Luiz Guiterrez takes down Planned Parenthood Inquisition and Republican Agenda.

figures you're still fighting for the abortion mill to continue butchering live aborted babies. none of you that belongs in the party of death (democrat abortion loving party) have any morals left or a shred of honor to stand up to them and the disgusting things they are doing. so what their head butcher makes a SIX figure salary off the backs of us taxpayers while demanding we still GIVE them the money to continue their sick ways of treating a human being. you wailed over MONKEYS being treated in that manner. NOW LOOK AT YOURSLEVES. and then go barf

Watch 16 Week Fetus Startle Doctors By Responding To Music

Via Daily Mail:

Unborn babies are able to hear in the womb at just 16 weeks gestation, a new study has revealed.
For the first time scientists at the Institut Marques in Barcelona have shown a foetus is able to detect sounds, and furthermore, that they respond by moving their mouths and tongues.

It is accepted that an unborn baby’s ear is fully developed at week 16 of a pregnancy.

But, until now experts did not believe a foetus could hear until week 18, at the earliest but more commonly nearer 26 weeks.

Dr Marisa Lopez-Teijon, who led the study, said the findings show a foetus responds to music transmitted intravaginally by moving their mouth and tongue, ‘as if they were trying to speak or sing’.

While showing for the first time that foetuses hear as early as 16 weeks, the study also has wider implications.

Keep reading…

all of it here:

Watch 16 Week Fetus Startle Doctors By Responding To Music
Gutierrez is a flake. That he endorses Paul takes Paul off my list for Speaker.

2) The CREATORS of the KKK are the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

3) Its a known fact that there is no LOST LOVE between mexicans and blacks.

4) Democrats, (and especially mexican democrats), want to keep Planned Parenthood going to maintain the wholesale slaughter of BLACKS.
And again we see in this thread that its all about planned parenthood offering a legal service the right disagrees with and nothing more
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.
Kills it.

Morons look up to wack jobs:cuckoo:

I wonder where the fruit loops in your video are on gun control?

They probably think the slaughter of American Citizens by whack jobs with automatic weapons is "acceptable".

Why do you want poor people, living in crime invested neighborhoods, to be at the mercy of scumbags? You ever been to Detroit boy?:bang3:
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

Why do leftist love terrorist and want open boarders?:dunno:

n 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney GeneralEric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons
Once again Sallow wallows-
The Puerto Rican Socialist Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño, PSP) was a Marxist and pro-independence political party in Puerto Rico seeking the end of United States of America control on the Hispanic and Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. It proposed a "democratic workers' republic".[1]

In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.
Once again Sallow wallows-
The Puerto Rican Socialist Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño, PSP) was a Marxist and pro-independence political party in Puerto Rico seeking the end of United States of America control on the Hispanic and Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. It proposed a "democratic workers' republic".[1]

In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

He doesn't know what he posts or who he champions... He's a parrot.

2) The CREATORS of the KKK are the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

3) Its a known fact that there is no LOST LOVE between mexicans and blacks.

4) Democrats, (and especially mexican democrats), want to keep Planned Parenthood going to maintain the wholesale slaughter of BLACKS.

You can't be serious.

This is as delusional as it is idiotic and wrong.
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

Why do leftist love terrorist and want open boarders?:dunno:

n 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney GeneralEric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons
Why are you and most others on the right liars and have nothing but contempt for facts and the truth.
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

Why do leftist love terrorist and want open boarders?:dunno:

n 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney GeneralEric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons
Why are you and most others on the right liars and have nothing but contempt for facts and the truth.

I just posted the truth why are you contemptuous? :dunno:
In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity


In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directors member of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert Creamer, Lane Evans, Alice Palmer, Jan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board ofCitizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano andNydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had which carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Cliton pardons

n late March 2015, Gutierrez announced that on his website, illegal immigrants could now download a newly created immigration “toolkit” designed to help them gather the documentation they would need in order to prove their eligibility for President Obama’s recent executive actions to stop deportations—DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] and DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents]. The kit featured a “Do Not Deport Me” card that Gutierrez urged illegals to keep in their wallets at all times: “Use this card only if you are arrested and detained by an immigration official,” he said. “It explains in English and Spanish that you’re eligible for DACA or DAPA. By using this card after you’ve been arrested or detained, you can explain that under the policy in place today, you should be released because you’re not a priority for deportation.

Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks

Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

Fine, then "Communist", which is the current catch-all term for all such nonsense.
Socialism is not "Marxist/Leninist".

Which puts an end to this garbage.

Let me guess, you didn't actually read Das Kapital, huh?

Both Marx and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov expressed very specific views on the role and concepts of socialism (aka lower stage communism)... so yes Marxist/Leninist does apply to socialism.

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