Luntz's :"my legs were shaking"!!! GOP leadership needs to listen!!!

Fitting the profile and actually believing with the 1% is different. Trump believes there should be a one time tax increase of 14.25% on the 1%.

T-Rump lacks the ability to make that happen.
TBH I wish he would do it if elected, but hell never be elected..

Except that it would be a one time fix and then we go back to BAU and everyone gets screwed again.

What makes more sense is a National Debt Surcharge Tax of 80% of all earnings from any source in excess of $1 million for as long as the national debt exists. The surcharge can only be used to reduce the national debt. Once the national debt is zero the surcharge remains dormant waiting until the next time someone says "deficits don't matter".

The NDST is a disincentive for the 1% to lobby for government spending on corporate welfare and warmongering since they will be the ones footing the bill.
LOL. Eighty percent on all earnings, huh? As long as it does not affect you. lol.

How do you know that it won't?

Do you have access to my tax returns?
Just a damn good guess! :up:
T-Rump lacks the ability to make that happen.
TBH I wish he would do it if elected, but hell never be elected..

Except that it would be a one time fix and then we go back to BAU and everyone gets screwed again.

What makes more sense is a National Debt Surcharge Tax of 80% of all earnings from any source in excess of $1 million for as long as the national debt exists. The surcharge can only be used to reduce the national debt. Once the national debt is zero the surcharge remains dormant waiting until the next time someone says "deficits don't matter".

The NDST is a disincentive for the 1% to lobby for government spending on corporate welfare and warmongering since they will be the ones footing the bill.
LOL. Eighty percent on all earnings, huh? As long as it does not affect you. lol.

How do you know that it won't?

Do you have access to my tax returns?
Just a damn good guess! :up:

You are welcome to believe whatever floats your boat.
No one has asked Trump the most important questions.. Because the press corps is bunch of brain-dead lemmings.

1) Mr. Trump -- Will you put ALL of your $10Bill enterprise into a TRUE blind trust and not ever be distracted by serious problems within your organization for the complete tenure of your presidency?


2) Mr. Trump -- What assurance do we have that you wont use the power of your office and the treasury to make deals that amount to "currying favor" amongst special interest groups? You've bragged about how rich you are and IMPLIED that makes you immune from cronyism. But HANDING OUT favors is the equal part of the influence problem to receiving cash in return?

Whole bunch of other CRITICAL questions along these lines that the Press needs to have spoonfed to them..

Excellent point

Trump will have to come clean on his finances. Full disclosure of where his investments are, five years of tax returns, firewall between hiis decisions as President and his corporation
Of course he will and I'm sure he's fully aware of this.
TBH I wish he would do it if elected, but hell never be elected..

Except that it would be a one time fix and then we go back to BAU and everyone gets screwed again.

What makes more sense is a National Debt Surcharge Tax of 80% of all earnings from any source in excess of $1 million for as long as the national debt exists. The surcharge can only be used to reduce the national debt. Once the national debt is zero the surcharge remains dormant waiting until the next time someone says "deficits don't matter".

The NDST is a disincentive for the 1% to lobby for government spending on corporate welfare and warmongering since they will be the ones footing the bill.
LOL. Eighty percent on all earnings, huh? As long as it does not affect you. lol.

How do you know that it won't?

Do you have access to my tax returns?
Just a damn good guess! :up:

You are welcome to believe whatever floats your boat.
Why, thank you for your permission! Now I feel better. :blahblah:
Except that it would be a one time fix and then we go back to BAU and everyone gets screwed again.

What makes more sense is a National Debt Surcharge Tax of 80% of all earnings from any source in excess of $1 million for as long as the national debt exists. The surcharge can only be used to reduce the national debt. Once the national debt is zero the surcharge remains dormant waiting until the next time someone says "deficits don't matter".

The NDST is a disincentive for the 1% to lobby for government spending on corporate welfare and warmongering since they will be the ones footing the bill.
LOL. Eighty percent on all earnings, huh? As long as it does not affect you. lol.

