Lying Warnock trying to change the rules in the middle of the "game".. says Alveda King (MLK's niece)

voting is too important to leave to just any weirdo who thinks he should vote.. thinks he knows something. We never dreamed our country would be taken over by.. the enemy

There should be tests.. you'd have to come up with an awful lot of questions so people don't memorize the questions, then give them to friends, but it can be done..
voting is too important to leave to just any weirdo who thinks he should vote.. thinks he knows something. We never dreamed our country would be taken over by.. the enemy

There should be tests.. you'd have to come up with an awful lot of questions so people don't memorize the questions, then give them to friends, but it can be done..
Here's my solution:
  1. No one under 35 can vote.
  2. No one over 55 can vote
  3. No one who gets a check from the government can vote. That includes government employees.
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America's sickness came dangerously close to infecting Brazil too.

And of course there's really no denying anymore that America has started a proxy war against Russia.

Can you not see the possibility of unspeakable harm being done to the rest of the world if that goes awry.

If you have nothing rational to say I'm going to have to ignore you. Make it worth my time if you GAF.
LOL anyone left that hasn't pissed you off yet? At the rate you ignore people you should be down to about 5 left on this site.
Here's my solution:
  1. No one under 35 can vote.
  2. No one over 55 can vote
  3. No one who gets a check from the government can vote. That includes government employees.
what the hell?

no one over 55?

i guess u are being sarcastic..

and what about those who serve in the military? Are u saying we should only enlist people 35 and over ? because you c an't have military deprived of the vote.
Warnock hates America

Once people realize that, he is toast. Problem is: people don't watch Fox or Newmax as much as.. well, actually.. I may not be correct about this.. I think of how it even made the news that cnn was losing viewers. But what is scariest of all is that young people do not watch news much (any station). When I go into some public place that has the news on, the only ones watching are older people..

But these ignorant, wrong-ideology-insane-ideology, America-destroying ideology-young people are allowed to vote.

Again, something has to change. There should be American history tests administered to all who register to vote. IThe voter reg card should not be just handed to you. I never used to think this way.. and would not think this way now except for all the insanity I am seeing.. the corruption in DC supported by big - government young voters.. andthat's when elections are not outright stolen, which they are..

YOU hate America. You're slandering a Man of God, and then claiming that people who don't vote like you want them to, shouldn't be allowed to vote. NOTHING shows how much you hate American by denying people their democratic right to a vote.
And of course there's really no denying anymore that America has started a proxy war against Russia.
you mistake demofks as america. Xiden has the war with russia as does every demofk who follows him. It's your war.
YOU hate America. You're slandering a Man of God, and then claiming that people who don't vote like you want them to, shouldn't be allowed to vote. NOTHING shows how much you hate American by denying people their democratic right to a vote.
you know nothing about being a US citizen canadian, stay in your lane.
you mistake demofks as america. Xiden has the war with russia as does every demofk who follows him. It's your war.
I revel in the division within America, but have little confidence in the domestic political divide having enough relevance to stop the war.

As I've said, those Americans who are 'con' on their war are too confused over the fact that they have to be anti war to be true to Trump.

There are Magas, there are Magats, and there is also a growing R force of anti-magats.

Which faction is actually antiwar? Most likely the first two I think?

If Trump's wellbeing is in danger, it would have to be on account of his interference with the proxy wars progress.

Some political positions are just too renegade against that which is sacred to America's cause. As the Kennedys had to learn..............
Here's my solution:
  1. No one under 35 can vote.
  2. No one over 55 can vote
  3. No one who gets a check from the government can vote. That includes government employees.

So you want to disenfranchise both the young and the old, on the grounds that you don't like how they vote. Who will look out for THEIR interests. No one it seems, and that's the way YOU want it. What about women. They\re not voting for the party of hate either.

Every nation in first the world is desperate to get MORE of their citizens out to vote. But not white male Republicans. They want to strip away the rights of Americans at every turn. No reproductive rights for women. No access to the polls for poor people. No assistance in voting for the disabled.

Why doesn't the Republican Party come up with a platform that Americans will vote for? Instead of telling Americans what they're going to do to end inflation and high gas prices, they're going to investigate the lies Donald Trump is telling about the Bidens. AGAIN.

THIS is why you lost the midterms. The ONLY reason you won the House is gerrymandering and redistricting.
what the hell?

no one over 55?

i guess u are being sarcastic..

and what about those who serve in the military? Are u saying we should only enlist people 35 and over ? because you c an't have military deprived of the vote.
Older generations have a tendency to mortgage their kid’s futures for their own benefit.

The boomers love doing this.
I revel in the division within America, but have little confidence in the domestic political divide having enough relevance to stop the war.
tell xiden to open up oil production then? why does he get a break from you and you bitch cause I don't want his fight with russia? Sending my tax money to ukraine without any jurisdiction.

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