Macedonia Made Huge Payments To War Crimes Convict


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The wife of the only Macedonian war crimes convict, Johan Tarculovski, confirmed receiving payments from the government of 5,000 euros a month during the eight years her husband spent in jail abroad.

Sonja Tarculovska, the wife of Johan Tarculovski, now an MP and mayoral candidate from the right-wing VRMO DPMNE party, confirmed on Wednesday receiving 5,000 euros a month for eight years from the former VMRO DPMNE-led government while her husband was in jail for war crimes.

In an open letter, Tarculovska criticised Macedonian media outlets who revealed the government document authorising the payments and dismissed claims that she enriched herself at the state’s expense.

She insisted that the bulk of the money was spent on monthly trips and hotel costs in The Hague, where her husband, a former police employee, was convicted by the UN tribunal of committing war crimes against ethnic Albanians during the 2001 armed conflict in Macedonia.

She said that after all the travel expenses, only some 250 euro of this monthly sum remained to support her family in Macedonia.
Macedonia Made Huge Payments To War Crimes Convict

There are occasions when I look at their politics and I look at our politics and I think......we are at least even Steven.

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