Lucy Flores: “She’s perfect: Young, dynamic, Hispanic.” At 16 she got an abortion.

What’s sad about this is that instead of considering her a “rising star” based on her character, competence and accomplishments, that assessment is based on her gender, ethnicity, and checkered past (and willingness to share it for political expediency). Stealing beer and having an abortion are not the bases for hiring someone for any job, much less lieutenant governor of a state. If she isn’t elected, though, I’m sure there’s a spot for her on the Jerry Springer show.

We used to expect more from our candidates for public office.
You have every right to pretend otherwise.

You liberals have every right to pretend like you care about women, too. To you, Lucy is a demographic, not a woman.

How ironic.

Or she brings a perspective to the table.

Honestly, I would have no idea what it would be like to be 16 and pregnant and facing that choice. And neither would you.

Here's the thing. Lucy didn't sit on the couch and whine about how she couldn't get a job even after people offered to help her.

Funny, I was nearly aborted as a child, Joe. My mother was taking contraceptives while she was pregnant with me. She was so fat and overweight she was oblivious to the fact she was pregnant. Luckily for her and for me, she was too irresponsible to keep up with her pills.

So, I have a rather unique perspective of facing down the business end of that decision. Don't lecture me, you miserable cur.
You mean we should be represented only by old, rich, white men?

White males make up 34% of the population and 67% of the members of Congress.

And as we've seen in the Hobby Lobby decision, when you have old white men making your decisions for you, you are going to have less choices.

Ah yes, but aren't there 'old white men' in the Democratic Party?

Not the point I was making, but even if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.

Oh, you think only 'old white men' exist only in the GOP. I hate to break it to you my oblivious friend. You have old white men in your party, men in general, and a man in the White House making decisions for these women, not to mention you. So where's the outrage there Joe? I'll tell the same thing to you I told PB. You're a guy. Neither you nor I know what it's like to be a woman, so stop pretending to know what's best for them.
She was also in a gang as a young woman. She was on the road to nowhere and then she pulled herself out of the gutter. My wife knows her pretty well.

So, just a question.

Doesn't she contradict what liberals stand for?

No, she contradicts the strawman liberal that rightwingers insist on constructing because they can't argue against the reality of what the mainstream of the left actually represents.

Funny, is that why you sound so insecure?


When will you get it that I am applying the same logic to you as you liberals apply to conservatives regarding women?

When you call a woman stupid, you're misogynist. When you call her a liar, you're a misogynist. How dare you impugn on a woman, LL?! You disagree with her? Misogynist!

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? That's how you sound. You and your party are nothing but hypocrites. Demand respect for one type of woman, denigrate the other. Did it ever occur to you to let women decide for themselves the things they want from life, rather than being coerced by the likes of you? Instead of forming their opinions for them, let them have their own.

You liberals, telling women what they should be. Despicable.

No, calling a woman "stupid" because she thinks there's a "Department of Law" in Washington that dismisses the kind of ethical complaints that drover her out of office in Alaska isn't stupid. It's obviously pointing out stupidity.

Calling a woman a "slut" because she thinks that birth control should be between a woman and her physician is misogynistic.
I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

Just like the left wingers did to Sarah Palin. Shall we go further down this path, Noomi?

So what you believed was wrong when the target was Sarah Palin becomes your model for what to do against a female Democrat?

The Right is conceding that the left had every right to do that and will prove that by doing it themselves?

Would you care to rephrase that jumble of words?

It's funny, you demand respect for women, but in the same breath denigrate them. You don't simply disagree with them, you denigrate them. If one doesn't fit your mold... heaven help her.

I think Sarah Palin is a kook. But I couldn't help but notice how hypocritical you can be. Last time I checked, Palin has the same pair of ovaries that any liberal woman has. So if this reverence for the female half of the species is genuine, should it not apply to all of them?
Oh, you think only 'old white men' exist only in the GOP. I hate to break it to you my oblivious friend. You have old white men in your party, men in general, and a man in the White House making decisions for these women, not to mention you. So where's the outrage there Joe? I'll tell the same thing to you I told PB. You're a guy. Neither you nor I know what it's like to be a woman, so stop pretending to know what's best for them.

I don't pretend I know what's best for them. I assume they know what's best for themselves.

