Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.
That says in the northern united states idiot. If you had read or highlighted just a little further you wouldnt look like a dumbass for posting that.

My link makes no bones about it being the last recorded the US north or south.Keep trying Uncensored. I know how badly you hate being caught in a lie. What a fucking moron!

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The murder is sometimes referred to as the last recorded lynching in the United States.["

SOMETIMES, those times being when race pimps and other Klansmen are attempting to foster racial hatred,

Is every murder a lynching, Asslips?
Read the OP so you can figure out the point. If you dont like it stop reading the thread.
Why don't you put your thumb up your butt?

The point of this thread isn't to address an issue but to foment hatred. People are fucking tired of this repetitive bullshit. It's an effort to cause hatred and to breed self-righteous indignation when it's not warranted.

It getting so bad that they want to make James fucking Bond black. Why not try making Superman black? How bout 4 black Ghostbusters? Let's make a movie about the US Hockey Team with black players? Did you know that the South had slaves BTW?

Excuse me a-hole -- I'm the OP here and I'll say what the point is, not you ya arrogant fuck.

The only point you made is that you hate the fact that lynchings took place in America decades ago, and you think white people today should worry about that, and not about the lynchings that are taking place in our back yard:

Again, I've posted absolutely zero about "hating" anything, or any value judgment at all. Similarly I've posted absolutely zero about what anyone should "worry" about. You made that up too.

So make your point.

What's your point? I asked you to make it. If you won't make it, we will have to use our ability to reason to figure it out.

The fact that you refuse to cop to having a *point* is pretty much an admission that you're just stirring the pot, incidentally.

I already articulated the point, several times. You went :lalala:

Then you tried to shift the point to "crimes" or "murders" or "what's going on in Rwanda"
I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.

Me too since know one mentioned that either. How often do you see things that arent there?
That says in the northern united states idiot. If you had read or highlighted just a little further you wouldnt look like a dumbass for posting that.

My link makes no bones about it being the last recorded the US north or south.Keep trying Uncensored. I know how badly you hate being caught in a lie. What a fucking moron!

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The murder is sometimes referred to as the last recorded lynching in the United States.["

SOMETIMES, those times being when race pimps and other Klansmen are attempting to foster racial hatred,

Is every murder a lynching, Asslips?
You still haven come to grips you got caught in a lie Uncensored. Dont worry. Well unless your self esteem is measured by what people on some message board think of you.
I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.

RGS and several others have been doing nothing but deflection since this thread started. I've corrected him several times, it sails right over his head.

"Yabbut what about Africa"
"Yabbut that was 60 (90, 17) years ago"
"Yabbut Democrats"
"Yabbut Christians"
"Yabbut what about crime statistics"
"Yabbut what about murders"

Anything but the actual topic and what it says about human nature.
Murder happens every day, Klansman.

Racially motivated murder happens far too frequently (though you probably hope for more black on white murder.)

But murder isn't lynching, Klansman - and the fact that you fuckwads attempt to present it as such is yet another reason that you have no credibility.
You said all that but you missed the point he was lynched by your buddies the Klan. Its a historical fact and the reason we need more threads like this to educate you backwoods racist white hicks. What a dummy you are.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.

RGS and several others have been doing nothing but deflection since this thread started. I've corrected him several times, it sails right over his head.

"Yabbut what about Africa"
"Yabbut that was 60 (90, 17) years ago"
"Yabbut Democrats"
"Yabbut Christians"
"Yabbut what about crime statistics"
"Yabbut what about murders"

Anything but the actual topic and what it says about human nature.

Which is....? What statement are you making about which humans' natures?

You still haven't actually said. You just attack anyone who tries to figure it out.

Do you maintain that we run a risk of re-introducing a lynching mentality thanks to our newly lax borders?
I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.

RGS and several others have been doing nothing but deflection since this thread started. I've corrected him several times, it sails right over his head.

"Yabbut what about Africa"
"Yabbut that was 60 (90, 17) years ago"
"Yabbut Democrats"
"Yabbut Christians"
"Yabbut what about crime statistics"
"Yabbut what about murders"

Anything but the actual topic and what it says about human nature.
Maybe we should start reporting them for being off topic?
I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.

RGS and several others have been doing nothing but deflection since this thread started. I've corrected him several times, it sails right over his head.

"Yabbut what about Africa"
"Yabbut that was 60 (90, 17) years ago"
"Yabbut Democrats"
"Yabbut Christians"
"Yabbut what about crime statistics"
"Yabbut what about murders"

Anything but the actual topic and what it says about human nature.

