loyalty pledge

None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

If someone has to swear an oath on anything, even say to give evidence in a courtroom, they raise their right arm and/or hand, it's never the left.

The MSM, seemingly across half the Western world, have decided that Donald Trump is the new Hitler, where this leaves Vladimir Putin I'm not sure, because the same MSM had already declared him the new Hitler.

It's all completely hysterical, bordering on almost lunacy now....what has Trump said, that he'll build a wall and not allow Muslims to be brought en masse into America from the Middle East, and this apparently makes him The New Hitler.
DontTazeMeBro raises his right hand to chew his fingernails in his shirtless Glamour Shots avatar pic. Seriously....that's actually him he said so. Dude actually posed shirtless for a USMB avatar pic. While biting his fingernails haha!!
DontTazeMeBro raises his right hand to chew his fingernails in his shirtless Glamour Shots avatar pic. Seriously....that's actually him he said so. Dude actually posed shirtless for a USMB avatar pic. While biting his fingernails haha!!
and shit on his chinny chin chin
None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

Obama's Greek columns and reverb could be compared the same way.

So if The Donald is The New Hitler....then Barack Obama must be The Final Anti-Christ!

Obama's Greek columns, they're based on The Pergamon Altar of Zeus, a Greek Temple which is mentioned in The Book of Revelation as the seat of Satan or "The Throne of Satan".

The reference not just to the Altar, but also to Pergamos as a regional centre of the Roman state and the centre of Pagan worship and persecution of the early Christians.

The Great Altar of Zeus of Pergamon, possibly constructed during the reign of Eumenes II (197-159 B.C.), it's in Pergamonmuseum in Berlin:



About The Pergamon Altar:

Pergamon Altar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama's Greek Columns:


None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

Obama's Greek columns and reverb could be compared the same way.

What about another Satan's Throne in The Vatican, this one is totally bizarre and scary, WTF is this all about? Not to mention how ugly the whole thing is.


None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

If someone has to swear an oath on anything, even say to give evidence in a courtroom, they raise their right arm and/or hand, it's never the left.

The MSM, seemingly across half the Western world, have decided that Donald Trump is the new Hitler, where this leaves Vladimir Putin I'm not sure, because the same MSM had already declared him the new Hitler.

It's all completely hysterical, bordering on almost lunacy now....what has Trump said, that he'll build a wall and not allow Muslims to be brought en masse into America from the Middle East, and this apparently makes him The New Hitler.
lucy, no one raises their right ARM for a pledge or oath in America, they raise their right HAND, elbow bent...
Have you guys seen the pictures of trump and his supporters doing loyalty pledges. They extend their right arm out and pledge to support Donald in the election... Seriously, he has to be messing with his supporters right now. "can I get these guys to give me a nazi salute?"

If I wasn't on my phone is post them

Geez. I see so many professed Christians on this board making Hitler references left right and sideways, just because they don't like a guy. And you of all people, Avatar. I'm disappointed in you to say the least. Ya know, I kinda keep setting myself up for disappointment these days, expecting full grown adults at least twice my age acting like... well, adults...twice my age. It is indeed frivolous to expect actual maturity on a political discussion board.

As for loyalty, the Republican Party itself has been far from loyal. For example, Mitt Romney. Asked for Trump's endorsement and got it. The Donald donated money to Romney's campaign. How does Mitt repay him? By calling him a phony and a fraud. Wow.

So why, Avatar, are you equating Trump and his supporters to the Nazis? I voted for Donald Trump. Does that make me a Nazi? I'm dumbfounded as to how Hitler or Nazis become the default moniker for someone you hate. I'm curious as to how or why Nazis enter your mind when you see someone like Trump or his supporters raising their right hand.

There are good people out there, there are people I know in my own life that voted for him. And it's quite offensive when you make these asinine remarks about people who support Trump. My Grandmother would have voted for Trump, and there isn't one malicious bone in her body. Do you realize what happens when you start applying labels to people? You start labeling good and well intentioned people, people who live out their lives doing no harm to others. People like me, my family, and friends.

I'm shakin' my head here man. I expected more from you.
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None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

If someone has to swear an oath on anything, even say to give evidence in a courtroom, they raise their right arm and/or hand, it's never the left.

The MSM, seemingly across half the Western world, have decided that Donald Trump is the new Hitler, where this leaves Vladimir Putin I'm not sure, because the same MSM had already declared him the new Hitler.