How do you know that it won't?

Do you have access to my tax returns?
Just a damn good guess! :up:

You are welcome to believe whatever floats your boat.
Why, thank you for your permission! Now I feel better. :blahblah:

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings on others.

Many are dumbfounded, except his supporters. Which are growing more each day. Just look st the past years poll on "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" And its always a majority of voters who say "No." I believe Trump is tapping into that majority.
So, you think Trump has a majority?
What I love is the "subtle" plea for help from the Democrats.

"Lifelong Democrat register Republican s she can vote for Trump!" Nice Try. Hear that story every election year! Considering the number of lifelong 'Dems' turn 'GOP', Romney should have won in a historical landslide!!

Yet, establishment Democrats see more support running to Bernie Sanders than Trump!! Good news for Democrats, Sanders is friendly with establishment democrats and present himself as a Gentleman at all times.

Not the same situation with Trump and the GOP establishment. But the Right just don't understand it.

No help, rep!! Pull yourselves out of this 'Trump' mess by your bootstraps!! Yeah, show the rest of us how it is done. It builds character, remember.
No one has asked Trump the most important questions.. Because the press corps is bunch of brain-dead lemmings.

1) Mr. Trump -- Will you put ALL of your $10Bill enterprise into a TRUE blind trust and not ever be distracted by serious problems within your organization for the complete tenure of your presidency?


2) Mr. Trump -- What assurance do we have that you wont use the power of your office and the treasury to make deals that amount to "currying favor" amongst special interest groups? You've bragged about how rich you are and IMPLIED that makes you immune from cronyism. But HANDING OUT favors is the equal part of the influence problem to receiving cash in return?

Whole bunch of other CRITICAL questions along these lines that the Press needs to have spoonfed to them..

Excellent point

Trump will have to come clean on his finances. Full disclosure of where his investments are, five years of tax returns, firewall between hiis decisions as President and his corporation
Of course he will and I'm sure he's fully aware of this.

As you say, he will. But then so will every other body out there running for POTUS.

Doubt it will bother any of them.
No one has asked Trump the most important questions.. Because the press corps is bunch of brain-dead lemmings.

1) Mr. Trump -- Will you put ALL of your $10Bill enterprise into a TRUE blind trust and not ever be distracted by serious problems within your organization for the complete tenure of your presidency?


2) Mr. Trump -- What assurance do we have that you wont use the power of your office and the treasury to make deals that amount to "currying favor" amongst special interest groups? You've bragged about how rich you are and IMPLIED that makes you immune from cronyism. But HANDING OUT favors is the equal part of the influence problem to receiving cash in return?

Whole bunch of other CRITICAL questions along these lines that the Press needs to have spoonfed to them..

Excellent point

Trump will have to come clean on his finances. Full disclosure of where his investments are, five years of tax returns, firewall between hiis decisions as President and his corporation
Of course he will and I'm sure he's fully aware of this.

So if he's in office with a blind trust and the news breaks that Trump Enterprises is set to $1bill on a deal gone bad or he gets wind that his portfolio managers are funcking up -- you don't think he'll fly there to kick ass and do his "you're fired" deal?
President Trump.

Has a nice ring to it!
So you want universal healthcare, a one time wealth tax??? Awesome.

I don't and neither does Trump. He is not for universal healthcare. He thinks it works well in Scotland and Canada, but does not think it will work here. He wants to replace Obummercare with insurance reforms. Have any of the Democrat candidates ever changed their opinion on an issue? Like Hillary for instance?

President Trump........

Yes, it really does have a nice ring to it!

He's the man to beat!
When he is elected Trump will place his investments in a blind trust. All Presidents do. It's a no-brainer.

Democrats have been telling us he is not serious since he announced. We were told how he wouldn't disclose his finances until he did, Now they are pimping the idea that he won't place his assets in a blind trust. ......:rofl:
Well, what happened with your messiah, Obama? He didn't make a difference, for the overwhelming majority of voters think the direction of this country is appalling. I don't see that Trump is part of the problem at all.