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Changing the Topic and Name calling are their standard operating procedure when they feel they are losing control of the topic.
Very evident and you can see it in action on almost any thread.
You said all that but you missed the point he was lynched by your buddies the Klan. Its a historical fact and the reason we need more threads like this to educate you backwoods racist white hicks. What a dummy you are.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.
You said all that but you missed the point he was lynched by your buddies the Klan. Its a historical fact and the reason we need more threads like this to educate you backwoods racist white hicks. What a dummy you are.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.


Quit making shit up.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying reaaaallly hard to see how one lynching almost 40 years ago means we have a problem with white on black lynching mentality in this country.
I keep asking who said there was a problem? The OP just stated some facts.
You sure did not like it when I stated "just some facts" about black on black murders, now did you.
You never stated any facts. You stated propaganda. What I didnt like was the attempt to deflect.

RGS and several others have been doing nothing but deflection since this thread started. I've corrected him several times, it sails right over his head.

"Yabbut what about Africa"
"Yabbut that was 60 (90, 17) years ago"
"Yabbut Democrats"
"Yabbut Christians"
"Yabbut what about crime statistics"
"Yabbut what about murders"

Anything but the actual topic and what it says about human nature.
Maybe we should start reporting them for being off topic?

We're talking about lynching in the US.

We've established that the last lynching in the US took place in 1981, was a single event, and all the perps were caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

So what else should we be talking about? I spoke about the threat of a resurgence of lynchings, thanks to the fact that we are inviting in refugees from countries where their political parties and groups are actively participating in lynchings...but you guys don't want to discuss that.

I've asked pogo, repeatedly, what point he is trying to make, in order to further the conversation. he apparently is unable to answer the question.

So how are our comments *off topic*?
Murder happens every day, Klansman.

Racially motivated murder happens far too frequently (though you probably hope for more black on white murder.)

But murder isn't lynching, Klansman - and the fact that you fuckwads attempt to present it as such is yet another reason that you have no credibility.
You said all that but you missed the point he was lynched by your buddies the Klan. Its a historical fact and the reason we need more threads like this to educate you backwoods racist white hicks. What a dummy you are.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

Well the Jews have a serious beef today. Several of them were murdered in Paris this year. By Muslims. Can you say when the last religious killing of Jews took place? Now compare that to the date of the last lynching and I guess you really don't have a fucking beef.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
I already articulated the point, several times. You went :lalala:

Then you tried to shift the point to "crimes" or "murders" or "what's going on in Rwanda"

The point you articulated was that you want more racial hatred in hopes that you can marginalize the GOP as hated whites, ensuring that democrats retain the white house in 2016.

Racism carried you the last two presidential elections, you seek to make it three - but without a black candidate, it may be difficult to leverage racism to your advantage. Thus you seek to create as much hatred as possible to maintain an anti-white mood among core democrats as an incentive for them to turn out.

Hatred is really all you have to sell. Obama is a disaster, you can't pimp Warren on Obama's regime - so instead you'll say "Republicans are WHITE" and prey on the racism that you have so carefully cultivated.
You said all that but you missed the point he was lynched by your buddies the Klan. Its a historical fact and the reason we need more threads like this to educate you backwoods racist white hicks. What a dummy you are.
None of us are buddies with the Klan. That's what your problem is. You are so racist that whites skin to you equals the kkk.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

Well the Jews have a serious beef today. Several of them were murdered in Paris this year. By Muslims. Can you say when the last religious killing of Jews took place? Now compare that to the date of the last lynching and I guess you really don't have a fucking beef.
Now you are deflecting to another topic. I know you cant help it but dont be so transparent. The Holocaust is history. Tell the Jews to stop bringing it up. If you cant then you are just another voice in the crowd with no credibility.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. Conservatives arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them.

Try, try again.
Never mind all of the Mexicans that have been beheaded along the border. Nope, let's talk about lynching. Republicans want to bring it back, right after they put every black in chains and steal their social security.
I think you are if you have a problem with this thread. You are the one whining about it. Stop whining and contribute. If you dont like the thread dont comment. Its really that simple. i could give a fug what you dont like so i will continue to contribute and comment on the thread.

I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."
I have been contributing and you keep saying this thing that has been out there since the 70s needs to yet again be said. Quit beating a dead horse. Try offering solutions instead constantly airing grievances. We're fucken fed up with it.
No I wont quit "beating a dead horse". This needs to be talked about and not swept under the rug to appease your conscious. Its obvious that the fool Uncensored didnt even know when the last official lynching was. When you tell Jews to "stop beating a dead horse" then you would have some credibility. Until then you are just another voice afraid of exposing the truth. You cant offer solutions to issues people pretend were never there.

The dead horse you like to beat is also imaginary.

Republican Christians have never posed a lynching threat to blacks. If it wasn't for Republican Christians, you'd still be slaves, and lynching would still be legal.

Quit making shit up.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

The most recent lynching in THIS country was perpetrated by KKK/NAZIS.

And they are not conservatives.

Try again, ignoramus.
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