It's all completely hysterical, bordering on almost lunacy now....what has Trump said, that he'll build a wall and not allow Muslims to be brought en masse into America from the Middle East, and this apparently makes him The New Hitler.
lucy, no one raises their right ARM for a pledge or oath in America, they raise their right HAND, elbow bent...

That's exactly what they did in the above video!
Godwin's law is in full effect, now.

Every politician should be compared and contrasted with Hitler, unless you want history to repeat itself.

Even Obama? Clinton? Sanders?

ESPECIALLY Bernie and Hitllary.

Think about this, Hitler was the picture perfect Progressive. He was an adamant environmentalist, creating the first state protected reserves in Europe, he loved animals to the point that he was a vegetarian and passed some of the more extensive protection laws to protect animals, was an ardent socialist, creating a huge nanny state that included free medical, education, etc. Hitler even implemented the left winged economic guru socialist Maynard Keynes theories. In fact, under FDR, Keynes said that Hitler proved his economic policies before he had a chance to publish them. Before the war, Keynes praised Hitler and even stated that his left winged economic theories, which are still followed today, are best implemented in a totalitarian regime verses a free market. Hitler ran up so much debt so fast that he forbade the German government from passing a budget, so as not to alert the German people. It is said that Germany had to attack Poland in 1939, or face economic collapse due to its massive debt.

Hitler also had the most Progressive tax rate in the world, as he heavily taxed the top 4%. Jews were simply stripped of all their worldly possessions and sent off to concentration camps to die. All the money generated went to two different programs, the military and nanny state. For you see, Hitler was afraid of an uprising during war time, similar to what happened to them the last war at the turn of the century, so he essentially bought off a war weary populace drowning in genocide. Shrug, it works.

Now compare the US today that has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler only dreamed about. Like Germany, the US is in a perpetual state of war around the globe. And lastly, abortion has killed well over 50 million human beings as where the Nazi regime only killed around 6 million Jews.

Now I'm sure many left wingers are offended at all this, because as everyone knows, their poo does not stink as bad as Nazi poo. However, I've smelled it obmectively and it most certainly does! The crux is, both Hitler and the Progressive party he spawned in the US is based upon collectivism. Centralized government is the answer to pretty much everything, especially building world conquering armies. You might even say, it's the only way to accomplish this task.
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While I dislike Trump as much as the next guy, and while I believe a Trump Presidency would be just as disastrous for this country as a Hillary Presidency, I believe that Slate is so biased and so influenced by its liberal leanings that it is seeing things that just aren't there.

I respect you and your smarts, Av, so I find it especially disconcerting that you would buy into Slate's smears and help to perpetuate them.

I thought this thread was going to be about the pledge that every GOP candidate has made to support "whoever wins the nomination". For people who claim to be for country over party........especially Ted.....that sure does seem disingenuous.
I thought this thread was going to be about the pledge that every GOP candidate has made to support "whoever wins the nomination". For people who claim to be for country over party........especially Ted.....that sure does seem disingenuous.

Does Ted hate capitalism and Jewish bankers the way Hitler and the left hates them?

I thought this thread was going to be about the pledge that every GOP candidate has made to support "whoever wins the nomination". For people who claim to be for country over party........especially Ted.....that sure does seem disingenuous.

Does Ted hate capitalism and Jewish bankers the way Hitler and the left hates them?

I'm trying to remember the really stupid shit you posted a day or two ago. What was it? You do it so often I can't keep track of them.

Help me out.

Forget it. I just remembered. You posted a total lie about getting a robo call.


Did u ever reply to my comment about that?
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None of those people are doing a Zieg Heil, they're just raising the right arm and/or hand.

Your picture there looks nothing like what the Washington Post picture looks like, the position of that arm and those peoples' arms is completely different.

It's not the exact gesture, but the parallels are there.

If someone has to swear an oath on anything, even say to give evidence in a courtroom, they raise their right arm and/or hand, it's never the left.

The MSM, seemingly across half the Western world, have decided that Donald Trump is the new Hitler, where this leaves Vladimir Putin I'm not sure, because the same MSM had already declared him the new Hitler.

It's all completely hysterical, bordering on almost lunacy now....what has Trump said, that he'll build a wall and not allow Muslims to be brought en masse into America from the Middle East, and this apparently makes him The New Hitler.
No, you raise your right hand in an elbow bent, verical position.


Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do not take an oath, whether in court or for office, with the arm outstretched at about a 45% angle.

And I would never take an oath of loyalty to any politician. The oath I took many decades ago when I entered the service is the only political fealty that I have ever taken or will take. The fact that Trump asked for that, and the manner in which the crowd responded to that request should send chills up the spine of anyone that know history.

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