Low productivity growth country's 'Achilles heel': Bank of Canada governor


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Yep, the nepotism and certain apparatuses have NOT served us well at all. In fact, quite the contrary.

There has been article after article the last few months as they are calling it a "standard of living emergency" which is going to sink this nation.

When bloated government at all levels rewards overpaid jobs with gold plated pensions, little demands and no personal capital risked, this is the outcome. Worse, is the nepotism among government workers.

Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem is sounding the alarm on Canada's productivity problem and urging policymakers to dig into why the country struggles with low business investment.

According to prepared remarks he delivered to the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Monday, Macklem hailed the strengths of Canada's job market, including high labour force participation, strong immigration and a solid education system.

The governor also reflected on the fact that the labour market has adjusted relatively well to higher interest rates, albeit some workers, including newcomers and young people, have been harder hit by rising unemployment.

But looking at the longer-term economic picture, he warned productivity is the country's weakness, noting that on average, businesses invest much less per worker in Canada than they do in the United States.

"Our Achilles heel is productivity. We have been very good at growing our economy by adding workers. We have been much less successful at increasing output per worker," he said.

The governor's comments echoed the central message of a speech senior deputy governor Carolyn Rogers gave in March, where she warned addressing low productivity has become a national emergency.

The issue of productivity is top-of-mind for many economists concerned that low business investment will depress living standards in the country.

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