Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

Why do you resort to calling people a communist every time?

You wouldn't know a communist if it hit your drooling stupid ass in the face.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a communist. :lol:

You and dumb ass have no clue what a communist is.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
With your skewed sense of what a patriot is I'll take that as a compliment
I am more of a patriot than you'll ever be, patriots do not bend over and allow the government to fuck them up the ass. When wrong is wrong they don't get in the same line with wrong. They resist it.

No you are not. I actually do something worthwhile, and help people. You are just a cheat and loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Holy shit dumb ass doesn't know a fucking thing about me or who I know or what I do. And somehow rates her self a patriot because she helps people?

You have a skew sense of patriotism.

I help the Vets assholes like you pretend to support but do nothing for them. I would say that is patriotism.
I am the one holding their hand when they are dying, I listen to their war stories, I clean them when they die.
You are a loser, and a disgrace. You wouldn't know the first think about patriotism.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a communist. :lol:

You and dumb ass have no clue what a communist is.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

With your skewed sense of what a patriot is I'll take that as a compliment

Go play checkers with Dumb ass, loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Now I am out. I can't stand piece of shit people like you. Such a waste of space . Sober up, loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
No you are not. I actually do something worthwhile, and help people. You are just a cheat and loser.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Holy shit dumb ass doesn't know a fucking thing about me or who I know or what I do. And somehow rates her self a patriot because she helps people?

You have a skew sense of patriotism.

I help the Vets assholes like you pretend to support but do nothing for them. I would say that is patriotism.
I am the one holding their hand when they are dying, I listen to their war stories, I clean them when they die.
You are a loser, and a disgrace. You wouldn't know the first think about patriotism.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Asshole, I'm a vet. Now what?

A true patriot does not stand with a corrupt government, a true patriot resist the type of government we have now.
A true patriot does not walk in lock step. Which is you do all of that.
Supporting government failed policy is not being patriotic.
Holy shit dumb ass doesn't know a fucking thing about me or who I know or what I do. And somehow rates her self a patriot because she helps people?

You have a skew sense of patriotism.

I help the Vets assholes like you pretend to support but do nothing for them. I would say that is patriotism.

I am the one holding their hand when they are dying, I listen to their war stories, I clean them when they die.

You are a loser, and a disgrace. You wouldn't know the first think about patriotism.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Asshole, I'm a vet. Now what?

A true patriot does not stand with a corrupt government, a true patriot resist the type of government we have now.

A true patriot does not walk in lock step. Which is you do all of that.

Supporting government failed policy is not being patriotic.

You are a disgrace to other vets.
And remember what you said about me when one day someone has to take care of you.
Have some respect for your fellow Vets, and stop being such a disgrace.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
You believe? no they would not pay this tax they resisted paying unjust taxation. No you have not answer it

Here is where we started

and then this

And then my question was this

Now address it or move on

There is nothing in the last box, genius.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Idiot stay out of this winterborn made an ass out of himself now he needs to dig out.

LMAO!! You have made a fool of yourself claiming you are not cheating and not freeloading. Then you come up with this crap that it would be better if congressmen didn't get elected but were appointed by state legislatures. You want there to be steps between the public vote and the politicians in DC, and you claim that would be an improvement. And now you want to talk about the electoral college, and you claim this is where you made a fool of me?

You are delusional.
You believe? no they would not pay this tax they resisted paying unjust taxation. No you have not answer it

Here is where we started

and then this

And then my question was this

Now address it or move on

As much as you would like to think you are in charge, you are not. I did address the reason they started the electoral college. Oh, and as I pointed out, the original Constitution was lacking or wrong in some things. You know, like allowing discrimination in voting because of gender? Like allowing slavery? We fixed those. Now its time to fix it so each person's vote is cast directly for their candidate.

And Jefferson and Madison resisted taxation without representation. You have representation.
Now, as for your cheating on your taxes.... Care to admit that you do so?

Ever feel like you are talking to a wall? You are, you know....

Yeah, I can see that. But sometimes an asshole needs to be called on his bullshit.
You believe? no they would not pay this tax they resisted paying unjust taxation. No you have not answer it

Here is where we started

and then this

And then my question was this

Now address it or move on

As much as you would like to think you are in charge, you are not. I did address the reason they started the electoral college. Oh, and as I pointed out, the original Constitution was lacking or wrong in some things. You know, like allowing discrimination in voting because of gender? Like allowing slavery? We fixed those. Now its time to fix it so each person's vote is cast directly for their candidate.

And Jefferson and Madison resisted taxation without representation. You have representation.
Now, as for your cheating on your taxes.... Care to admit that you do so?

Were back tracking
Here is what you should do
Post the quote where you addressed the question that I asked after you did that tap dance on the subject.

You said I was wrong at the end of your tap dance.
I asked you this question

You tapped dance around this

And this
Yes their loyalties would be with the State legislators, and the state legislators answers directly to the people of that state, and not the one who has the most money. I have more access with my state representatives than I do to my federal elected representatives. hell for what it's worth I just had breakfast the other day with two of my state representatives and a couple of county commissioners, and city council members and the Governors representatives

They feared that that if the people voted for all elected officials they would vote vote themselves more money, it created the mess we have now. That's why we have the electoral college. This is why I am correct.

