Lyin' Donald

Have any of you REAL pro-lifers EVER accidentally identified yourself as Pro-Choice?

Don't be such an ass. Accidents happen. Just like accidental pregnancy. You meet someone, you try to shake their hand. And you mistakenly thrust your penis in their vagina without intending to.

What would you say if a woman went to Brazil, had sex while there (maybe it was a honeymoon trip), and then got bit by a mosquito and contracted Tzika, but she didn't find out that she was pregnant until AFTER she got over the virus? Would you allow an abortion in that case?
What would you say if a woman went to Brazil, had sex while there (maybe it was a honeymoon trip), and then got bit by a mosquito and contracted Tzika, but she didn't find out that she was pregnant until AFTER she got over the virus? Would you allow an abortion in that case?


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