Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.

So to summarize- Lindsey Graham didn't say the Benghazi Report is full of crap- you just lied about him saying that.
There is an adage every young lawyer learns: If you have the law, pound the law; if you have the facts, pound the facts. But if you have neither, pound the table.
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke Executive Privilege and refuse to release those 14,000 documents. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.

This latest in a list of hearings and reports on the events of Benghazi, and with each hearing and each report it becomes even more clear that was no conspiracy and still you ConJobs refuse to accept the truth.

You ain't got shit to show for all your bluff and bluster and you know it.

That's the problem with the truth ain't don't have like it, not liking the truth does change the truth.

You want the lies.

You need the lies.

Without the lies your nothing.
I hate to be the one to spread rumors, but ..... I heard that the truth behind Benghazi is scrawled on the back of one of Obama's birth certificates. Maybe if they beg hard enough, Conservatives can cajole the Donald into investing a few more million to get to the bottom of that one?
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.

This latest in a list of hearings and reports on the events of Benghazi, and with each hearing and each report it becomes even more clear that was no conspiracy and still you ConJobs refuse to accept the truth.

You ain't got shit to show for all your bluff and bluster and you know it.

That's the problem with the truth ain't don't have like it, not liking the truth does change the truth.

You want the lies.

You need the lies.

Without the lies your nothing.

Trust me, Bravo...if there is one thing that isn't lacking with this's lies!
Benghazi was simply one more in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng string...
And yet, more than a few committees led by Republicans have concluded otherwise. I guess you think Republicans are now absorbed by the librul media?
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.

Today, Graham was on CNN saying the same thing. When asked for any evidence, he couldn't come up with any.
Nobody really believed the Republican version of Benghazi anyway. Maybe if they'd shut the fuck up and allow the real story to come out, they'd have some credibility. They always have to exaggerate everything to try and get that elusive point out there.
If the Obama administration told the truth to begin with, oh never mind. Liberals believe Obama's lies.
Another failed deflection.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.
I think Obama should quit lying, he did say the lie of the year. Why don't you grow up, and think for yourself for once?
And a third failed deflection.

Understandable given the fact 'Benghazi' was a phony scandal.
lots of table pounding here coming from the right
I don't get why they're still so mad, they won. :)
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Well, if Obama would stop fucking everything up we wouldn't have anything to say about him.
He's not fucking everything up. That's why I'm happy to see righties miserable over him.
It's just common sense...when you have nothing to hide you don't invoke Executive Privilege and refuse to release those 14,000 documents. Nixon didn't invoke EP because he had nothing to hide. He did so because he knew that he had a lot to hide.
So what was Bush hiding when he signed an executive order to prevent Reagan's and Poppy's presidential records from the public?

The difference between you and I, Faun is that I'll readily admit that Bush did so to hide something. Now would you like to explain to me the rationale for Obama to do so?
I don't get why they're still so mad, they won. :)
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Well, if Obama would stop fucking everything up we wouldn't have anything to say about him.
He's not fucking everything up. That's why I'm happy to see righties miserable over him.

Ah, the economic recovery has been the worst since the Great Depression...our foreign policy is a complete shambles...there has never been greater discord between the GOP and Democrats...our national debt continues to explode...and we now have another entitlement program that we can't afford to add to the others we couldn't afford!

Pardon me for pointing out the obvious here, Faun but it would be hard to envision how someone COULD fuck things up more than Barry has!

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