Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

If you'd trust Graham to rescue'd better be in danger of getting the vapors. That dude is dainty.

Lindsey Olin Graham (born July 9, 1955) is an American politician and member of the Republican Partywho serves as the senior United States Senator from South Carolina, in office since 2003.

Born in Central, South Carolina, Graham graduated from theUniversity of South Carolina in 1977. He received his Juris Doctorfrom the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1981.

He served in the United States Air Force from 1982 to 1988 and served as a reservist in the South Carolina Air National Guard, attaining the rank of Colonel.

He worked as a lawyer in private practice before he was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1992, serving one term from 1993 to 1995. He then served in the United States House of Representatives, representing South Carolina's 3rd congressional district from 1995 to 2003. He was elected to four terms, receiving at least 60% of the vote each time.

Lindsey Graham - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's good enough for me.

Good enough for what?

Good enough for me to trust he wouldn't pull a Hillary on me when he was supposed to protect my back.

There is an adage every young lawyer learns: If you have the law, pound the law; if you have the facts, pound the facts. But if you have neither, pound the table.

While some of you dutifully pound Obama's pud?
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke Executive Privilege and refuse to release those 14,000 documents. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?

s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?
A Liberal that can't even manage to stay on the topic about how the House report has more holes than Swiss Cheese,

You should take it up with the Republicans in the House. They liked their report.
It hurts bad when you lose with what you thought was a winning hand.
You do understand that it is only people like you who would accept nothing less than placing full blame on Obama or Hillary or both.

Just come out an admit that nothing less than finding Obama and CO fully responsible for the deaths in Benghazi would be acceptable.

But really, your problem is with the Republicans conducting the investigation. Someone should have bribed them to get the results you wanted.

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?
C'mon folks. The Americans who were murdered in the incident Hillary long ago put out of (what's left of) her mind were all white. No importance to this regime whatsoever. Now had they been black.....well Holder would have been all over Benghazi like flies over shit.

But they weren't.
this is called desperation.
I don't get why they're still so mad, they won. :)
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Well, if Obama would stop fucking everything up we wouldn't have anything to say about him.
He's not fucking everything up. That's why I'm happy to see righties miserable over him.
Yup, that's why you like him. Not because he does his job, but because he pisses so many people off. That's not what a president is supposed to do. He's supposed to listen to the people of this country as a whole, not spread hatred and violence as he seems prone to do. Every time Obama opens his mouth about any issue it appears he's trying to make it worse. This Sunday he was talking about how the police need to be trained differently. Fact is blacks need to be trained to respect authority, but when your president acts like he doesn't respect the law how can you expect them to"?

Fact is, you and others like you hate people who think differently. You wanted someone in the White House that represents your shitty attitudes towards this country and it's people, and Obama is perfect for your lousy outlook on life. He suits you to a T.
A Liberal that can't even manage to stay on the topic about how the House report has more holes than Swiss Cheese,

You should take it up with the Republicans in the House. They liked their report.
It hurts bad when you lose with what you thought was a winning hand.
You do understand that it is only people like you who would accept nothing less than placing full blame on Obama or Hillary or both.

Just come out an admit that nothing less than finding Obama and CO fully responsible for the deaths in Benghazi would be acceptable.

But really, your problem is with the Republicans conducting the investigation. Someone should have bribed them to get the results you wanted.

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

The RWnuts made up their minds about Benghazi long before they had the facts.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.
I think Obama should quit lying, he did say the lie of the year. Why don't you grow up, and think for yourself for once?
And a third failed deflection.

Understandable given the fact 'Benghazi' was a phony scandal.
The Obama administration lied about bengazi, to save his presidential campaign. He said the terrorists were defeated and bengazi proved him wrong. Quit swallowing the lies from Obama.
I don't get why they're still so mad, they won. :)
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Well, if Obama would stop fucking everything up we wouldn't have anything to say about him.
He's not fucking everything up. That's why I'm happy to see righties miserable over him.
Yeah we won the last election, because democrats are doing such a great job.
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?

s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?
It's not up to us to educate you. You have to do that yourself. Learn how to Google.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.
I think Obama should quit lying, he did say the lie of the year. Why don't you grow up, and think for yourself for once?
And a third failed deflection.

Understandable given the fact 'Benghazi' was a phony scandal.
The Obama administration lied about bengazi, to save his presidential campaign. He said the terrorists were defeated and bengazi proved him wrong. Quit swallowing the lies from Obama.