GOP obstruction of Obama was effective.

T-Rump fits the profile of the 1%.
Fitting the profile and actually believing with the 1% is different. Trump believes there should be a one time tax increase of 14.25% on the 1%.
Wait, you're now ok with a one time WEALTH tax on the 1%? Trump is changing you guys.
I might have to rethink this whole trump thing if it's making you guys more liberal.

You dont have a clue of conservatives views on taxes.
It's the waste we object to. If they didnt piss away so much of it we wouldnt need tax increases.
Many are dumbfounded, except his supporters. Which are growing more each day. Just look st the past years poll on "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" And its always a majority of voters who say "No." I believe Trump is tapping into that majority.

As I recall a majority were happy with the direction of the country under Bill Clinton. That all changed under Bush jr and the impact of the republican deregulation kicking in and decimating the net worth of average Americans while enriching the 1%.

Yes, T-Rump is tapping into that anger but he is part of the problem, not the messiah with the solution.
Well, what happened with your messiah, Obama? He didn't make a difference, for the overwhelming majority of voters think the direction of this country is appalling. I don't see that Trump is part of the problem at all.
The only people I ever see calling President Obama "messiah" are RW posters such as yourself. What is the point, actually?
Many are dumbfounded, except his supporters. Which are growing more each day. Just look st the past years poll on "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" And its always a majority of voters who say "No." I believe Trump is tapping into that majority.

As I recall a majority were happy with the direction of the country under Bill Clinton. That all changed under Bush jr and the impact of the republican deregulation kicking in and decimating the net worth of average Americans while enriching the 1%.

Yes, T-Rump is tapping into that anger but he is part of the problem, not the messiah with the solution.

You recall wrong
Direction of Country
1994- 66% wrong track
30% right direction
1997- 58% wrong track
38% right direction.
People have been sick of this for more than 20 years.
Many are dumbfounded, except his supporters. Which are growing more each day. Just look st the past years poll on "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" And its always a majority of voters who say "No." I believe Trump is tapping into that majority.

As I recall a majority were happy with the direction of the country under Bill Clinton. That all changed under Bush jr and the impact of the republican deregulation kicking in and decimating the net worth of average Americans while enriching the 1%.

Yes, T-Rump is tapping into that anger but he is part of the problem, not the messiah with the solution.

You recall wrong
Direction of Country
1994- 66% wrong track
30% right direction
1997- 58% wrong track
38% right direction.
People have been sick of this for more than 20 years.

Moving the goal posts again?

You originally said direction, not track.

From 2/16/98 through to 3/2001 it was moving in the right direction 9 times out of the 25 times it was polled with over 50%. Furthermore another 10 times it was between 45% and 49%.

It was only in 2005 onwards that it dropped down into the 30's and 20's and we all know who was responsible for that happening.

Obviously you are misinformed, again!
GOP obstruction of Obama was effective.

T-Rump fits the profile of the 1%.
Fitting the profile and actually believing with the 1% is different. Trump believes there should be a one time tax increase of 14.25% on the 1%.
Wait, you're now ok with a one time WEALTH tax on the 1%? Trump is changing you guys.
I might have to rethink this whole trump thing if it's making you guys more liberal.

You dont have a clue of conservatives views on taxes.
It's the waste we object to. If they didnt piss away so much of it we wouldnt need tax increases.

Where is the money going? I wish conservatives would look at the real cause of 80% of this debt, 1. wars and nation building, 2. Yes, our welfare system needs work, 3. Healthcare...I know you get sick of hearing it but it is important as in infrastructure and science investment is at there lowest point in 30 years. How exactly can they be the drain on our tax system when this is the case??? Would you agree?

I also want to cut waste, increase accountability and work to get corruption out of the system.
Many are dumbfounded, except his supporters. Which are growing more each day. Just look st the past years poll on "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" And its always a majority of voters who say "No." I believe Trump is tapping into that majority.

