loyalty pledge

Have you guys seen the pictures of trump and his supporters doing loyalty pledges. They extend their right arm out and pledge to support Donald in the election... Seriously, he has to be messing with his supporters right now. "can I get these guys to give me a nazi salute?"

If I wasn't on my phone is post them

Trump is on an ego trip of unprecedented dimensions.
Yeah, raised arms are creepy.

Pledge of loyalty. Outstretched right arm. Screaming crowds cheering a message of hate. Anybody that cannot see the parallels is blind.
Oh look......another trying to push this..............are you wearing your rubber ducky when you say that............heard you live on the coast and they are all under water..............

Alex-period doesn't get that the point here is about the mob, not the guy on stage.... :rofl:
Except when the mob is comprised of leaders who are doing what is complained about in the OP. :slap:

:lol: You can't make a mob mentality out of a single person, Alex-with-a-period.
A mob is made up of "single person(s)"

No, a mob is a collective, Alex-complete-sentence-with-no-verb. A collective is made of individuals without individuality. Take one of those individuals aside, and you no longer have a mob. You have a pliant sycophant waiting to be told what to do --- preferably in the company of other pliants like him to validate his pliancy.
Term of art . Your point is a non point.

But your handle definitely isn't
Donald seems to like to make his supporters look like idiots.
First Trump says, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
Then he gets them to do "stupid people tricks" by pledging loyalty via Nazi Germany style.
All I can say to Trump supporters is, always have a parachute handy, so when Trump tells you to jump off a cliff, you'll enhance your chance of survival. :thup:
Donald seems to like to make his supporters look like idiots.
First Trump says, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
Then he gets them to do "stupid people tricks" by pledging loyalty via Nazi Germany style.
All I can say to Trump supporters is, always have a parachute handy, so when Trump tells you to jump off a cliff, you'll enhance your chance of survival. :thup:
and the rubes eat it up
This thread is about the parallels between what the Trump rallies look like at present, and what the early Nazi rallies looked like. You and others have tried to derail it with really stupid photos. But go ahead and nominate this bastard, and we will see George Will and David Brooks, as well as many other Republicans voting for Hillary. The Trump show is approaching a reality we thought was over in 1945.
This thread is about the parallels between what the Trump rallies look like at present, and what the early Nazi rallies looked like. You and others have tried to derail it with really stupid photos. But go ahead and nominate this bastard, and we will see George Will and David Brooks, as well as many other Republicans voting for Hillary. The Trump show is approaching a reality we thought was over in 1945.
Here's a really creepy pledge:

So you people are now embracing things you once vilified.

Classic conservatism.

Again they try to divert the thread.......LOL.......pulling out all stops to sell this one.


WHAT??? Deflection in THIS thread?!? :disbelief: Say it ain't so!

You mean like this....?

Or like this...?

Or is it more like this...?

Oh look.................Bernie is a NAZI TOO.............NAZI'S EVERYWHERE.


--- or this?

Alex-period doesn't get that the point here is about the mob, not the guy on stage.... :rofl:
Oh look a NAZI LOVER...................How dare Obama raise his right hand...........NAZI.

Somebody bring Israel up in this thread and bring them back to their senses..................They will immediately reverse course and deny the Jews were ever persecuted......and demand a new Palestinian State........................

Quick damage control....................


Or perhaps this?

Raise your right hand and repeat after me.........

Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god......................

Naw.........never seen anybody do that...................geesh.

eagle, i'm worried about you....

raising a right hand and saying an oath IS NOT even close to the same gesture as raising the right arm in those pictures.... WHY did they all raise their right arms in the heil hitler position? Were they TOLD to raise their right hand to pledge OR were they TOLD to raise their right arms to pledge their commitment to him, like the heil hitler gesture, which it appears to be the latter?

Trump is really playing with the followers to see how far they will go in their support....or he is the most arrogant man on earth...

this is not a joke and is NOT funny...be careful...
The only thing you need to worry about is if you actually think it's real...............OMG................the only lunatics are the ones who are trying to sell this crap.
oh, ok....you say it's photo shopped?
No.....I'm calling all of you IDIOT'S...................


Oh wait -- I got it, it's this?