He never said any such thing.
Senator Huckleberry Butchmeup is pissed because he thought he'd have something to hammer Hillary over. Senator of the Vapors is running for President in 2016 and since the GOP has no policies to run on, Lindsey thought he'd run on Benghazi.
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?

s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?

I would guess that Bush was hiding the inner workings of Iran-Contra.

As for Obama's invoking EP? That was actually on Fast & Furious. I must confess, I have a hard time keeping the Obama scandals straight, Faun...there are so many it becomes a chore. Obama used EP to stonewall F&F whereas with Benghazi they employed a different strategy. At first the Obama White House deliberately misled the American people by painting the attacks as another demonstration over the YouTube video that escalated when it was obvious that wasn't the case. Then they declared that they didn't have answers to what really happened because the area was simply too dangerous to do an investigation (which was rather amusing since most of the world's news channels were by then doing broadcasts from the burnt out facility and they appeared to be just fine!). Then they reclassified documents to hide them from Congress so what they had done wouldn't be exposed. And what really takes brass is when they thought enough time had passed, they declared that Benghazi was "old news" and asked "What difference does it really make?" So you deliberately distort the facts you DO know...deliberately refuse to do a timely investigation...hide emails that demonstrate the coverup and then declare that it's such an "old" issue that it's ridiculous to even still be discussing it.

All this from the "Most Transparent Administration Ever!" You seriously can't make this shit up it's so amusing.
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?

s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?
It's not up to us to educate you. You have to do that yourself. Learn how to Google.
It's up to your team to prove what is claimed. How do you expect me to educate myself about rightwing claims which are not true?
Republicans tell so many lies they can't keep track, that's all. Will Miss Lindsey come out after she leaves office?
Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?

s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?

I would guess that Bush was hiding the inner workings of Iran-Contra.

As for Obama's invoking EP? That was actually on Fast & Furious. I must confess, I have a hard time keeping the Obama scandals straight, Faun...there are so many it becomes a chore. Obama used EP to stonewall F&F whereas with Benghazi they employed a different strategy. At first the Obama White House deliberately misled the American people by painting the attacks as another demonstration over the YouTube video that escalated when it was obvious that wasn't the case. Then they declared that they didn't have answers to what really happened because the area was simply too dangerous to do an investigation (which was rather amusing since most of the world's news channels were by then doing broadcasts from the burnt out facility and they appeared to be just fine!). Then they reclassified documents to hide them from Congress so what they had done wouldn't be exposed. And what really takes brass is when they thought enough time had passed, they declared that Benghazi was "old news" and asked "What difference does it really make?" So you deliberately distort the facts you DO know...deliberately refuse to do a timely investigation...hide emails that demonstrate the coverup and then declare that it's such an "old" issue that it's ridiculous to even still be discussing it.

All this from the "Most Transparent Administration Ever!" You seriously can't make this shit up it's so amusing.
My favorite one is Fast and Furious. Obama gets people he doesn't know or trust to sell guns to Mexican Drug Lords so they can use the guns to kill Americans. Part of the deal is they leave at least a couple of the guns so it can be proved it was one of the gun running guns that was used. And, they leave self incriminating evidence proving it was actually Mexican Drug Lords who did the killing.


Obama could outlaw guns from everyone in the country.

You can read all about it here:

NRA Targets Obama

and here:

NRA targets Obama despite his pro-gun record - Chicago Tribune

But don't worry, all this proves is Republicans are tards and are only willing to believe the most ridiculous.
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Well, if Obama would stop fucking everything up we wouldn't have anything to say about him.
He's not fucking everything up. That's why I'm happy to see righties miserable over him.
Yup, that's why you like him. Not because he does his job, but because he pisses so many people off. That's not what a president is supposed to do. He's supposed to listen to the people of this country as a whole, not spread hatred and violence as he seems prone to do. Every time Obama opens his mouth about any issue it appears he's trying to make it worse. This Sunday he was talking about how the police need to be trained differently. Fact is blacks need to be trained to respect authority, but when your president acts like he doesn't respect the law how can you expect them to"?

Fact is, you and others like you hate people who think differently. You wanted someone in the White House that represents your shitty attitudes towards this country and it's people, and Obama is perfect for your lousy outlook on life. He suits you to a T.

Fact is most of the people he regularly pisses off were pissed that he was elected in the first place, and have been make up shit ever since.

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