Lucy Flores: “She’s perfect: Young, dynamic, Hispanic.” At 16 she got an abortion.

But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

It's called 'intelligence quotient' differential. We know about Sarah Palin's low IQ. Now about Lucy Flores... stay tuned my friend.

Sure, and what if the same thing were said about this woman?






Seriously, no. You liberals are incapable of holding yourselves to the standards you set for others. This whole identity politics thing is getting old.
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I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

If she does her job right, and sticks to the Constitution without compromising democratic values, she will be called "not a real Democrat" or "with the wrong party"

You must be drunk :thup:

No not drunk. Just quoting what my friends say about me.
Because I'm a Constitutionalist progressive Democrat
they say I "can't be" a real liberal or a Democrat, I "must be" a Republican.
Because my prochoice views equally include prolife views, and free choice of health care
without govt mandates, that means I just can't be a liberal Democrat.

So no I'm not drunk, not yet, anyway.
But with the party politics making me dizzy,
with the party of choice pushing anti-choice mandates on health care,
I might be driven to drink if nothing else relieves the insanity!
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!

Is Lucy Flores the Latina star Democrats have been waiting for? | MSNBC

‘Demographically, she’s perfect’

As a young Latina, a single woman and an urban professional, Flores embodies – perhaps more than any politician in the country – the electoral coalition Democrats are relying on to carry them into the 21st century.

What does it matter that she got an abortion?
Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

You still haven't learned how this point of view is failed logic, have you?

It has been explained to you often.

By the way.....if you wish to saddle liberals with the accusation that we all exhibit misogynistic behavior toward conservative will be asked to supply proof. Hint. Calling Palin stupid is not misogynistic. Calling her crazy isn't either. Saying that she is a liar.......nope. Rebuking her political sir.
She was also in a gang as a young woman. She was on the road to nowhere and then she pulled herself out of the gutter. My wife knows her pretty well.

So, just a question.

Doesn't she contradict what liberals stand for?

No. She does contradict whatever stereotypes you heard on talk radio when you sit home all day not having a job.

Guess what, guy, unlike you, most liberals have jobs.

Here's the reality. Most liberals work very hard at thankless jobs, usually wondering how the 1%ers are going to think of ways to screw us over today.

Now, for Ms. Flores, she's actually saying aloud what a lot of women have done, but aren't willing to talk about openly. She had an abortion not because she was raped or a health problem, but because having a baby at 16 would have been an economic burden for her.

And given the GOP have decided to wage War on Women II this election, maybe we need someone to discuss it. Maybe some Talk Radio a--hole will call her a vile name.
Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

Um, not really. Caribou Barbie was treated with quite a bit of deference, until she got the Vice-Presidential Nomination and demonstrated she was the last person you wanted standing behind a 72 year old man with a history of health problems.

Palin was attacked because she couldn't name a newspaper she read, or a court case that represented "legislating from the bench" (which she said was a real problem) or what the "Bush Doctrine" was.

Even McCain's own people admitted they royally screwed up by picking her.
I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

When did anyone call Sarah Palin a "slut".

Here was the thing about Sarah Palin. On paper, she seemed like a good choice. she was a reformer in Alaska, who took very moderate, smart government positions as governor, and had a pretty decent record. So if you didn't dig too deep in to her background, she looked great. I honestly thought she was a good pick.

Then they sent her out on interviews, and it became blindingly apparent she was not ready for the job. This is a real problem when your party has already screwed up by nominating a guy who was 72 years old and had a slew of health issues because he wasn't some brand of religious crazy like Romney or Huckabee.

The difference between governors and presidents is that people don't pay that much attention to governors unless they get indicted.

Of course, Palin really beclowned herself after she lost, and discovered there was more money to be made being a "Reality TV Celebritard" rather than doing the job she was elected to do.
She was also in a gang as a young woman. She was on the road to nowhere and then she pulled herself out of the gutter. My wife knows her pretty well.

