Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

The most recent lynching in THIS country was perpetrated by NAZIS.

And Nazis are not conservatives.

Try again, ignoramus.
I dont get your point? Of course you have a link right? What does that have to do with the fact white conservatives lynched Black people?
I already posted information about this, but schlep is functionally illiterate and seems to have missed it. This is the last lynching to take place in the US:

"At a meeting held after the mistrial, Bennie Hays, the second-highest-ranking official in the United Klans in Alabama, said: "If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man."[3][4][5]

An inflammatory cartoon from the UKA's The Fiery Cross that was used as evidence in the civil trial resulting from Michael Donald's murder.
The same night other Klan members burnt a three-foot cross on the Mobile County courthouse lawn. Bennie Hays' son, Henry Hays (age 26), and James Llewellyn "Tiger" Knowles (age 17) drove around Mobile looking for a victim.[6][7] Picked at random, they spotted Michael Donald walking home from getting his sister a pack of cigarettes. They kidnapped him, drove out to a secluded area in the woods, attacked him and beat him with a tree limb. They wrapped a rope around his neck, and pulled on it to strangle him, before slitting his throat and hanging him from a tree across the street from Hays' house.[6]"

U.S. District Court Judge W. Brevard Hand sentenced Knowles, who by then was 21 years of age, to a life sentence.[9] Knowles had earlier testified that the slaying occurred "to show Klan strength in Alabama."[9] He avoided the death penalty by testifying against Hays at trial.[6]
On May 18, 1989, Benjamin Franklin Cox, Jr., a truck driver from Mobile, was convicted in a federal court for being an accomplice in the Donald killing. Mobile County Circuit Court Michael Zoghby sentenced the then-28-year old Cox to life in prison for his part in the Donald murder.[10]"

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
The fact is, black killers have killed more people than black people have been killed by lynchings in the history of the country.

Let's consider the black crime rate, hmmm? That's a current problem.
Sounds like a subject for another thread. This is about lynching in the US.

Yes, it no longer takes place. Thanks to Republican Christians who took a stand against it.

Now we need to take a stand against lynching world wide, or we may see a resurgence in American lynchings, as those factions bring it across our open borders.

Here's an example of justification of lynching....we'll be welcoming these poor people into our country who have been *forced* to lynch:

"Since President Evo Morales took charge in 2006, lynching attacks have risen sharply: in 2013 there were 70 cases reported to authorities, as opposed to 64 between 2002 and 2003, according to figures of Bolivia’s official human rights watchdog. However, the actual numbers could be much higher, as no independent organization tracks lynching.
"For the Bolivian ombudsman office, this increase is the result of the deep crisis of the country's judicial system. The UN reported in 2013 that a lack of judges and courts in most of the country prompts residents to take matters in their own hands."

As Mexico Cracks Down Vigilantes Are On The Rise In Latin America

The same people who are shrieking that today's Republican Christians could at any moment launch into lynching (which they have never engaged in) justify the use of lynching by Muslims and S. American villagers.

From the Washington Post, dateline 18 February 2015 (yesterday):

>> Lynchings are in the news of late, thanks both to a report last week documenting anew the terrible history of the crime in the Jim Crow South, and to a modern hate-crime trial playing out in Mississippi that's made plain that lynching is still — though seldom — a thing.

It's hard to reconcile these two threads: our collective revulsion at this part of our history, and the modern evidence that whatever motivates lynchings still exists. But Carlton Reeves, a black U.S. District judge in Mississippi, comes beautifully close to doing so. Before Reeves sentenced last week three white men — teens at the time of their 2011 crime — for participating in the racially motivated murder of a black Jackson man, Reeves read aloud a stunning speech on the legacy of lynchings in a state that has never quite escaped its association with brutality.

The blood of James Craig Anderson, who was killed in a Jackson parking lot just before his 49th birthday, stains the same Mississippi soil, Reeves says, as the blood of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and countless blacks who were less well-known:

The common denominator of the deaths of these individuals was not their race. It was not that they all were engaged in freedom fighting. It was not that they had been engaged in criminal activity, trumped up or otherwise. No, the common denominator was that the last thing that each of these individuals saw was the inhumanity of racism. The last thing that each felt was the audacity and agony of hate, senseless hate: crippling, maiming them and finally taking away their lives.​

His second message is a more hopeful one: that while racial animus still persists, much has changed in a criminal justice system now committed to holding perpetrators to account. Historically, Reeves points out, the victims of lynchings were often identified as having died at the "the hands of persons unknown." << (full article here)

This one happened in 2011. Not even four years ago. Not 17, not 60, not 90... within recent memory. And committed by young people.

This is exactly why I keep saying those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it.
A rose by any other name would be just as sweet. Doesnt matter what you call it or them.