Oh No...........the Nazi's have captured a fat man...........They have already taken part of his clothes.......

The HORROR.......


No, maybe more like this...?

Alex-period doesn't get that the point here is about the mob, not the guy on stage.... :rofl:
Except when the mob is comprised of leaders who are doing what is complained about in the OP. :slap:

:lol: You can't make a mob mentality out of a single person, Alex-with-a-period.
A mob is made up of "single person(s)"

No, a mob is a collective, Alex-complete-sentence-with-no-verb. A collective is made of individuals without individuality. Take one of those individuals aside, and you no longer have a mob. You have a pliant sycophant waiting to be told what to do --- preferably in the company of other pliants like him to validate his pliancy.
OMG the spelling and grammar police have pulled Alex over..................

Pledge of loyalty. Outstretched right arm. Screaming crowds cheering a message of hate. Anybody that cannot see the parallels is blind.
Oh look......another trying to push this..............are you wearing your rubber ducky when you say that............heard you live on the coast and they are all under water..............


Or is it....

I just played Metallica backwards..........why..........because the people raised their right hand at a concert.....

My GOD........it says..........vote for Hillary.......vote for hillary............backwards..............be afraid.......be very afraid.......

posted from a lap top hiding under bed. :ack-1:

So many deflections..................... somebody feeling a teensy-weensy bit nervous?
Here's a really creepy pledge:

So you people are now embracing things you once vilified.

Classic conservatism.

Again they try to divert the thread.......LOL.......pulling out all stops to sell this one.


WHAT??? Deflection in THIS thread?!? :disbelief: Say it ain't so!

You mean like this....?

Or like this...?

Or is it more like this...?

Oh look.................Bernie is a NAZI TOO.............NAZI'S EVERYWHERE.


--- or this?

Alex-period doesn't get that the point here is about the mob, not the guy on stage.... :rofl:
Oh look a NAZI LOVER...................How dare Obama raise his right hand...........NAZI.

Somebody bring Israel up in this thread and bring them back to their senses..................They will immediately reverse course and deny the Jews were ever persecuted......and demand a new Palestinian State........................

Quick damage control....................


Or perhaps this?

Raise your right hand and repeat after me.........

Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god......................

Naw.........never seen anybody do that...................geesh.

eagle, i'm worried about you....

raising a right hand and saying an oath IS NOT even close to the same gesture as raising the right arm in those pictures.... WHY did they all raise their right arms in the heil hitler position? Were they TOLD to raise their right hand to pledge OR were they TOLD to raise their right arms to pledge their commitment to him, like the heil hitler gesture, which it appears to be the latter?

Trump is really playing with the followers to see how far they will go in their support....or he is the most arrogant man on earth...

this is not a joke and is NOT funny...be careful...
The only thing you need to worry about is if you actually think it's real...............OMG................the only lunatics are the ones who are trying to sell this crap.
oh, ok....you say it's photo shopped?
No.....I'm calling all of you IDIOT'S...................


Oh wait -- I got it, it's this?

Oh No...........the Nazi's have captured a fat man...........They have already taken part of his clothes.......

The HORROR.......


No, maybe more like this...?

Except when the mob is comprised of leaders who are doing what is complained about in the OP. :slap:

:lol: You can't make a mob mentality out of a single person, Alex-with-a-period.
A mob is made up of "single person(s)"

No, a mob is a collective, Alex-complete-sentence-with-no-verb. A collective is made of individuals without individuality. Take one of those individuals aside, and you no longer have a mob. You have a pliant sycophant waiting to be told what to do --- preferably in the company of other pliants like him to validate his pliancy.
OMG the spelling and grammar police have pulled Alex over..................

Pledge of loyalty. Outstretched right arm. Screaming crowds cheering a message of hate. Anybody that cannot see the parallels is blind.
Oh look......another trying to push this..............are you wearing your rubber ducky when you say that............heard you live on the coast and they are all under water..............


Or is it....

I just played Metallica backwards..........why..........because the people raised their right hand at a concert.....

My GOD........it says..........vote for Hillary.......vote for hillary............backwards..............be afraid.......be very afraid.......

posted from a lap top hiding under bed. :ack-1:

So many deflections..................... somebody feeling a teensy-weensy bit nervous?


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