Lucy Flores: “She’s perfect: Young, dynamic, Hispanic.” At 16 she got an abortion.

So you're playing the race card both seriously and not seriously?

I don't get it. Which is it? Are they "racist" terms (in which you're playing the race card) or are you just wasting our time with a tu quoque fallacy?

It isn't a tu quoque fallacy if I can prove it. Besides, why do Liberals think the term "Redskins" is racist? What of a liberal calling a bunch of protesters racists? I rarely if ever play the race card. I figured if I could link anything to race, I could win any arguments I wished, coerce anyone I wanted. Use it as the trump card. Turns out that isn't the case:

No, it's still a tu quoque fallacy, because you're using someone else's use of the race card as justification for yours.

You just destroyed the entire liberal argument on race without even realizing it. Liberals accuse others of being racist, while being racist. That is the logic I was employing.

Here's how it works: If someone plays the race card so many times, it won't matter if people use it against them. They will have won so many people over to their cause that they will be defended from any accusations of racism by their own actions.

That is how liberals react via race. If you don't agree with a black person, you are automatically racist. But if you are a black person who disagrees with the establishment, you are an Uncle Tom. Same works for people of Hispanic origin. Same goes for women and misogyny, and teams named Redskins.
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It isn't a tu quoque fallacy if I can prove it. Besides, why do Liberals think the term "Redskins" is racist? What of a liberal calling a bunch of protesters racists? I rarely if ever play the race card. I figured if I could link anything to race, I could win any arguments I wished, coerce anyone I wanted. Use it as the trump card. Turns out that isn't the case:

No, it's still a tu quoque fallacy, because you're using someone else's use of the race card as justification for yours.

You just destroyed the entire liberal argument on race without even realizing it. Liberals accuse others of being racist, while being racist. That is the logic I was employing.

Why were you employing that "logic", if you clearly don't agree with it?

Maybe because you're more interested in a "gotcha" than actually making a point?

Here's how it works: If someone plays the race card so many times, it won't matter if people use it against them. They will have won so many people over to their cause that they will be defended from any accusations of racism by their own actions.

That is how liberals react via race. If you don't agree with a black person, you are automatically racist. But if you are a black person who disagrees with the establishment, you are an Uncle Tom. Same works for people of Hispanic origin. Same goes for women and misogyny, and teams named Redskins.

So, to show how "liberals react via race", you're doing the exact same damn thing you accuse liberals of doing - and that doesn't bother you?

That's the definition of the tu quoque fallacy.
I am torn here. I am happy for her in that she has done something with her life after growing up in a greasy, drug-filled neighborhood. However, she is only an "ASS", or "affirmative action success". That is something I do not dig.

You do have to question her character given her past. But, sometimes people can change, at least from their direction when younger. She would obviously be a poster girl for the sickening Democratic social politics. I can hear all of the pseudo documentaries about her now. It makes me want to vomit.

Then again, she is kind of cute. I would definitely "immigrate" into her, if you know what I mean. Obviously, I would never vote for a Democrat. That would just be tacky. I am pretty sure that this chick's politics are as disgusting as DNC politics.

But, then again, she is not SO attractive that I would get a hard-on watching her on the news. But, I would like to watch her on the news and use my imagination about things.

I do not know what to make of this chick. If I had to wager, then I would put my money on this leaf blower just being another flash in the pan thing that will have her 15 minutes then fade away, like Wendy Davis.

Besides...fuck it...I do not care anymore. I am making contingency plans for an evacuation. I am think New Zealand is the place for me. It is about $2K one way plane fare per person. I am pretty sure I can get my family, pets, and necessary belongings there for under $10K. I already work in the financial sector, so getting work over there should be doable. The fishing is supposed to be spectacular. You can catch brown trout in the mountains in the morning drifting dry flies, then drive down to the sea, get on a boat, and fish for Blue Fin tuna in the afternoon. It sounds like my kind of paradise.

Face it folks, we are turning into a lawless country of brown people. Once Mexico and Central America ransacks our wealth, then we are going to be like Central America itself. American exceptionalism will be dead and forgotten.


The simple truth is that while diversity has its merits, you cannot have a truly civilized society without having a foundation of Caucasians of Western European descent. We bring character, rule of law, discipline and hold certain matters, like education, in high regard. None of the true shit holes in the world have such a foundation. The most prosperous and free nations do.

Now, I am not going to get into the whole racial thing here. There are other races that do quite well. The Chinese, for example, possess the same positive qualities necessary for a workable social structure.

