Lucy Flores: “She’s perfect: Young, dynamic, Hispanic.” At 16 she got an abortion.

She was also in a gang as a young woman. She was on the road to nowhere and then she pulled herself out of the gutter. My wife knows her pretty well.

So, just a question.

Doesn't she contradict what liberals stand for?

No. She does contradict whatever stereotypes you heard on talk radio when you sit home all day not having a job.

Guess what, guy, unlike you, most liberals have jobs.

Here's the reality. Most liberals work very hard at thankless jobs, usually wondering how the 1%ers are going to think of ways to screw us over today.

Now, for Ms. Flores, she's actually saying aloud what a lot of women have done, but aren't willing to talk about openly. She had an abortion not because she was raped or a health problem, but because having a baby at 16 would have been an economic burden for her.

And given the GOP have decided to wage War on Women II this election, maybe we need someone to discuss it. Maybe some Talk Radio a--hole will call her a vile name.

"Here's the reality. Most liberals work very hard at thankless jobs, usually wondering how the 1%ers are going to think of ways to screw us over today. "

My, you are one bitter individual
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!

Is Lucy Flores the Latina star Democrats have been waiting for? | MSNBC

‘Demographically, she’s perfect’

As a young Latina, a single woman and an urban professional, Flores embodies – perhaps more than any politician in the country – the electoral coalition Democrats are relying on to carry them into the 21st century.

What does it matter that she got an abortion?

The OP made an issue of it.
I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

No, just a killer. It could be said if a decision is a hard one she would take the easy way out. She isn't trustworthy, she killed her own baby.

Fortunately, aborting a fetus does not make one a "killer" in most of the civilized worlds eyes. Abortion has been around since the advent of civilization and has remained the difficult 'choice' of hundreds of millions individuals, past, present and future. Deal with it... move on.

Intentional Abortion is the conscientious decision to end a unique life. I may not make the doctor or the woman a murder under our law, but they are killing something intentionally, and no usage of weasel words or terms can remove that simple fact.
But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

You still haven't learned how this point of view is failed logic, have you?

It has been explained to you often.

By the way.....if you wish to saddle liberals with the accusation that we all exhibit misogynistic behavior toward conservative will be asked to supply proof. Hint. Calling Palin stupid is not misogynistic. Calling her crazy isn't either. Saying that she is a liar.......nope. Rebuking her political sir.

Of course any criticism of Obama or any other member of a politically correct protected class is met with the most caustic of reactions.
You don't get to have it both ways.

"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


You mean we should be represented only by old, rich, white men?

White males make up 34% of the population and 67% of the members of Congress.

And as we've seen in the Hobby Lobby decision, when you have old white men making your decisions for you, you are going to have less choices.
Your racist comment has been forwarded to the mods.
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!

Is Lucy Flores the Latina star Democrats have been waiting for? | MSNBC

‘Demographically, she’s perfect’

As a young Latina, a single woman and an urban professional, Flores embodies – perhaps more than any politician in the country – the electoral coalition Democrats are relying on to carry them into the 21st century.

Vote for me, I understand what it's like to kill my children!!!!!

The rights war on women is brilliantly illustrated above.
I dont care whether she has a vagina or not
I dont care what her skin color is
I dont care what mistakes she made in the past.

I am interested in what she stands for now, and what her qualifications are that suggest she will be able to achieve some of them.

I realize that makes me a knuckle dragging sexist and racist because the only qualifications you need in the Democratic Party are the right skin tone, sexual organs, biography and good intentions.
Perhaps you can come back with a better argument! I know I've beaten you when you start telling me to 'get a job.'

Naw, guy, I tell you to get a job on the hope that some day, you might stop leeching off of others and stop being such a fucking hypocrite.

You still lost this debate, Joe. Go to work. You are so helplessly predictable. The way you bitch and moan at me, one can hardly tell you have a job.

Really. Actually, I can kind of see why you don't have a job.

I imagine you tried to show your co-workers or boss how much smarter you were, and they probably sandbagged you at the first oppurtunity.
You still haven't learned how this point of view is failed logic, have you?

It has been explained to you often.

By the way.....if you wish to saddle liberals with the accusation that we all exhibit misogynistic behavior toward conservative will be asked to supply proof. Hint. Calling Palin stupid is not misogynistic. Calling her crazy isn't either. Saying that she is a liar.......nope. Rebuking her political sir.


When will you get it that I am applying the same logic to you as you liberals apply to conservatives regarding women?

When you call a woman stupid, you're misogynist. When you call her a liar, you're a misogynist. How dare you impugn on a woman, LL?! You disagree with her? Misogynist!

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? That's how you sound. You and your party are nothing but hypocrites. Demand respect for one type of woman, denigrate the other. Did it ever occur to you to let women decide for themselves the things they want from life, rather than being coerced by the likes of you? Instead of forming their opinions for them, let them have their own.

