LtCol Vindman's Opening Statement

blocking subpoenas, refusing to turn over docs, & claiming exec privilege to stop people from testifying is no way to prove one's innocence, son. if donny were innocent - he'd be begging to be under the microscope.


Well, except there was evidence of "collusion".

Summary of Major Findings

The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II):

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Sigh...

So you understand your meme is a lie. Why intentionally post a lie?

It was humor. I also don't really believe Mueller did this because Trump won. Why are you so easily triggered?

Pointing out fallacy hardly constitutes “triggered”.

Well, except there was evidence of "collusion".

Summary of Major Findings

The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II):

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Sigh...

So you understand your meme is a lie. Why intentionally post a lie?

It was humor. I also don't really believe Mueller did this because Trump won. Why are you so easily triggered?

Pointing out fallacy hardly constitutes “triggered”.
It was satire. You need to chill, Ma’am.
Well, except there was evidence of "collusion".

Summary of Major Findings

The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II):

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Sigh...

So you understand your meme is a lie. Why intentionally post a lie?

It was humor. I also don't really believe Mueller did this because Trump won. Why are you so easily triggered?

Pointing out fallacy hardly constitutes “triggered”.
It was satire. You need to chill, Ma’am.

No, it was a false narrative spread by liars. Don’t volunteer to be counted among them.
Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Sigh...

So you understand your meme is a lie. Why intentionally post a lie?

It was humor. I also don't really believe Mueller did this because Trump won. Why are you so easily triggered?

Pointing out fallacy hardly constitutes “triggered”.
It was satire. You need to chill, Ma’am.

No, it was a false narrative spread by liars. Don’t volunteer to be counted among them.
OMG you have gone insane. Par for the course for Leftists. Satire may be false. Like the Medal of Honor (Pawner) for the K9 Meme. So now you want to regulate humor? Weak.
i am very chill. nancy pelosi is making it happen. yer boy is spinning outa control & getting worse by the day. just wait until the show begins - i hope you get a chance to watch the hearings live - in depth - with out pundits telling you what & how to think.

although me thinx you are dwelling deep in that deplorable basket, i doubt anything will change your mind.

My mind is irrelevant. The country would go into upheaval and the next President will be under a microscope. I don't want a country to be like that. Hell Bush lied about WMDs and cost us billions of $$ and 1000s of lives and no one blinks an eye. This is TDS lunacy. Just vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences. I am not trying to change your opinion. I am only stating mine. Nancy Pelosi is super corrupt. IDC what she says.

ha! where you been? the country is already upheaved. elections have consequences & so does the dereliction of duty. i am no fan of nancy pelosi & lost all respect for her the day she said impeachment was 'off the table' when it came to W. but she has regained some of it back by going after donny. huh - imagine how much resolve she must have in her heart to find out the truth about tinkles criminality when she didn't think W. was impeachable .

Nancy is a proven liar. I believe elections should decide the way the country goes not TDS laden persons like yourself and Adam Schiff. When people cried about BHO, I told them to vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences.

yep. he can shoot someone on 5th ave & you would still defend him.
Only if it were someone from ISIS. He could cure cancer and you would still vilify him.

wrong. i told you - i can separate the dude from the act. i vilify him because of the DECADES of knowing his character. or should i say lack of it. apparently it is you who cannot do that or you would never have voted for him in the 1st place.
My mind is irrelevant. The country would go into upheaval and the next President will be under a microscope. I don't want a country to be like that. Hell Bush lied about WMDs and cost us billions of $$ and 1000s of lives and no one blinks an eye. This is TDS lunacy. Just vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences. I am not trying to change your opinion. I am only stating mine. Nancy Pelosi is super corrupt. IDC what she says.

ha! where you been? the country is already upheaved. elections have consequences & so does the dereliction of duty. i am no fan of nancy pelosi & lost all respect for her the day she said impeachment was 'off the table' when it came to W. but she has regained some of it back by going after donny. huh - imagine how much resolve she must have in her heart to find out the truth about tinkles criminality when she didn't think W. was impeachable .

Nancy is a proven liar. I believe elections should decide the way the country goes not TDS laden persons like yourself and Adam Schiff. When people cried about BHO, I told them to vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences.

yep. he can shoot someone on 5th ave & you would still defend him.
Only if it were someone from ISIS. He could cure cancer and you would still vilify him.

wrong. i told you - i can separate the dude from the act. i vilify him because of the DECADES of knowing his character. or should i say lack of it. apparently it is you who cannot do that or you would never have voted for him in the 1st place.
I will vote for him again in 2020 unless there is a better option. That is my right as an American citizen and tax payer.
I read the transcript of the call. Nothing there to be concerned about.

So why the hell should I care about this guys feelings about it?
That was NOT a transcript. It was a memo of what the Trump people thought they could release to make themselves look less bad...and it was damning.