However, once you get past Western Europeans and the Chinese, you go downhill fast. Brown people cannot create and maintain a prosperous, peaceful, and workable social, economic and political system. Black folks? Need I ask?

This is not to say that these are not great people with extraordinary talents and skills. They are just not successful living together. They kill and rob each other relentlessly.

It is about time we drop this PC bullshit and have an honest discussion about race without having to fear repercussions from the speech police. Personally, I find it offensive to have the media throwing that Flores woman's race up in my face, like a third rate stripper throwing her titties in your face. Fuck it, man, I do not give a shit what race she is. I care about her politics, and that's it.

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No, it's still a tu quoque fallacy, because you're using someone else's use of the race card as justification for yours.

You just destroyed the entire liberal argument on race without even realizing it. Liberals accuse others of being racist, while being racist. That is the logic I was employing.

Why were you employing that "logic", if you clearly don't agree with it?

Maybe because you're more interested in a "gotcha" than actually making a point?

Here's how it works: If someone plays the race card so many times, it won't matter if people use it against them. They will have won so many people over to their cause that they will be defended from any accusations of racism by their own actions.

That is how liberals react via race. If you don't agree with a black person, you are automatically racist. But if you are a black person who disagrees with the establishment, you are an Uncle Tom. Same works for people of Hispanic origin. Same goes for women and misogyny, and teams named Redskins.
So, to show how "liberals react via race", you're doing the exact same damn thing you accuse liberals of doing - and that doesn't bother you?

That's the definition of the tu quoque fallacy.

Oh, it bothers me. All of it does. So why doesn't it bother liberals? Why doesn't it bother anyone who plays the race card with impunity? Instead of touting Obama's strengths, they used the color of his skin to bludgeon people into submission, that within itself was racist, all the meanwhile playing the race card in the process. The Trayvon Martin case is another example. Liberals accused Zimmerman of being racist, even though he was part Hispanic. They ignored his Hispanic side and purely focused on his white side. They said all sorts of racist things about him as a result.

And why do I employ logic that I don't agree with? Simple. To make a point as to why I don't agree with it. To help people understand how flawed it is. To show how out of touch it is with reality.

And yet still, here you are destroying the liberal arguments on race as you speak. Yes, I baited you. And you bit. Hard.
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You just destroyed the entire liberal argument on race without even realizing it. Liberals accuse others of being racist, while being racist. That is the logic I was employing.

Why were you employing that "logic", if you clearly don't agree with it?

Maybe because you're more interested in a "gotcha" than actually making a point?

Here's how it works: If someone plays the race card so many times, it won't matter if people use it against them. They will have won so many people over to their cause that they will be defended from any accusations of racism by their own actions.

That is how liberals react via race. If you don't agree with a black person, you are automatically racist. But if you are a black person who disagrees with the establishment, you are an Uncle Tom. Same works for people of Hispanic origin. Same goes for women and misogyny, and teams named Redskins.
So, to show how "liberals react via race", you're doing the exact same damn thing you accuse liberals of doing - and that doesn't bother you?

That's the definition of the tu quoque fallacy.

Oh, it bothers me. All of it does. So why doesn't it bother liberals? Why doesn't it bother anyone who plays the race card with impunity? Instead of touting Obama's strengths, they used the color of his skin to bludgeon people into submission, that within itself was racist, all the meanwhile playing the race card in the process.

Who are you talking to?

And why do I employ logic that I don't agree with? Simple. To make a point as to why I don't agree with it. To help people understand how flawed it is. To show how out of touch it is with reality.

And yet still, here you are destroying the liberal arguments on race as you speak. Yes, I baited you. And you bit. Hard.

It's not my job to defend "liberals" as a whole. You didn't "bait" me into doing shit - you made a fool out of yourself by acting like the same people you constantly complain about.

You caught yourself in your trap, not me - I haven't played the race card, or done any of the things you accuse "liberals" of - you did those things.

And you're still trying to justify it with the schoolyard argument of "they did it first".
This thread is a bunch of hot air indeed. Just the way you describe her is racist and misogynistic. It is also full of fantasy.

Oh, and we are already in the 21st century. We don't need any help from her. No wonder you liberals are out of touch, you're still living in the 20th century.

One other thing, this is what's wrong with politics. Looking for 'stars' instead of leaders.

is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.

thats not racist you moron
Sure, and what if the same thing were said about this woman?