One thing for certain, they're white
I already posted information about this, but schlep is functionally illiterate and seems to have missed it. This is the last lynching to take place in the US:

"At a meeting held after the mistrial, Bennie Hays, the second-highest-ranking official in the United Klans in Alabama, said: "If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man."[3][4][5]

An inflammatory cartoon from the UKA's The Fiery Cross that was used as evidence in the civil trial resulting from Michael Donald's murder.
The same night other Klan members burnt a three-foot cross on the Mobile County courthouse lawn. Bennie Hays' son, Henry Hays (age 26), and James Llewellyn "Tiger" Knowles (age 17) drove around Mobile looking for a victim.[6][7] Picked at random, they spotted Michael Donald walking home from getting his sister a pack of cigarettes. They kidnapped him, drove out to a secluded area in the woods, attacked him and beat him with a tree limb. They wrapped a rope around his neck, and pulled on it to strangle him, before slitting his throat and hanging him from a tree across the street from Hays' house.[6]"

U.S. District Court Judge W. Brevard Hand sentenced Knowles, who by then was 21 years of age, to a life sentence.[9] Knowles had earlier testified that the slaying occurred "to show Klan strength in Alabama."[9] He avoided the death penalty by testifying against Hays at trial.[6]
On May 18, 1989, Benjamin Franklin Cox, Jr., a truck driver from Mobile, was convicted in a federal court for being an accomplice in the Donald killing. Mobile County Circuit Court Michael Zoghby sentenced the then-28-year old Cox to life in prison for his part in the Donald murder.[10]"

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No stupid. I posted the same story. What does this have to do with Nazi's or the fact that white conservatives lynched Black people?
The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

KKK aren't conservatives, you moron. KKK lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

The most recent lynching in THIS country was perpetrated by NAZIS.

And Nazis are not conservatives.

Try again, ignoramus.
Of course you have a link right?

People who are going to *report* other people for not speaking to the topic should probably actually read the posts they report, eh?
The fact is, black killers have killed more people than black people have been killed by lynchings in the history of the country.

Let's consider the black crime rate, hmmm? That's a current problem.
Sounds like a subject for another thread. This is about lynching in the US.

Yes, it no longer takes place. Thanks to Republican Christians who took a stand against it.

Now we need to take a stand against lynching world wide, or we may see a resurgence in American lynchings, as those factions bring it across our open borders.

Here's an example of justification of lynching....we'll be welcoming these poor people into our country who have been *forced* to lynch:

"Since President Evo Morales took charge in 2006, lynching attacks have risen sharply: in 2013 there were 70 cases reported to authorities, as opposed to 64 between 2002 and 2003, according to figures of Bolivia’s official human rights watchdog. However, the actual numbers could be much higher, as no independent organization tracks lynching.
"For the Bolivian ombudsman office, this increase is the result of the deep crisis of the country's judicial system. The UN reported in 2013 that a lack of judges and courts in most of the country prompts residents to take matters in their own hands."

As Mexico Cracks Down Vigilantes Are On The Rise In Latin America

The same people who are shrieking that today's Republican Christians could at any moment launch into lynching (which they have never engaged in) justify the use of lynching by Muslims and S. American villagers.

From the Washington Post, dateline 18 February 2015 (yesterday):

>> Lynchings are in the news of late, thanks both to a report last week documenting anew the terrible history of the crime in the Jim Crow South, and to a modern hate-crime trial playing out in Mississippi that's made plain that lynching is still — though seldom — a thing.

It's hard to reconcile these two threads: our collective revulsion at this part of our history, and the modern evidence that whatever motivates lynchings still exists. But Carlton Reeves, a black U.S. District judge in Mississippi, comes beautifully close to doing so. Before Reeves sentenced last week three white men — teens at the time of their 2011 crime — for participating in the racially motivated murder of a black Jackson man, Reeves read aloud a stunning speech on the legacy of lynchings in a state that has never quite escaped its association with brutality.

The blood of James Craig Anderson, who was killed in a Jackson parking lot just before his 49th birthday, stains the same Mississippi soil, Reeves says, as the blood of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and countless blacks who were less well-known:

The common denominator of the deaths of these individuals was not their race. It was not that they all were engaged in freedom fighting. It was not that they had been engaged in criminal activity, trumped up or otherwise. No, the common denominator was that the last thing that each of these individuals saw was the inhumanity of racism. The last thing that each felt was the audacity and agony of hate, senseless hate: crippling, maiming them and finally taking away their lives.​
His second message is a more hopeful one: that while racial animus still persists, much has changed in a criminal justice system now committed to holding perpetrators to account. Historically, Reeves points out, the victims of lynchings were often identified as having died at the "the hands of persons unknown." << (full article here)​
This one happened in 2011. Not even four years ago. Not 17, not 60, not 90... within recent memory. And committed by young people.

This is exactly why I keep saying those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it.

I don't see that it's a lynching.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.
The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.

Lol. Says the loon who won't address the real threat of a resurgence of LYNCHINGS (referenced in the OP) that could take place as a result of lax borders that allow people who are currently engaged in lynching TODAY, into America as *refugees*.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

KKK aren't conservatives, you moron. KKK lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

The most recent lynching in THIS country was perpetrated by NAZIS.

