Low Trump approval rating in key battleground states.

I always thought Trump was the wrong man, and was doing more damage than good for Republicans.

But, nope, Republicans thought otherwise.

Trump's approval rating is underwater in 9 major 2020 battleground states, and it's a troubling sign for his re-election prospects
If you wanna believe polls rigged by the leftists and the media sure....go ahead...

No, I want to peddle in conspiracy theories and then proclaim Trump is popular every 6 months when GateWay Pundit points out that Rasmussen, a single pollster pushed Trump to 48% for 2 days.
Oh well the election is a ways out. I recall a poll leading up to the 2016 election assuring Hillary had won. I guess that’s why she had her acceptance speech already completed.
Trump will be reelected the loony tune Marxist are just that... loony tunes.. Biden? Hes dumb as they get and going senile to boot

Trump appears to be getting a lift from the economy, with a record 62 percent approving of his approach to employment and 59 percent approving of his handling of the economy. Seventy-one percent of voters said the economy is very strong or somewhat strong.
There ya go...
No President in modern times has the kind of loyal following as Trump...the polls were wrong in 2016...in fact I have trouble remembering when the polls have been even close to being correct....look at the crowds he attracts in the "Key battle ground states"...when have we ever seen crowds like that?....you loser Trump haters can slurp up the polls just like you slurp up the fake news all you want...but you will just feel more disappointment in the end....just like in 2016...
Just think about it for a minuet...something this OP never does...think....Trump won in 2016...before he rebuilt our military...killed off Issl...rebuilt our economy...and exposed Obama's deep state....he is a shoe in for re election....Fuck the polls and pity the poll believers....lol
Clown car democrats don't even have a candidate and the push polls (that had Hillary up by double digits) are trying to influence voter turnout among republicans. No surprise here.
Clown car democrats don't even have a candidate and the push polls (that had Hillary up by double digits) are trying to influence voter turnout among republicans. No surprise here.
when it comes to these polls,,,what do they do? poll 1000? 2000? from a state with about 3 or 4 million?
Let me guess...
Business Insider predicted a market crash on day 1 of a Trump presidency.
prior to election 2016,,,CNN/ABC may as well took thier polls in pet stores
No President in modern times has the kind of loyal following as Trump...the polls were wrong in 2016...in fact I have trouble remembering when the polls have been even close to being correct....look at the crowds he attracts in the "Key battle ground states"...when have we ever seen crowds like that?....you loser Trump haters can slurp up the polls just like you slurp up the fake news all you want...but you will just feel more disappointment in the end....just like in 2016...
Just think about it for a minuet...something this OP never does...think....Trump won in 2016...before he rebuilt our military...killed off Issl...rebuilt our economy...and exposed Obama's deep state....he is a shoe in for re election....Fuck the polls and pity the poll believers....lol

The polls were RIGHT in 2018 except for 1. Rasmussen had Republicans up by 1 in the generic ballot. Everyone else got it right. In 2018, he rarely appeared in battleground states. You Trumpies are the losers and you are too stupid to see it.

I would suggest you people need to realize this is 2019 not 2016. The economy was improving under Obama as the UE rate was a whopping 4.7% when Trump took office. Run against the fictitious deep state and show everyone how crazy you are.
I always thought Trump was the wrong man, and was doing more damage than good for Republicans. But, nope, Republicans thought otherwise.

Trump's approval rating is underwater in 9 major 2020 battleground states, and it's a troubling sign for his re-election prospects
The Democrats don't have anyone who can beat Trump.
The Democrats can all beat Trump.
3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020

Steven Rattner, "car czar" and counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration, cites three different modelers in his N.Y. Times commentary, "Trump’s Formidable 2020 Tailwind."

The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.

  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."

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