Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

Jefferson and Mason were liberals who paid their taxes.

Yes, but they were not leftists like you KOS Kiddies.

Yes they were, retard. A right winger wouldn't have stood up to the British.
God! You and RetardRig are so fucking dumb.
And you make comments about me being on Entitlements. :lol: :lol:
Isn't almost time for checkers at the Group Home?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Like I said, are you my accountant? Do you know what I do for a living?

Eat bon bons and watch MSNBC....

Do you know how much I get paid?

I don't keep up with what the welfare dole is...

No, you don't. You are just a bigot asshole who assumes quite a bit about me because I am a single mom.
News flash, you look like an ass here not me. ;)

Single mom, nah - leftist simpleton?

Shhh!! The only Jefferson Rig knows is the one who stood up the British.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

George \Washington Vice president?

The Third president of the U.S?

The one who grew a tree of liberty.

Highly educated Jefferson

Who was married to Martha Skelton

That Jefferson?

The one who grew a tree of liberty? What does one of those look like? Do the leaves change colors?


He probably believes Washington really cut down a Cherry Tree and we went to war to free the slaves.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Shhh!! The only Jefferson Rig knows is the one who stood up the British.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

George \Washington Vice president?

The Third president of the U.S?

The one who grew a tree of liberty.

Highly educated Jefferson

Who was married to Martha Skelton

That Jefferson?

The one who strengthened the role of the central government, raised taxes, spent money on science, set up the system of having public education.
You know who he married, but you know nothing of the man. You are retard, never compare yourself to Jefferson.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Jefferson was anti federalist and opposed Hamilton the only founder that would come close to being a modern day liberal.
Welfare often pays more than being married. It also dissolves family life. The poor are poor because of bad government. Take a peak at when it started:

Marriage peaked as an institution in the United States in 1950, when approximately 65 percent of all women were married. Today, less than half of women 15 and over are married (47 percent to be exact), the lowest percentage on record.

Before he was even governor of California, let alone President of the United States, Ronald Reagan knew that government welfare programs undermined the American family. In his famous “A Time for Choosing” speech, given before the 1964 election, Reagan recounted:

“Not too long ago, a judge called me here in Los Angeles. He told me of a young woman who'd come before him for a divorce. She had six children, was pregnant with her seventh. Under his questioning, she revealed her husband was a laborer earning 250 dollars a month. She wanted a divorce to get an 80 dollar raise. She's eligible for 330 dollars a month in the Aid to Dependent Children Program. She got the idea from two women in her neighborhood who'd already done that very thing.”

Conservatives have been fighting for the American family ever since, while the progressive movement and the Democratic Party have been pushing back on the side of Big Government. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, explains, “It’s an old collectivist dream to do something about the family.” more:

The February Townhall Magazine: Married to the State - Conn Carroll
George \Washington Vice president?

The Third president of the U.S?

The one who grew a tree of liberty.

Highly educated Jefferson

Who was married to Martha Skelton

That Jefferson?

The one who grew a tree of liberty? What does one of those look like? Do the leaves change colors?


He probably believes Washington really cut down a Cherry Tree and we went to war to free the slaves.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
This is Jefferson tree of liberty that he grew
" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Liberals are liberals.

And leftists are leftists....

Never the twain shall meet..

The founding fathers would support the ACA today,


You are an uneducated motherfucker, arentcha?

and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

You're a drooling moron spewing words without a hint of a clue as to what they may mean..

For fun, post ANYTHING from Thomas Jefferson that indicates that he would advocate picking his neighbors pocket to pay his doctor bill?

Go for it...

Dumb fucking communists... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Like I said, are you my accountant? Do you know what I do for a living?

Eat bon bons and watch MSNBC....

Do you know how much I get paid?

I don't keep up with what the welfare dole is...

No, you don't. You are just a bigot asshole who assumes quite a bit about me because I am a single mom.

News flash, you look like an ass here not me. ;)

Single mom, nah - leftist simpleton?


Well for starters I never watch MSNBC. I actually work. Do you?
And you assumed because I am a single mom. You love to assume a lot about me, and you are always wrong. It is quite hilarious actually. You have never once been right in assumptions of me.
As for leftist singleton, at least I am smarter than you and your group home buddy Bigrig.
The founding fathers weren't leftist. :lol: you are stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Liberals are liberals.