You liberals, telling women what they should be. Despicable.

You can call a woman a crazy, stupid liar and it won't be sexist as long as it has some real basis besides the fact that she's a woman. Sarah happens to be all three, and there has been publicly broadcast evidence.

So Sarah Palin isn't a woman? Well, thanks for making my point.
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!
This thread is a bunch of hot air indeed. Just the way you describe her is racist and misogynistic. It is also full of fantasy.

As a young Latina, a single woman and an urban professional, Flores embodies – perhaps more than any politician in the country – the electoral coalition Democrats are relying on to carry them into the 21st century.
Oh, and we are already in the 21st century. We don't need any help from her. No wonder you liberals are out of touch, you're still living in the 20th century.

One other thing, this is what's wrong with politics. Looking for 'stars' instead of leaders.

is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron
No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

It's called 'intelligence quotient' differential. We know about Sarah Palin's low IQ. Now about Lucy Flores... stay tuned my friend.

Sure, and what if the same thing were said about this woman?






Seriously, no. You liberals are incapable of holding yourselves to the standards you set for others. This whole identity politics thing is getting old.

but you are the one who brought it derailed the thread with palin and Hilary talk.
If this other woman is that bad you should be able to point out why, not bring the past into it.

Amd fatass this is why you are a bloated hack.
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!
This thread is a bunch of hot air indeed. Just the way you describe her is racist and misogynistic. It is also full of fantasy.

Oh, and we are already in the 21st century. We don't need any help from her. No wonder you liberals are out of touch, you're still living in the 20th century.

One other thing, this is what's wrong with politics. Looking for 'stars' instead of leaders.

is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.
This thread is a bunch of hot air indeed. Just the way you describe her is racist and misogynistic. It is also full of fantasy.

Oh, and we are already in the 21st century. We don't need any help from her. No wonder you liberals are out of touch, you're still living in the 20th century.

One other thing, this is what's wrong with politics. Looking for 'stars' instead of leaders.

is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.


You think "Latino" and "Latina" are racist terms?
It's called 'intelligence quotient' differential. We know about Sarah Palin's low IQ. Now about Lucy Flores... stay tuned my friend.

Sure, and what if the same thing were said about this woman?






Seriously, no. You liberals are incapable of holding yourselves to the standards you set for others. This whole identity politics thing is getting old.

but you are the one who brought it derailed the thread with palin and Hilary talk.
If this other woman is that bad you should be able to point out why, not bring the past into it.

Amd fatass this is why you are a bloated hack.


But then again, we are talking about women here, aren't we? This thread is about a woman, is it not? And I'll bring up whatever aspect of time I wish, past, present, or future.

So mad you can't spell 'and' correctly. My work here is done.
is the fat going to your head. Nothing he said was racist you moron

Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.


You think "Latino" and "Latina" are racist terms?

Yes I do. It is akin to referring to black people as Negros. It is a quirk of mine. Besides, I'm employing liberal logic here. I was wondering when someone would catch that.
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Not even I refer to them as "Latino" or "Latina." Forget the fat going to my head, the stupid has already reached yours.


You think "Latino" and "Latina" are racist terms?

Yes I do. It is akin to referring to black people as Negros. It is a quirk of mine. Besides, I'm employing liberal logic here.

So you're playing the race card both seriously and not seriously?

I don't get it. Which is it? Are they "racist" terms (in which you're playing the race card) or are you just wasting our time with a tu quoque fallacy?

You think "Latino" and "Latina" are racist terms?

Yes I do. It is akin to referring to black people as Negros. It is a quirk of mine. Besides, I'm employing liberal logic here.

So you're playing the race card both seriously and not seriously?

I don't get it. Which is it? Are they "racist" terms (in which you're playing the race card) or are you just wasting our time with a tu quoque fallacy?

It isn't a tu quoque fallacy if I can prove it. Besides, why do Liberals think the term "Redskins" is racist? What of a liberal calling a bunch of protesters racists? I rarely if ever play the race card. I figured if I could link anything to race, I could win any arguments I wished, coerce anyone I wanted. Use it as the trump card. Turns out that isn't the case. Besides:

Thus exposes the liberal logic on race.
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Yes I do. It is akin to referring to black people as Negros. It is a quirk of mine. Besides, I'm employing liberal logic here.

So you're playing the race card both seriously and not seriously?

I don't get it. Which is it? Are they "racist" terms (in which you're playing the race card) or are you just wasting our time with a tu quoque fallacy?

It isn't a tu quoque fallacy if I can prove it. Besides, why do Liberals think the term "Redskins" is racist? What of a liberal calling a bunch of protesters racists? I rarely if ever play the race card. I figured if I could link anything to race, I could win any arguments I wished, coerce anyone I wanted. Use it as the trump card. Turns out that isn't the case:

No, it's still a tu quoque fallacy, because you're using someone else's use of the race card as justification for yours.

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