grow, and took pride in NCLB and the Senior Drug Prescription plans.

He had the numbers, picklehead: the Dems could not make him do anything.

And he was losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail.
So says the history of the last 12 years. The minority Dems forced the GOP to crash the economy? What are you, a picklehead? He lost Afghanistan, nearly lost Iraq, allowed al Quada to grow, and took pride in NCLB and the Senior Drug Prescription plans.

He had the numbers, picklehead: the Dems could not make him do anything.

And he was losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail.

SO says Fakey Jakey.
Who controlled Congress for the last two years of his presidency, Jakey?
You are a low information, low intelligence poster here.
So says the history of the last 12 years. The minority Dems forced the GOP to crash the economy? What are you, a picklehead? He lost Afghanistan, nearly lost Iraq, allowed al Quada to grow, and took pride in NCLB and the Senior Drug Prescription plans.

He had the numbers, picklehead: the Dems could not make him do anything.

And he was losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail.

SO says Fakey Jakey.
Who controlled Congress for the last two years of his presidency, Jakey?
You are a low information, low intelligence poster here.

Who controlled Congress overwhelmingly from 1994 to 2006, low information picklehead?

This is why when you and I go to universities to debate you get laughed off the stage.
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Bush vetoed everything the Dems tried 2007-2009, so they just let him finish off the world economy with his pals on Wall St. Fanny and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market. Bush allowed 9/11 and started the 2 stupidest wars ever, doubled the debt, and stared a meltdown- a total CATASTROPHE. Change the channel, dupes.
Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

View attachment 24692

I can say he reversed a recession within 18 months, that he dismembered al Qaeda and forged a successful war on terrorism that kept Americans safe, that during his term unemployment did not go above 7% or so, that businesses were relatively free to invest and hire, that he had much bipartisan legislation passed in Congress and that he never bowed to foreign kings or potentates.
Damn, now I miss the guy.

He enabled a Great Recession that is still devastating scores of millions of Americans, he let al Qaeda grow and hurt us, he lost the war in Afghanistan when he pulled the Spec Ops and helicopter troops for Iraqi's invasion, the created two monster progressive programs in No Child Left Behind and the Prescriptions Drug Program, and was losing 700,000 jobs a month on his watch when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail for a long time.

Why tell him, Jake?? He is so deep into that fantasy that the truth might send him over the edge.
Bush knew how to pronounce "corpsman".

Is that the most impressive thing you can say about him?? Never mind. Silly question.

View attachment 24692

I can say he reversed a recession within 18 months, that he dismembered al Qaeda and forged a successful war on terrorism that kept Americans safe, that during his term unemployment did not go above 7% or so, that businesses were relatively free to invest and hire, that he had much bipartisan legislation passed in Congress and that he never bowed to foreign kings or potentates.
Damn, now I miss the guy.

Yeah, I remember it well. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
He didn't hear about the release of the illegal alien felons until he read it in the papers? He never heard of Benghazi until he tried to call the embassy and got no answer? He runs away when the going gets rough and refuses to talk to the press? Talk about a low information president. He makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
So says the history of the last 12 years. The minority Dems forced the GOP to crash the economy? What are you, a picklehead? He lost Afghanistan, nearly lost Iraq, allowed al Quada to grow, and took pride in NCLB and the Senior Drug Prescription plans.

He had the numbers, picklehead: the Dems could not make him do anything.

And he was losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left.

He and his supporters should be in jail.

SO says Fakey Jakey.
Who controlled Congress for the last two years of his presidency, Jakey?
You are a low information, low intelligence poster here.

Who controlled Congress overwhelmingly from 1994 to 2006, low information picklehead?

This is why when you and I go to universities to debate you get laughed off the stage.

94 to 06? Wasnt that a time of low deficits, low unemployment, rising values across the board, and low inflation?
Yes, Jakey-oo. The GOP did control it then. What happened after the Dums took Congress?

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