And leftists are leftists....

Never the twain shall meet..

The founding fathers would support the ACA today,


You are an uneducated motherfucker, arentcha?

and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

You're a drooling moron spewing words without a hint of a clue as to what they may mean..

For fun, post ANYTHING from Thomas Jefferson that indicates that he would advocate picking his neighbors pocket to pay his doctor bill?

Go for it...

Dumb fucking communists... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Why do you resort to calling people a communist every time?
You wouldn't know a communist if it hit your drooling stupid ass in the face.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
The one who grew a tree of liberty? What does one of those look like? Do the leaves change colors?


He probably believes Washington really cut down a Cherry Tree and we went to war to free the slaves.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

This is Jefferson tree of liberty that he grew

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Let's be clear, you are not and will never be a patriot. You are just a loser and a cheater.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Liberals are liberals.

And leftists are leftists....

Never the twain shall meet..


You are an uneducated motherfucker, arentcha?

and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

You're a drooling moron spewing words without a hint of a clue as to what they may mean..

For fun, post ANYTHING from Thomas Jefferson that indicates that he would advocate picking his neighbors pocket to pay his doctor bill?

Go for it...

Dumb fucking communists... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Why do you resort to calling people a communist every time?
You wouldn't know a communist if it hit your drooling stupid ass in the face.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a communist. :lol:
He probably believes Washington really cut down a Cherry Tree and we went to war to free the slaves.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

This is Jefferson tree of liberty that he grew

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Let's be clear, you are not and will never be a patriot. You are just a loser and a cheater.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I am more of a patriot than you'll ever be, patriots do not bend over and allow the government to fuck them up the ass. When wrong is wrong they don't get in the same line with wrong. They resist it.
Welfare often pays more than being married. It also dissolves family life. The poor are poor because of bad government. Take a peak at when it started:

Marriage peaked as an institution in the United States in 1950, when approximately 65 percent of all women were married. Today, less than half of women 15 and over are married (47 percent to be exact), the lowest percentage on record.

Before he was even governor of California, let alone President of the United States, Ronald Reagan knew that government welfare programs undermined the American family. In his famous “A Time for Choosing” speech, given before the 1964 election, Reagan recounted:

“Not too long ago, a judge called me here in Los Angeles. He told me of a young woman who'd come before him for a divorce. She had six children, was pregnant with her seventh. Under his questioning, she revealed her husband was a laborer earning 250 dollars a month. She wanted a divorce to get an 80 dollar raise. She's eligible for 330 dollars a month in the Aid to Dependent Children Program. She got the idea from two women in her neighborhood who'd already done that very thing.”

Conservatives have been fighting for the American family ever since, while the progressive movement and the Democratic Party have been pushing back on the side of Big Government. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, explains, “It’s an old collectivist dream to do something about the family.” more:

The February Townhall Magazine: Married to the State - Conn Carroll

Thanks for the breath of fresh air.
Jefferson and Mason were classic liberals not to be confused with the pieces of shit liberals today

They went to war over unfair taxes

Liberals are liberals. The founding fathers would support the ACA today, and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

Shhh!! The only Jefferson Rig knows is the one who stood up the British.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers


Here are some words from Jefferson, you drooling retard

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens
free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."
--Thomas Jefferson to M. L'Hommande, 1787.

"I hope our courts will never countenance the sweeping pretensions which have been set up under the words 'general defence and public welfare.' These words only express the motives which induced the Convention to give to the ordinary legislature certain specified powers which they enumerate, and which they thought might be trusted to the ordinary legislature, and not to give them the unspecified also; or why any specification? They could not be so awkward in language as to mean, as we say, 'all and some.' And should this construction prevail, all limits to the federal government are done away." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1815. ME 14:350

"This phrase,... by a mere grammatical quibble, has countenanced the General Government in a claim of universal power. For in the phrase, 'to lay taxes, to pay the debts and provide for the general welfare,' it is a mere question of syntax, whether the two last infinitives are governed by the first or are distinct and coordinate powers; a question unequivocally decided by the exact definition of powers immediately following." --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1817. ME 15:133

You know less than nothing about Jefferson. He was about as likely as Ayn Rand to advocate for the taking of taxes to pay for the welfare of others.
And leftists are leftists....

Never the twain shall meet..