As I recall a majority were happy with the direction of the country under Bill Clinton. That all changed under Bush jr and the impact of the republican deregulation kicking in and decimating the net worth of average Americans while enriching the 1%.

Yes, T-Rump is tapping into that anger but he is part of the problem, not the messiah with the solution.

You recall wrong
Direction of Country
1994- 66% wrong track
30% right direction
1997- 58% wrong track
38% right direction.
People have been sick of this for more than 20 years.

Moving the goal posts again?

You originally said direction, not track.

From 2/16/98 through to 3/2001 it was moving in the right direction 9 times out of the 25 times it was polled with over 50%. Furthermore another 10 times it was between 45% and 49%.

It was only in 2005 onwards that it dropped down into the 30's and 20's and we all know who was responsible for that happening.

Obviously you are misinformed, again!

You just don't like the polling information site that I posted.
It is not misinformation.
I said wrong direction- can also be wrong track.
Fitting the profile and actually believing with the 1% is different. Trump believes there should be a one time tax increase of 14.25% on the 1%.
Wait, you're now ok with a one time WEALTH tax on the 1%? Trump is changing you guys.
I might have to rethink this whole trump thing if it's making you guys more liberal.

You dont have a clue of conservatives views on taxes.
It's the waste we object to. If they didnt piss away so much of it we wouldnt need tax increases.

Where is the money going? I wish conservatives would look at the real cause of 80% of this debt, 1. wars and nation building, 2. Yes, our welfare system needs work, 3. Healthcare...I know you get sick of hearing it but it is important as in infrastructure and science investment is at there lowest point in 30 years. How exactly can they be the drain on our tax system when this is the case??? Would you agree?

I also want to cut waste, increase accountability and work to get corruption out of the system.

Not just wars and nation building but the SS programs and health care (these two are much higher and they have a lot of fraud, waste and abuse.
Fitting the profile and actually believing with the 1% is different. Trump believes there should be a one time tax increase of 14.25% on the 1%.
Wait, you're now ok with a one time WEALTH tax on the 1%? Trump is changing you guys.
I might have to rethink this whole trump thing if it's making you guys more liberal.

You dont have a clue of conservatives views on taxes.
It's the waste we object to. If they didnt piss away so much of it we wouldnt need tax increases.

Where is the money going? I wish conservatives would look at the real cause of 80% of this debt, 1. wars and nation building, 2. Yes, our welfare system needs work, 3. Healthcare...I know you get sick of hearing it but it is important as in infrastructure and science investment is at there lowest point in 30 years. How exactly can they be the drain on our tax system when this is the case??? Would you agree?

I also want to cut waste, increase accountability and work to get corruption out of the system.

Recalling the enthusiasm for Obama after his first election, I see the same enthusiasm for Trump. Except Trump has the leadership skills instead of just his race creating the popularity. People believe in him because he is anti-establishment, not a politician, a proven success in leadership, knows how to make deals that favor his interests, is honest and above all, he loves America.

The Republican establishment is still reeling over this, their plans are being washed away. The question now arises, who will back down first? The GOP or Trump? I think the GOP just may embrace Trump after a few more months of Trump gaining in popularity. When he is solidly over 50% in a field of 17, the GOP may have to rethink their mission statement that no one believed they followed anyway.

They just may be heard "Making America Great Again!"

Really dumb people starting with the Iowans (I'm ex-Iowan) were so fearful of being called "racist" if they DIDN"T vote for Obama that that is how
he was elected the first time. The 2nd time dumb ignorant conservatives 3 million to be exact stayed home because they preferred NO one rather
the vote for Romney and we have this Obama-nation!
Hopefully some people have realized that Obama had NO skills to be an executive which after 40 years in business Trump has!
Remember Trump has hired/fired people. When was the truly last time Obama fired anyone???
We've needed a negotiator who wouldn't GIVE away the ONLY leverage..i.e. the Iranian sanctions for something to show for his legacy which is what
Obama is trying to do! Obama wants to bankrupt 1,400 companies with 400,000 employees that pay $100 billion a year in taxes. Brilliant!

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