Case in point, a woman tells me she's pregnant and wants to end the pregnancy, I don't show her a picture of a late-term abortion or scream in her face about God or otherwise try to talk her out of it.

I assume she's got a handle on her own situation. And if she makes a mistake, that's on her, not me. It's none of my business. And generally, this is the position the "old white men' in the Democratic party take.

But here's the real thing. the GOP has been getting dumb asses like you to vote against your own economic interests for years, flashing those pictures of aborted fetuses in front of you and getting you ooooh, so angry.


When will you get it that I am applying the same logic to you as you liberals apply to conservatives regarding women?

When you call a woman stupid, you're misogynist. When you call her a liar, you're a misogynist. How dare you impugn on a woman, LL?! You disagree with her? Misogynist!

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? That's how you sound. You and your party are nothing but hypocrites. Demand respect for one type of woman, denigrate the other. Did it ever occur to you to let women decide for themselves the things they want from life, rather than being coerced by the likes of you? Instead of forming their opinions for them, let them have their own.

You liberals, telling women what they should be. Despicable.

No, calling a woman "stupid" because she thinks there's a "Department of Law" in Washington that dismisses the kind of ethical complaints that drover her out of office in Alaska isn't stupid. It's obviously pointing out stupidity.

Calling a woman a "slut" because she thinks that birth control should be between a woman and her physician is misogynistic.

Really, and what about Hillary Clinton saying she was dead broke? That's pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Should I call her stupid? She's a punchline a minute. Somehow I think she may have learned a few tricks from Joe Biden himself!

Telling the woman that contraception is more dignified than bringing life into this world is misogynistic. Telling her she has a 'choice' when in reality she only has one, is misogynistic. The way your party controls women is misogynistic. The way you treat other women who disagree with you is misogynistic.

It's easy to see. Don't sit there and deny it. Don't tell me to get a job, frankly, just stop lying to yourself. You're a guy. Until you grow a pair of jugs and reaccessorize underneath, you can't presume to know what is and is not misogynistic.
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Oh, you think only 'old white men' exist only in the GOP. I hate to break it to you my oblivious friend. You have old white men in your party, men in general, and a man in the White House making decisions for these women, not to mention you. So where's the outrage there Joe? I'll tell the same thing to you I told PB. You're a guy. Neither you nor I know what it's like to be a woman, so stop pretending to know what's best for them.

I don't pretend I know what's best for them. I assume they know what's best for themselves.

You 'assume.' That's your entire problem. You assume that they think having access to contraceptives and abortions are what's best for themselves.

You assume too much.
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Really, and what about Hillary Clinton saying she was dead broke? That's pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Should I call her stupid? She's a punchline a minute. Somehow I think she may learned a few tricks from Joe Biden himself!

When she and Bill left the White House, they had 10 MILLION dollars in debt due to fighting the various witch hunts started by Ken Starr and his ilk. It wasn't the best way to put it, but it wasn't an innaccurate statement, either.

Telling the woman that contraception is more dignified than bringing life into this world is misogynistic. Telling her she has a 'choice' when in reality she only has one, is misogynistic. The way your party controls women is misogynistic. The way you treat other women who disagree with you is misogynistic.

And now you are getting retarded. Telling a woman her only value is as a baby-making machine is misogynistic. And for most of history, that was exactly what we did. The horror, she will only get pregnant when she wants to get pregnant, and she will have sex for fun? "YOU SLUT!!!!" screams the closeted homosexual drug addict over 600 radio stations.

It's easy to see. Don't sit there and deny it. Don't tell me to get a job, frankly, just stop lying to yourself. You're a guy. Until you grow a pair of jugs and reaccessorize underneath, you can't presume to know what is and is not misogynistic.

I don't have to black to recognize racism and I don't have to have boobies to recognize misogyny when I see it.

Clearly, the GOP made a decision back in the 1970's to appeal to the misogynists and racists to win elections rather than realize that America had irrevocably changed. Now it's coming back to bite you in the ass.

If you misogynists really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd support universal health care, you'd support paid family leave, you'd support sex education. You don't. Reducing the number of abortions isn't your goal.