The actual transcript is STILL locked away
And that wasn't the only call.
& mueller never said that there wasn't any conspiracy. he said there was 'insufficient evidence' to conclude there was due to the destruction of docs & evidence & people taking the fifth. congress is now gonna find out all the goodies hidden to them plus the names of those who didn't want to incriminate themselves. i'm willing to be one of 'em is traitor tot.

An investigator and prosecutor always state this. That is all they can do. Is there enough evidence or not. They never exonerate. Only a judge and or jury may exonerate.

due to a stupid policy - not a rule - DOJ policy follows the concept that a sitting prez can't be prosecuted in a court of law - that is why mueller punted. congeress has been trying to get the unredacted grand jury docs from the start & barr refused to have it released.

why pray tell would he want to snuff it 'eh?

oh well - now a judge has ordered it to be completely unredacted & turned over to congress. no doubt that will be repealed & probably will go to the SC. hmmmm the donny the innocent would not have had any of that held back if it was gonna exonerate himself.

Why are you so triggered? Let the voters decide in 2020? It is a year away.

i find it amusing that when you are hit with undisputed facts - it's because those giving them are triggered... first of all, would you say that to any other criminal guilty of the same kinda crimes? take embezzlement for example... would you just fire a worker you suspected of that & not bother trying to find out o they can be held responsible?


Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
An investigator and prosecutor always state this. That is all they can do. Is there enough evidence or not. They never exonerate. Only a judge and or jury may exonerate.

due to a stupid policy - not a rule - DOJ policy follows the concept that a sitting prez can't be prosecuted in a court of law - that is why mueller punted. congeress has been trying to get the unredacted grand jury docs from the start & barr refused to have it released.

why pray tell would he want to snuff it 'eh?

oh well - now a judge has ordered it to be completely unredacted & turned over to congress. no doubt that will be repealed & probably will go to the SC. hmmmm the donny the innocent would not have had any of that held back if it was gonna exonerate himself.

Why are you so triggered? Let the voters decide in 2020? It is a year away.

i find it amusing that when you are hit with undisputed facts - it's because those giving them are triggered... first of all, would you say that to any other criminal guilty of the same kinda crimes? take embezzlement for example... would you just fire a worker you suspected of that & not bother trying to find out o they can be held responsible?


Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.
due to a stupid policy - not a rule - DOJ policy follows the concept that a sitting prez can't be prosecuted in a court of law - that is why mueller punted. congeress has been trying to get the unredacted grand jury docs from the start & barr refused to have it released.

why pray tell would he want to snuff it 'eh?

oh well - now a judge has ordered it to be completely unredacted & turned over to congress. no doubt that will be repealed & probably will go to the SC. hmmmm the donny the innocent would not have had any of that held back if it was gonna exonerate himself.

Why are you so triggered? Let the voters decide in 2020? It is a year away.

i find it amusing that when you are hit with undisputed facts - it's because those giving them are triggered... first of all, would you say that to any other criminal guilty of the same kinda crimes? take embezzlement for example... would you just fire a worker you suspected of that & not bother trying to find out o they can be held responsible?


Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.
Why are you so triggered? Let the voters decide in 2020? It is a year away.

i find it amusing that when you are hit with undisputed facts - it's because those giving them are triggered... first of all, would you say that to any other criminal guilty of the same kinda crimes? take embezzlement for example... would you just fire a worker you suspected of that & not bother trying to find out o they can be held responsible?


Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.
i find it amusing that when you are hit with undisputed facts - it's because those giving them are triggered... first of all, would you say that to any other criminal guilty of the same kinda crimes? take embezzlement for example... would you just fire a worker you suspected of that & not bother trying to find out o they can be held responsible?


Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)
Private enterprise is different. 62mil plus voted for the man. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and the preeminent constitution expert and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus says there is not enough to impeach. Let the voters decide in 2020. I have stated this to you 100x. Obviously this is not cut and dry as many dispute the facts so the the voters decided. If as you say he is guilty the voters will vote him out. Seems simple. Chill.

Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)

IMO if he came out against DJT and stated he should be impeached, he would sell more books. He is already rich. He doesn't care about money. And he is already famous. IMO he is doing this because he believes it is the right thing to do. Kevin Bacon. LOL
ha! where you been? the country is already upheaved. elections have consequences & so does the dereliction of duty. i am no fan of nancy pelosi & lost all respect for her the day she said impeachment was 'off the table' when it came to W. but she has regained some of it back by going after donny. huh - imagine how much resolve she must have in her heart to find out the truth about tinkles criminality when she didn't think W. was impeachable .