So, just a question.

Doesn't she contradict what liberals stand for?

No, she contradicts the strawman liberal that rightwingers insist on constructing because they can't argue against the reality of what the mainstream of the left actually represents.
But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

Um, not really. Caribou Barbie was treated with quite a bit of deference, until she got the Vice-Presidential Nomination and demonstrated she was the last person you wanted standing behind a 72 year old man with a history of health problems.

Palin was attacked because she couldn't name a newspaper she read, or a court case that represented "legislating from the bench" (which she said was a real problem) or what the "Bush Doctrine" was.

Even McCain's own people admitted they royally screwed up by picking her.

Palin was repeatedly touted as a rising star in the Republican party before her VP nomination.
I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

So what you believed was wrong when the target was Sarah Palin becomes your model for what to do against a female Democrat?

The Right is conceding that the left had every right to do that and will prove that by doing it themselves?

"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


You mean we should be represented only by old, rich, white men?

White males make up 34% of the population and 67% of the members of Congress.

And as we've seen in the Hobby Lobby decision, when you have old white men making your decisions for you, you are going to have less choices.
She was also in a gang as a young woman. She was on the road to nowhere and then she pulled herself out of the gutter. My wife knows her pretty well.

So, just a question.

Doesn't she contradict what liberals stand for?

She is the anti-Sarah Palin. She demonstrated good sense in choosing to get an abortion at such a young age. Lucy Flores is a classic liberal at heart.

Good sense would have been avoiding an unwanted pregnancy in the first place.

"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


You mean we should be represented only by old, rich, white men?

White males make up 34% of the population and 67% of the members of Congress.

And as we've seen in the Hobby Lobby decision, when you have old white men making your decisions for you, you are going to have less choices.

Ah yes, but aren't there 'old white men' in the Democratic Party?

"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


You have every right to pretend otherwise.

You liberals have every right to pretend like you care about women, too. To you, Lucy is a demographic, not a woman.

How ironic.

Or she brings a perspective to the table.

Honestly, I would have no idea what it would be like to be 16 and pregnant and facing that choice. And neither would you.

Here's the thing. Lucy didn't sit on the couch and whine about how she couldn't get a job even after people offered to help her.

"Demographically, she's perfect"

Because it's all about Identity Politics.


You mean we should be represented only by old, rich, white men?

White males make up 34% of the population and 67% of the members of Congress.

And as we've seen in the Hobby Lobby decision, when you have old white men making your decisions for you, you are going to have less choices.

Ah yes, but aren't there 'old white men' in the Democratic Party?

Not the point I was making, but even if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.
But this Lucy chick doesn't promote abstinence and go against it, does she?

No excuse. Sarah Palin is just as much a woman as she is. Same ovaries, same features, same build. But somehow Palin merits different treatment.

Either you hold your liberal friends to the same standards regarding women that you do us, or risk being seen as hypocrites. If liberals think of women so highly, they should respect them all. Not just ones who belong to one party or another. Live by your own standards, or abandon them.

You still haven't learned how this point of view is failed logic, have you?

It has been explained to you often.

By the way.....if you wish to saddle liberals with the accusation that we all exhibit misogynistic behavior toward conservative will be asked to supply proof. Hint. Calling Palin stupid is not misogynistic. Calling her crazy isn't either. Saying that she is a liar.......nope. Rebuking her political sir.


When will you get it that I am applying the same logic to you as you liberals apply to conservatives regarding women?

When you call a woman stupid, you're misogynist. When you call her a liar, you're a misogynist. How dare you impugn on a woman, LL?! You disagree with her? Misogynist!

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? That's how you sound. You and your party are nothing but hypocrites. Demand respect for one type of woman, denigrate the other. Did it ever occur to you to let women decide for themselves the things they want from life, rather than being coerced by the likes of you? Instead of forming their opinions for them, let them have their own.

You liberals, telling women what they should be. Despicable.

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