But have not addressed this

What is the purpose of the electoral college if I am wrong? It's as old as the Constitution.

Cheating the system, whether it is taxes or welfare, has no bearing on the purpose of the electoral college. I did say that I think you are wrong when you claim that congressmen should be appointed by state legislators and not elected by popular votes. And I stand by that. But I am not going to be led into a discussion of details that have nothing to do with the topic. If you want to discuss the electoral college, start a new thread.
Coming from a liberal that put's me in the same group as George Mason and Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson and Mason were liberals who paid their taxes.

Jefferson and Mason were classic liberals not to be confused with the pieces of shit liberals today
They went to war over unfair taxes

You keep repeating it like it will become truth if said often enough.

They went to war over taxation without representation. You have representation. The taxes you are cheating to avoid paying were not put on you by some foreign king, but by elected officials in your own country. Duly elected in free elections in your own nation.
George \Washington Vice president?

The Third president of the U.S?

The one who grew a tree of liberty.

Highly educated Jefferson

Who was married to Martha Skelton

That Jefferson?

The one who strengthened the role of the central government, raised taxes, spent money on science, set up the system of having public education.
You know who he married, but you know nothing of the man. You are retard, never compare yourself to Jefferson.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Jefferson was anti federalist and opposed Hamilton the only founder that would come close to being a modern day liberal.

Jefferson was also adamantly against organized religion. Do you follow that as well?
This is Jefferson tree of liberty that he grew

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Let's be clear, you are not and will never be a patriot. You are just a loser and a cheater.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I am more of a patriot than you'll ever be, patriots do not bend over and allow the government to fuck them up the ass. When wrong is wrong they don't get in the same line with wrong. They resist it.

And is this the first time you have evaded paying your taxes?
Jefferson and Mason were liberals who paid their taxes.

Jefferson and Mason were classic liberals not to be confused with the pieces of shit liberals today
They went to war over unfair taxes

You keep repeating it like it will become truth if said often enough.

They went to war over taxation without representation. You have representation. The taxes you are cheating to avoid paying were not put on you by some foreign king, but by elected officials in your own country. Duly elected in free elections in your own nation.

I am asking myself what kind of absolute fucking idiot is going to announce on an open forum that he is going to cheat on his taxes?

I mean, it's not like G-d and kingdom are peeking inside the windows of USMB....

Holy shit dumb ass doesn't know a fucking thing about me or who I know or what I do. And somehow rates her self a patriot because she helps people?

You have a skew sense of patriotism.

I help the Vets assholes like you pretend to support but do nothing for them. I would say that is patriotism.
I am the one holding their hand when they are dying, I listen to their war stories, I clean them when they die.
You are a loser, and a disgrace. You wouldn't know the first think about patriotism.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Asshole, I'm a vet. Now what?

A true patriot does not stand with a corrupt government, a true patriot resist the type of government we have now.
A true patriot does not walk in lock step. Which is you do all of that.
Supporting government failed policy is not being patriotic.

Deceleration alert!!!
As much as you would like to think you are in charge, you are not. I did address the reason they started the electoral college. Oh, and as I pointed out, the original Constitution was lacking or wrong in some things. You know, like allowing discrimination in voting because of gender? Like allowing slavery? We fixed those. Now its time to fix it so each person's vote is cast directly for their candidate.

And Jefferson and Madison resisted taxation without representation. You have representation.
Now, as for your cheating on your taxes.... Care to admit that you do so?

Were back tracking
Here is what you should do
Post the quote where you addressed the question that I asked after you did that tap dance on the subject.

You said I was wrong at the end of your tap dance.
I asked you this question

You tapped dance around this

And this

But have not addressed this

What is the purpose of the electoral college if I am wrong? It's as old as the Constitution.

Cheating the system, whether it is taxes or welfare, has no bearing on the purpose of the electoral college. I did say that I think you are wrong when you claim that congressmen should be appointed by state legislators and not elected by popular votes. And I stand by that. But I am not going to be led into a discussion of details that have nothing to do with the topic. If you want to discuss the electoral college, start a new thread.

YOU might think they were wrong in having the state legislators select U.S. senators, but that is just your progressive wrong opinion. But it is wrong because the founders knew that people would not be responsible enough to vote wisely. That's why the creation of the 17th amendment was wrong and has taken away from the intent of the founders of this country, at least we still have the electoral college. The founders would not have supported this tax nor shall I.
I help the Vets assholes like you pretend to support but do nothing for them. I would say that is patriotism.

I am the one holding their hand when they are dying, I listen to their war stories, I clean them when they die.

You are a loser, and a disgrace. You wouldn't know the first think about patriotism.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Asshole, I'm a vet. Now what?

A true patriot does not stand with a corrupt government, a true patriot resist the type of government we have now.

A true patriot does not walk in lock step. Which is you do all of that.

Supporting government failed policy is not being patriotic.

You are a disgrace to other vets.
And remember what you said about me when one day someone has to take care of you.
Have some respect for your fellow Vets, and stop being such a disgrace.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I despise liberal traitors like you.

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