And Nazis are not conservatives.

Try again, ignoramus.
Of course you have a link right?

People who are going to *report* other people for not speaking to the topic should probably actually read the posts they report, eh?
The fact is, black killers have killed more people than black people have been killed by lynchings in the history of the country.

Let's consider the black crime rate, hmmm? That's a current problem.
Sounds like a subject for another thread. This is about lynching in the US.

Yes, it no longer takes place. Thanks to Republican Christians who took a stand against it.

Now we need to take a stand against lynching world wide, or we may see a resurgence in American lynchings, as those factions bring it across our open borders.

Here's an example of justification of lynching....we'll be welcoming these poor people into our country who have been *forced* to lynch:

"Since President Evo Morales took charge in 2006, lynching attacks have risen sharply: in 2013 there were 70 cases reported to authorities, as opposed to 64 between 2002 and 2003, according to figures of Bolivia’s official human rights watchdog. However, the actual numbers could be much higher, as no independent organization tracks lynching.
"For the Bolivian ombudsman office, this increase is the result of the deep crisis of the country's judicial system. The UN reported in 2013 that a lack of judges and courts in most of the country prompts residents to take matters in their own hands."

As Mexico Cracks Down Vigilantes Are On The Rise In Latin America

The same people who are shrieking that today's Republican Christians could at any moment launch into lynching (which they have never engaged in) justify the use of lynching by Muslims and S. American villagers.

From the Washington Post, dateline 18 February 2015 (yesterday):

>> Lynchings are in the news of late, thanks both to a report last week documenting anew the terrible history of the crime in the Jim Crow South, and to a modern hate-crime trial playing out in Mississippi that's made plain that lynching is still — though seldom — a thing.

It's hard to reconcile these two threads: our collective revulsion at this part of our history, and the modern evidence that whatever motivates lynchings still exists. But Carlton Reeves, a black U.S. District judge in Mississippi, comes beautifully close to doing so. Before Reeves sentenced last week three white men — teens at the time of their 2011 crime — for participating in the racially motivated murder of a black Jackson man, Reeves read aloud a stunning speech on the legacy of lynchings in a state that has never quite escaped its association with brutality.

The blood of James Craig Anderson, who was killed in a Jackson parking lot just before his 49th birthday, stains the same Mississippi soil, Reeves says, as the blood of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and countless blacks who were less well-known:

The common denominator of the deaths of these individuals was not their race. It was not that they all were engaged in freedom fighting. It was not that they had been engaged in criminal activity, trumped up or otherwise. No, the common denominator was that the last thing that each of these individuals saw was the inhumanity of racism. The last thing that each felt was the audacity and agony of hate, senseless hate: crippling, maiming them and finally taking away their lives.​
His second message is a more hopeful one: that while racial animus still persists, much has changed in a criminal justice system now committed to holding perpetrators to account. Historically, Reeves points out, the victims of lynchings were often identified as having died at the "the hands of persons unknown." << (full article here)​
This one happened in 2011. Not even four years ago. Not 17, not 60, not 90... within recent memory. And committed by young people.

This is exactly why I keep saying those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it.

I don't see that it's a lynching.
You obviously dont understand what legacy means.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.

Lol. Says the loon who won't address the real threat of a resurgence of LYNCHINGS (referenced in the OP) that could take place as a result of lax borders that allow people who are currently engaged in lynching TODAY, into America as *refugees*.
Stay off the crack pipe.
Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.

Lol. Says the loon who won't address the real threat of a resurgence of LYNCHINGS (referenced in the OP) that could take place as a result of lax borders that allow people who are currently engaged in lynching TODAY, into America as *refugees*.
Stay off the crack pipe.

so I suppose you think we can prevent lynchings by giving modern day lynchers JOBS, right?

State Department spokeswoman floats jobs as answer to ISIS Fox News
The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.

I seem to know it better than you. The fact that you're constantly avoiding the fact that your average dumbfuck lynching party was a bunch of church going Democrats
Yeah, pogo, that wasn't a lynching.

So your OP is about lynching. Try to stick to the subject.

Murder of James Craig Anderson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.
No it was white conservatives. No everyone was not a conservative. Some were liberals/progressives. You dont know history and you are again deflecting.

I seem to know it better than you. The fact that you're constantly avoiding the fact that your average dumbfuck lynching party was a bunch of church going Democrats
Evidently you dont. You just claimed everyone was conservative. Your average dumb fuck lynching party was headed up by white conservatives.
I remember the high-tech lynching Democrats pulled on Justice Thomas in 92'.

You fuckers never change.

When you say high tech you mean no actual lynching at all...which makes sense....You consider the Black Panthers to be just like the KKK.

Except when blacks are the victims people die...when whites are the victim they overstate the impact and signifcance...they're hurt feelings (they believe) must be just how the lynched felt because whites feelings are so sensitive
Mudwhistle is going to talk about the time he was lynched by Sam's Club...Which is white people talk for they cancelled his membership

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