But you sit there on the couch, voting for the people who have dismantled the American dream, rubbing your hands and saying, "Well, at least I'm on the side of the babies".
Mark my words. America is going to take to Lucy Flores much like America did to Barack Obama. It's in the book, it is written and it is Gods will and all that jazz. Welcome Lucy Flores to American politics... you are another breath of fresh air indeed!

Is Lucy Flores the Latina star Democrats have been waiting for? | MSNBC

‘Demographically, she’s perfect’

As a young Latina, a single woman and an urban professional, Flores embodies – perhaps more than any politician in the country – the electoral coalition Democrats are relying on to carry them into the 21st century.

Impressive story. She defied rough circumstances to emerge as a strong leader. Unlike Reid, Pelosi, Gore, Rodham Clinton, Kerry, and Obama- ALL of whom grew up with silver spoons and lives of privilege compared to most Americans, this woman will actually be able to relate to the most Americans.
Oh, you think only 'old white men' exist only in the GOP. I hate to break it to you my oblivious friend. You have old white men in your party, men in general, and a man in the White House making decisions for these women, not to mention you. So where's the outrage there Joe? I'll tell the same thing to you I told PB. You're a guy. Neither you nor I know what it's like to be a woman, so stop pretending to know what's best for them.

I don't pretend I know what's best for them. I assume they know what's best for themselves.

You 'assume.' That's your entire problem. You assume that they think having access to contraceptives and abortions are what's best for themselves.

You assume too much.

I think that making their own decisions is what's best for themselves.

I mean, if we were talking about anything other than lady parts, you'd be screaming about "liberty" and "freedom' and what the "founding fathers" would have wanted.
I don't pretend I know what's best for them. I assume they know what's best for themselves.

You 'assume.' That's your entire problem. You assume that they think having access to contraceptives and abortions are what's best for themselves.

You assume too much.

I think that making their own decisions is what's best for themselves.

I mean, if we were talking about anything other than lady parts, you'd be screaming about "liberty" and "freedom' and what the "founding fathers" would have wanted.

Actually, you know jacksquat about me. At least I'm not one of those liberals who try to claim the founding fathers were liberals. Now that's funny.
Okay, have to go to work.

For Templar, that is when I go to a place, do stuff and earn money. I know this is an alien concept to him, so I need to explain it.

Picking up your welfare check, and stopping by the store getting a couple of 40's isn't work.
I am sure the right wingers will hate her and call her a slut.

No, just a killer. It could be said if a decision is a hard one she would take the easy way out. She isn't trustworthy, she killed her own baby.

There are a lot of people who, while they do not support abortion bans, will judge people who actually have one for contraceptive reasons as having poor moral character.

I consider myself one of those people.

Impressive story. She defied rough circumstances to emerge as a strong leader. Unlike Reid, Pelosi, Gore, Rodham Clinton, Kerry, and Obama- ALL of whom grew up with silver spoons and lives of privilege compared to most Americans, this woman will actually be able to relate to the most Americans.

half of those folks were born in middle class families. Hillary, Pelosi, Bill Clinton, and Obama came from very modest backgrounds.

Unlike Limbaugh, Romney and Bush who were born rich.

But then I looked up Harry Reid's background...

Reid was born in Searchlight, Nevada, the third of four sons of Inez Orena (née Jaynes), a laundress, and Harry Vincent Reid, a miner who committed suicide with a gunshot to the head in 1972 at the age of 58 when Harry was 32 years old.[1][2] His paternal grandmother was an English immigrant from Darlaston, Staffordshire. Reid's boyhood home was a shack with no indoor toilet, hot water, or telephone.[1][3] Since Searchlight had no high school, Reid boarded with relatives 40 miles away in Henderson, Nevada to attend Basic High School,[1] where he played football, and was an amateur boxer.[

Wow. Life of privilage there.
You 'assume.' That's your entire problem. You assume that they think having access to contraceptives and abortions are what's best for themselves.

You assume too much.

I think that making their own decisions is what's best for themselves.

I mean, if we were talking about anything other than lady parts, you'd be screaming about "liberty" and "freedom' and what the "founding fathers" would have wanted.

Actually, you know jacksquat about me. At least I'm not one of those liberals who try to claim the founding fathers were liberals. Now that's funny.

Actually, I pretty much had you pegged from day one.

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