Nancy is a proven liar. I believe elections should decide the way the country goes not TDS laden persons like yourself and Adam Schiff. When people cried about BHO, I told them to vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences.

yep. he can shoot someone on 5th ave & you would still defend him.
Only if it were someone from ISIS. He could cure cancer and you would still vilify him.

wrong. i told you - i can separate the dude from the act. i vilify him because of the DECADES of knowing his character. or should i say lack of it. apparently it is you who cannot do that or you would never have voted for him in the 1st place.
I will vote for him again in 2020 unless there is a better option. That is my right as an American citizen and tax payer.

no doubt you will. rock on with yer bad self.

<psssst> paying taxes has zero to do with one's american right to vote.
Nancy is a proven liar. I believe elections should decide the way the country goes not TDS laden persons like yourself and Adam Schiff. When people cried about BHO, I told them to vote him out or live with it. Elections have consequences.

yep. he can shoot someone on 5th ave & you would still defend him.
Only if it were someone from ISIS. He could cure cancer and you would still vilify him.

wrong. i told you - i can separate the dude from the act. i vilify him because of the DECADES of knowing his character. or should i say lack of it. apparently it is you who cannot do that or you would never have voted for him in the 1st place.
I will vote for him again in 2020 unless there is a better option. That is my right as an American citizen and tax payer.

no doubt you will. rock on with yer bad self.

<psssst> paying taxes has zero to do with one's american right to vote.
Oh yeah I just said it for emphasis
Alan Dershowitz is NOT a democrat. He's an opportunist and will kiss the ass of anyone who gives him what he wants.

What does he want, you ask...........he wants to be heard and considered some legal genius. This is what happens to has-beens who grow old and feeble minded. They will do and say anything to stay relevant.

The world will be better off without Alan Dershowitz. He has only given fuel to a fire that will suffocate us all.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)

IMO if he came out against DJT and stated he should be impeached, he would sell more books. He is already rich. He doesn't care about money. And he is already famous. IMO he is doing this because he believes it is the right thing to do. Kevin Bacon. LOL much money is enough. (shrug)

I disagree. My impression is that trump supporters are far more dedicated to rallying for trump in the form of spending on novelty crap than the never trumpers. I mean.......they bought straws when they could have easily gone into McDonalds and snagged some for free.
Wow that’s harsh.

Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)

IMO if he came out against DJT and stated he should be impeached, he would sell more books. He is already rich. He doesn't care about money. And he is already famous. IMO he is doing this because he believes it is the right thing to do. Kevin Bacon. LOL much money is enough. (shrug)

I disagree. My impression is that trump supporters are far more dedicated to rallying for trump in the form of spending on novelty crap than the never trumpers. I mean.......they bought straws when they could have easily gone into McDonalds and snagged some for free.
You’re broad brushing again Ms. Everdeen. 99% of a Trump supporters are those who sit quietly and don’t say a word or go to rallies. They just vote.
Maybe but that's how I feel about anyone who would fuel the fire of hate for personal gain.

There's a reason why Dershowitz has an open invitation to Fox News and no other network.

I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)

IMO if he came out against DJT and stated he should be impeached, he would sell more books. He is already rich. He doesn't care about money. And he is already famous. IMO he is doing this because he believes it is the right thing to do. Kevin Bacon. LOL much money is enough. (shrug)

I disagree. My impression is that trump supporters are far more dedicated to rallying for trump in the form of spending on novelty crap than the never trumpers. I mean.......they bought straws when they could have easily gone into McDonalds and snagged some for free.
You’re broad brushing again Ms. Everdeen. 99% of a Trump supporters are those who sit quietly and don’t say a word or go to rallies. They just vote.

Yeah - they sit quietly but while clicking "buy" on-line and voilà......24 hours later some young kid driving for Amazon drops off a package of straws. (cheeky grin).
I do not see how it is personal gain but you're entitled to your opinion.

Personal gain can be weighed in a variety of ways. One way is to be on television and called an expert. That could lead to expanding one's followers or fan base. Which could lead to an increase in book sales. Which could lead to more demand for personal appearances. Which can lead to more money. Which leads us back to being an opportunist for personal gain.

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion but it's a well thought out opinion.

Now, if I can only find a way to tie it back to Kevin Bacon. (grin)

IMO if he came out against DJT and stated he should be impeached, he would sell more books. He is already rich. He doesn't care about money. And he is already famous. IMO he is doing this because he believes it is the right thing to do. Kevin Bacon. LOL much money is enough. (shrug)

I disagree. My impression is that trump supporters are far more dedicated to rallying for trump in the form of spending on novelty crap than the never trumpers. I mean.......they bought straws when they could have easily gone into McDonalds and snagged some for free.
You’re broad brushing again Ms. Everdeen. 99% of a Trump supporters are those who sit quietly and don’t say a word or go to rallies. They just vote.

Yeah - they sit quietly but while clicking "buy" on-line and voilà......24 hours later some young kid driving for Amazon drops off a package of straws. (cheeky grin).
That is the world today.

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