Lower Half of Tax Filers Pay Nothing: Showing How Tax Cuts Really Work(?)!

A large percentage of people who don't pay taxes don't pay them because of deductions, exemptions, and credits which zero out their tax bill.

Just like certain large corporations.

A lot of individuals will lose their deductions, credits, and exemptions in Trump's tax bill. No corporations will, even though their tax rate is being lowered.

Isn't that interesting?
The United States does not levee income tax on the poor or the working poor. The issue is where is the line between poor middle class and upper middle class. Much has to do with location. A "poor' person in LA may not be so poor in rural Texas or Arizona.
The President and the GOP are trying to produce a tax bill that is fair and one that will spur growth. Economic growth is where the bulk of dollars will come from to reduce the debt and the deficit...It will be good for all by definition. If your taxes go up after the bill passes you can blame your high tax blue state not the GOP. Throw out high tax politicians in your state and stop all the crying.
George Bush II, Term I, thought that Tax Cuts would end a recession. There was none then. There is none now. There is lots of agreement that real income growth is stagnant. There is no showing that corporations will use any increase of income to raise wages.

There was a giant stimulus already.

Still no one pays any taxes, at about 50% of people filing. The Republicans took away the Refundable Make Work Pay Credit, only two years after it got started.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(What is so good about a goose at this time of year(?)! Never was there . . . such a goose: Continuing our Great American, Hippie Adventure!)
Democrats tend to lower corporate taxes with direct investment incentives. A rate cut from nothing to even less offers no such incentive.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(May say sales tax is not regressive. If you don't buy anything, you pay no tax: Obviously!)
People who pay no income taxes are likely better said less prosperous. The same President Nixon who claimed that he could do nothing illegal, if a President did it: Also suggested that the old and poor mainly eat less, and so were doing just fine(?): In so many words.

Then there was Bush II, Term I. Tax Cut after tax cut didn't work. Outcome: They didn't work. Osama bin laden would create at least some incentive to put US boots on the ground to work. Then Senator Biden would further note that US manufacturers were not even putting people back to work to equip them.

After spending more than Reagan in a year: Just somehow, in fact, the whole thing went into foreclosure. Matthew 25:14-30 is actually arithmetic, probably Greek of origin, written as a Gospel by a tax collector.

It didn't even work all that well at the time. Mohammed the Prophet. . .Never noticed. Adam Smith never noticed. Karl Marx never noticed. Keynes would become famous among intellectuals: "For he bade the people bend over and await the Public Works(?)" Little kids are told this(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And Republicans wonder what the cemeteries really are for: Now that the speech is over(?)! It is up to Jesus to take everyone away(?)! "Put your hand in the hand of the Real Garbage-Man from Heaven. . .(?)!)

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