You are an uneducated motherfucker, arentcha?

You're a drooling moron spewing words without a hint of a clue as to what they may mean..

For fun, post ANYTHING from Thomas Jefferson that indicates that he would advocate picking his neighbors pocket to pay his doctor bill?

Go for it...

Dumb fucking communists... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Why do you resort to calling people a communist every time?

You wouldn't know a communist if it hit your drooling stupid ass in the face.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a communist. :lol:

You and dumb ass have no clue what a communist is.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
This is Jefferson tree of liberty that he grew

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Let's be clear, you are not and will never be a patriot. You are just a loser and a cheater.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I am more of a patriot than you'll ever be, patriots do not bend over and allow the government to fuck them up the ass. When wrong is wrong they don't get in the same line with wrong. They resist it.

No you are not. I actually do something worthwhile, and help people. You are just a cheat and loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Liberals are liberals. The founding fathers would support the ACA today, and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

Shhh!! The only Jefferson Rig knows is the one who stood up the British.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers


Here are some words from Jefferson, you drooling retard

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens
free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."
--Thomas Jefferson to M. L'Hommande, 1787.

"I hope our courts will never countenance the sweeping pretensions which have been set up under the words 'general defence and public welfare.' These words only express the motives which induced the Convention to give to the ordinary legislature certain specified powers which they enumerate, and which they thought might be trusted to the ordinary legislature, and not to give them the unspecified also; or why any specification? They could not be so awkward in language as to mean, as we say, 'all and some.' And should this construction prevail, all limits to the federal government are done away." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1815. ME 14:350

"This phrase,... by a mere grammatical quibble, has countenanced the General Government in a claim of universal power. For in the phrase, 'to lay taxes, to pay the debts and provide for the general welfare,' it is a mere question of syntax, whether the two last infinitives are governed by the first or are distinct and coordinate powers; a question unequivocally decided by the exact definition of powers immediately following." --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1817. ME 15:133

You know less than nothing about Jefferson. He was about as likely as Ayn Rand to advocate for the taking of taxes to pay for the welfare of others.

Let's be clear, you are not and will never be a patriot. You are just a loser and a cheater.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I am more of a patriot than you'll ever be, patriots do not bend over and allow the government to fuck them up the ass. When wrong is wrong they don't get in the same line with wrong. They resist it.

No you are not. I actually do something worthwhile, and help people. You are just a cheat and loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Holy shit dumb ass doesn't know a fucking thing about me or who I know or what I do. And somehow rates her self a patriot because she helps people?
You have a skew sense of patriotism.
Liberals are liberals. The founding fathers would support the ACA today, and that includes both Jefferson and Mason, because they included the concept of Welfare of the People in the Constitution.

Shhh!! The only Jefferson Rig knows is the one who stood up the British.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers


Here are some words from Jefferson, you drooling retard

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens

free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."

--Thomas Jefferson to M. L'Hommande, 1787.

"I hope our courts will never countenance the sweeping pretensions which have been set up under the words 'general defence and public welfare.' These words only express the motives which induced the Convention to give to the ordinary legislature certain specified powers which they enumerate, and which they thought might be trusted to the ordinary legislature, and not to give them the unspecified also; or why any specification? They could not be so awkward in language as to mean, as we say, 'all and some.' And should this construction prevail, all limits to the federal government are done away." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1815. ME 14:350

"This phrase,... by a mere grammatical quibble, has countenanced the General Government in a claim of universal power. For in the phrase, 'to lay taxes, to pay the debts and provide for the general welfare,' it is a mere question of syntax, whether the two last infinitives are governed by the first or are distinct and coordinate powers; a question unequivocally decided by the exact definition of powers immediately following." --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1817. ME 15:133

You know less than nothing about Jefferson. He was about as likely as Ayn Rand to advocate for the taking of taxes to pay for the welfare of others.

:lol: :lol: he is nothing like Ayn Rand.

And thank you, that post proves without a doubt you know nothing about Jefferson. Ayn Rand? God! You are fucking stupid. Just knowing about the Lewis and Clark expedition would make one realize he is nothing like Ayn Rand. Wow! Seriously stop! You are making yourself look like a complete idiot.
A man who set up public education, raised taxes, tripled the federal government could never be compared to Ayn Rand.
Go away, you are drunk.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

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