Seriously, no. You liberals are incapable of holding yourselves to the standards you set for others. This whole identity politics thing is getting old.

but you are the one who brought it derailed the thread with palin and Hilary talk.
If this other woman is that bad you should be able to point out why, not bring the past into it.

Amd fatass this is why you are a bloated hack.


But then again, we are talking about women here, aren't we? This thread is about a woman, is it not? And I'll bring up whatever aspect of time I wish, past, present, or future.

So mad you can't spell 'and' correctly. My work here is done.

this thread is about one woman.
Who are you talking to?
I thought I was talking to you.

It's not my job to defend "liberals" as a whole. You didn't "bait" me into doing shit - you made a fool out of yourself by acting like the same people you constantly complain about.

You caught yourself in your trap, not me - I haven't played the race card, or done any of the things you accuse "liberals" of - you did those things.

And you're still trying to justify it with the schoolyard argument of "they did it first".
Sometimes "thy did it first" is quite effective. Your outrage is becoming apparent. Of course I "made a fool of myself by acting like the same people I complain about." That is what they do on a routine basis. Case in point. It proves how they make constant fools of themselves by playing the race card, whilst admonishing others for doing the same thing.

Deny it all you want. You made my argument for me. You didn't have to play the race card to spring my trap, you merely had to respond to the claims I made. I'm sorry I used you that way, Doc. Note how I never accused you of anything. Only liberals. Notice how I didn't call you a liberal. If you aren't a liberal, you have nothing to be afraid of.
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Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.


You think "Latino" and "Latina" are racist terms?

Yes I do. It is akin to referring to black people as Negros. It is a quirk of mine. Besides, I'm employing liberal logic here. I was wondering when someone would catch that.

so you went with full retard for tonight...good to know.
is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.

thats not racist you moron

Then why is "Redskins" racist then? Then why is disagreeing with Obama 'racist'? Why is disagreeing with Hillary 'misogynistic'? Why is a religious objection to certain types of contraceptives denying every form of contraceptive?

Thanks for springing my trap... again.
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so you went with full retard for tonight...good to know.

Yes indeed. Quite frankly, the liberal logic on race is... retarded.

You're the only using that "logic" in this thread, though.

And? Notice how you place quotation marks around logic. That indicates to me you think little of the logic being employed. You should. It should reflect badly on those on the left who employ it on a regular basis.
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I guess according to TK's metric, all the "liberals" in this thread are actually not liberals, but TK is.

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.

thats not racist you moron

Then why is "Redskins" racist then? Then why is disagreeing with Obama 'racist'? Why is disagreeing with Hillary 'misogynistic'? Why is a religious objection to certain types of contraceptives denying every form of contraceptive?

Thanks for springing my trap... again.
its not....Redskin shouldnt be changed.
Disagreeing with obama doesnt make you racist, thats stupid.
again its not.
Its not.

Springing your trap? yes you are a regular doctor Evil, if Dr. Evil was a fucking fat moron.
I support her candidacy whole-heartedly.

I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

"This Lucy chick"? Really? It's sad that the conservatards have gotten to you. You're now regurgitating their propaganda, reducing Myss Flores to the status of a farm animal. She is not an infant chicken, she is a strong, independent womyn.

Liberate yourself from patriarchal terms like "chyck" and "gyrl," systyr.
I support her candidacy whole-heartedly.

Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

"This Lucy chick"? Really? It's sad that the conservatards have gotten to you. You're now regurgitating their propaganda, reducing Myss Flores to the status of a farm animal. She is not an infant chicken, she is a strong, independent womyn.

Liberate yourself from patriarchal terms like "chyck" and "gyrl," systyr.

I'll bet your pals in Alabama are hooting it up over your posts. No real woman (oops, womyn) actually sounds like that. It's a joke. A stupid one, but a joke anyway.
thats not racist you moron

Then why is "Redskins" racist then? Then why is disagreeing with Obama 'racist'? Why is disagreeing with Hillary 'misogynistic'? Why is a religious objection to certain types of contraceptives denying every form of contraceptive?

Thanks for springing my trap... again.
its not....Redskin shouldnt be changed.
Disagreeing with obama doesnt make you racist, thats stupid.
again its not.
Its not.

Springing your trap? yes you are a regular doctor Evil, if Dr. Evil was a fucking fat moron.
So Jimmy Carter is stupid? Jay Rockefeller is stupid? The DNC is stupid? Becaue all of them have said disgareeing with Obama generally stems from racism.

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