Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?

What sort of insanity thinks putin...a communist, is loved by conservatives.....democrats love dictators, not conservatives....
Don't delve into things you can't understand. Stick to losing jobs and being failure. The Czechs were always to majority in Czechoslovakia, and Chamberlain did indeed say "peace for our time".

The Sudeten Germans wanted to be part of Germany. The Slovaks wanted no part of the Czechs. Seriously, guy, no one was going to war for the Czechs... they just weren't worth it.

Today there is no country which can check Russian power but the US. Putin is well aware that Obama is a rank amateur on the world stage. He has trumped him all too often.

Let's have a reality check here, EuroTroll. Russia has a GDP of 2.6 trillion. It's economy is smaller than the US, China, Japan, India and Germany.

if it wants to rampage around in the former USSR countries, that's really not my problem.
Obama's policies have failed to stop Putin. Why is this hard for you to admit?

Putin's economy is a wreck. He has been stopped.
So when does the Crimean withdrawal start? I've asked this many times and you can only deflect. If Obama's policies were successful we would be seeing Putin back off. Instead he's just gearing up for the next conflict.
Crimea was only part of the goal. Without the anticipated land bridge across southern Ukraine reaching to Crimea and further east across Odessa and Trans Dniester and the borders of Moldova and Romania, the Crimea by itself is just a liability to Russia. Putin seriously underestimated Ukraine's strength and being blocked from advance The block and halt to advancement on the battlefield being halted at Maripul. The shoot down of M-17 neutralized the ability of separatist to counter Ukraine air assets for future use against Russian imported armor flowing to the separatist. Without anti aircraft protection the separatist are toast, no matter how many Russian "volunteers" and soldiers on "vacation" show up.
Camp, you have neither the intellect nor knowledge to presume to lecture me on things I am well aware of.

The seizure of the Crimea by Russia was an unmitigated success for Putin. The West has lost its edge on the global stage due to nothing more than weak American leadership. The world has taken note.
Sure I do. If I get back to Praha we can meet at my favorite restaurant and watering hole in Andel
That doesn't surprise me. Prague was a dump of expat left wing radicals until their trust funds ran out and had to go back to the States.
I don't know about all that. I was there in 2007, 2009 and 2011 combining business with a search for the best beer the country had to offer. The Star Brewery is in Andel, as are some nice hotels with excellent prices. There is even a little hostel for when you are traveling cheap and with a group of friends. All just a short walk to the metro. Great street bizaar near the Brewery.
No one calls it "Star". It's called Staropramen, Prague's premium brewery and now part of a Belgium conglomerate.
Ya, 'cause if you call it Star nobody will know what you are talking about. Just like here when you mention Bud, nobody knows what you are talking about. But, wait a minute, you knew exactly what I was talking about. Crazy huh
Let's have a reality check here, EuroTroll. Russia has a GDP of 2.6 trillion. It's economy is smaller than the US, China, Japan, India and Germany.

if it wants to rampage around in the former USSR countries, that's really not my problem.
The Crimeans wanted to be part of Russia. As to what "it" is your second paragraph is unknown and irrelevant.
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?

What sort of insanity thinks putin...a communist, is loved by conservatives.....democrats love dictators, not conservatives....
Sure got a lot of air time from your boy Rush, and Fox News

Putin is a GOD to conservatives
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?

What sort of insanity thinks putin...a communist, is loved by conservatives.....democrats love dictators, not conservatives....
Sure got a lot of air time from your boy Rush, and Fox News

Putin is a GOD to conservatives

why are you lying....I are a liberal so lying is just part of your DNA...but smearing Rush as someone who likes, Putin......he gets airtime as a communist thug who is our enemy and who is completely making a fool of obama...try...try to stop is bad for your karma....
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades

Yep --- and 13,000 Ukranians died, a commercial airplane was shot down, and a whole section of the country was lost.

Now, THAT is a win-win, if I ever heard of one!
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades

Yep --- and 13,000 Ukranians died, a commercial airplane was shot down, and a whole section of the country was lost.

Now, THAT is a win-win, if I ever heard of one!
And Russia is paying a price for its role
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades

Yep --- and 13,000 Ukranians died, a commercial airplane was shot down, and a whole section of the country was lost.

Now, THAT is a win-win, if I ever heard of one!
And Russia is paying a price for its role

Tell that to the dead 13,000 Ukranians .... or the pilots of that plane. I'm sure they care ....
Liar....when the hosts of the 5 say it they are joking...when democrat politicians praise the Chinese communists....they mean it...or fidel....or chavez.....

Of course they are being sarcastic...and you didn't mention that Kimberely also said she would like Netanyahu as well.....and that they wanted their immigration policies......

Conservative admiration for the leadership and values of Putin are well documented........we were just joking does not cut it

Perhaps you can show us some of this documentation?????
Watch Fox news channels The Five....Greg Gutfeld is pretty funny...bob the democrat less so.....
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