Luxury mansions and yachts: Italy became the EU leader in seizing the assets of Moscow oligarchs

Good job Italy. Crime should not pay.

Here is the problem, Western governments are projecting to the world the following mantra: "you can oppress, steal, rob, kill your own citizens, violate human rights daily and make billions off of your efforts, akin to the mob on juice. We will accept this, in fact, we will even allow you to launder the money in our country, no problem. After all, we don't REALLY care about human rights and the like, even as we tell the world we do. If your leader starts a war though, sorry, we take all the stuff we knew was paid for with dirty money"

What message is this sending to allies and adversaries alike? I know the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but the double standard can't be lost on others. If you are going to confiscate their possessions now due to their criminality, you should have been doing so long ago.

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