Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke
s. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?
It's not up to us to educate you. You have to do that yourself. Learn how to Google.
It's up to your team to prove what is claimed. How do you expect me to educate myself about rightwing claims which are not true?

Are you claiming he never has claimed executive privilege?
Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.
Sure's all "made up shit"! Barry is actually the best President EVAH! All the scandals...the lack of an economic policy...the shambles our foreign policy is's all "made up shit"!
Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.
Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Sure's all "made up shit"! Barry is actually the best President EVAH! All the scandals...the lack of an economic policy...the shambles our foreign policy is's all "made up shit"!

You seem to pole vault from one extreme to the other. (Must be a symptom of listening to the Echo-Chamber) Whereas the truth is somewhere in between.
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

This thread is going to be so fun! All the report has done is forced Benghazi back out to the forefront, given you libs a false sense of security, and then BOOOOM, when Trey Gowdy starts the hearings in December, libs will be crying, LMAO. Mark my word.
Benghazi back out in the forefront. Yeah. It's that time of the month again. Nobody gives a fuck any more when the rubes go back on the rag over Benghazi.

All the lies you told yourselves and that were told to you by Fox News have become part of your DNA, and there is nothing anyone can do for you.

But don't kid yourself anyone else cares what lies you believe and repeat to yourselves.

There was no stand down order. It is too bad you don't excoriate your hack media sources for telling you that lie. You keep going back, holding out your piss cup for a refill.

There is no story except that some assholes killed some people in one of our consulates, and some jackals are standing on the bodies of the dead and making a big production out of it for their own personal gain.
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Benghazi and ObamaCare are cycled around and around to keep the rubes in a holding pattern until their media puppeteerss can find a Fright of the Week to make them shit their pants.




You'd think they would catch on they are being lied to, manipulated and used. But they don't. They hold out their piss cups for a refill. It's a fascinating phenomenon.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
How magnanimous of you, though actually, you didn't answer ... "what was Bush hiding," was the question.

As far as Obama invoking executive privilege on Benghazi, help me out here ... when did that occur?
It's not up to us to educate you. You have to do that yourself. Learn how to Google.
It's up to your team to prove what is claimed. How do you expect me to educate myself about rightwing claims which are not true?

Are you claiming he never has claimed executive privilege?
The claim made was that Obama invoked executive privilege to prevent the release of 14,000 documents on Benghazi. I asked for proof of that when you chimed in that I should look it up myself. I see no evidence of that, but if it did occur, then prove it...
Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:
Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:
I would guess that Bush was hiding the inner workings of Iran-Contra.

As for Obama's invoking EP? That was actually on Fast & Furious. I must confess, I have a hard time keeping the Obama scandals straight, Faun...there are so many it becomes a chore. Obama used EP to stonewall F&F whereas with Benghazi they employed a different strategy. At first the Obama White House deliberately misled the American people by painting the attacks as another demonstration over the YouTube video that escalated when it was obvious that wasn't the case. Then they declared that they didn't have answers to what really happened because the area was simply too dangerous to do an investigation (which was rather amusing since most of the world's news channels were by then doing broadcasts from the burnt out facility and they appeared to be just fine!). Then they reclassified documents to hide them from Congress so what they had done wouldn't be exposed. And what really takes brass is when they thought enough time had passed, they declared that Benghazi was "old news" and asked "What difference does it really make?" So you deliberately distort the facts you DO know...deliberately refuse to do a timely investigation...hide emails that demonstrate the coverup and then declare that it's such an "old" issue that it's ridiculous to even still be discussing it.

All this from the "Most Transparent Administration Ever!" You seriously can't make this shit up it's so amusing.
As I said before,'s hard keeping track of the Obama scandals...they've come at such a furious pace it's a daunting task.
Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists
You mean after the CIA's counter attack on the compound where they repelled the attackers and rescued all but two people inside the Consulate? Or while they were all at the CIA's compound waiting for the response team from Tripoli?

These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists

Except for the people in the Obama Administration that blamed terrorism on a YouTube video...right, Candy?
These people will never accept any findings that conflict with the narrative they've constructed.

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists

Except for the people in the Obama Administration that blamed terrorism on a YouTube video...right, Candy?

Actually they always blamed extremest for the attack.
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.

They're already screaming that Issa was full of it. As you said, when people really read and understand the report, they will see what it left out and covered up. I simply don't understand why the committee reported such a piece of crap,.
What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists

Except for the people in the Obama Administration that blamed terrorism on a YouTube video...right, Candy?

Actually they always blamed extremest for the attack.
Oh, come on,'re embarrassing yourself here! The Ben Rhodes email prepping Susan Rice for her appearances on all those Sunday morning talk shows showed EXACTLY who they wanted to blame for the Benghazi attack and it wasn't terrorists.
Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists

Except for the people in the Obama Administration that blamed terrorism on a YouTube video...right, Candy?

Actually they always blamed extremest for the attack.
Oh, come on,'re embarrassing yourself here! The Ben Rhodes email prepping Susan Rice for her appearances on all those Sunday morning talk shows showed EXACTLY who they wanted to blame for the Benghazi attack and it wasn't terrorists.

"We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there."

Furthermore the the report they released just doesn't back up the obvious lies of the right about the talking points.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

It's one of the reasons Ben-Gotcha is going to be a non-factor. Aside from the GOP mis-representation of the supposed "cover up", there was no scandal. Americans tend to blame terrorism on the terrorists

Except for the people in the Obama Administration that blamed terrorism on a YouTube video...right, Candy?

Actually they always blamed extremest for the attack.
Oh, come on,'re embarrassing yourself here! The Ben Rhodes email prepping Susan Rice for her appearances on all those Sunday morning talk shows showed EXACTLY who they wanted to blame for the Benghazi attack and it wasn't terrorists.

"We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there."

Furthermore the the report they released just doesn't back up the obvious lies of the right about the talking points.
Only one problem with that scenario, Boo...there was no small number of people who went to the consulate to protest. Video tapes show nobody there before the actual attack.

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