Macron says Assad’s removal no longer priority in solving Syrian crisis


17. Throughout 2016, Syrian air forces launched air strikes using chlorine bombs in eastern Aleppo city. There is no information to support the claim that the Russian military ever used any chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic. While civilians exposed to chlorine may exhibit symptoms similar to those exposed to vesicants, such as sulphur mustard, chlorine gas was identified as the most likely agent in several cases.

18. Both the Syrian forces and armed groups used improvised and craft-produced weapons. Improvised weapons, such as air-delivered munitions (including barrel bombs), rocket-assisted munitions and mortars, are relatively inaccurate and imprecise, and are often highly explosive. Large improvised air-delivered munitions were employed solely by the Syrian air force. Improvised rocket-assisted munitions and mortars were primarily employed by armed groups. The use of both resulted in extensive civilian casualties.

35. Further allegations regarding the use of chemicals (likely chlorine) on 1 October are also supported by victim accounts. One ambulance worker described how he and others experienced difficulty breathing after a bomb with a “strong smell” was dropped. Others described seeing yellow powder, which is consistent with chlorine residue. Images of the aftermath show remnants of a PTAB-1M cluster munition carried by an RBK-500 cluster bomb containing 268 sub-munitions. The presence of an improvised air-delivered munition with a chemical payload strongly suggests that the attack was conducted by government forces. In addition to the war crime of intentionally targeting protected objects, the attack amounts to the war crime of indiscriminate attacks against the civilian population (see annex I, paras. 20-23).

52. The Commission investigated numerous incidents of allegations of improvised chlorine bombs dropped from helicopters, which resulted in civilian casualties. In none of the incidents reviewed did information gathered suggest the involvement of Russian forces. Given that the incidents reported were all the result of air-delivered bombs, it is concluded that these attacks were carried out by Syrian air forces. The use of chlorine by Syrian forces follows a pattern observed in 2014 and 2015 (see S/2016/738).

54. On 6 September, at approximately 1 p.m., an improvised chlorine bomb was airdelivered in al-Sukkari district. A man and a 13-year-old girl died as a result of asphyxiation, while more than 80 civilians suffered from the effects of chlorine inhalation. Eyewitnesses saw helicopters hovering in the sky when the bomb was dropped, while those in the vicinity began suffocating and their eyes became red shortly afterwards. Witnesses further reported a strong odour resembling domestic detergents. Available footage shows individuals, including women, children and an elderly man, receiving oxygen, and remnants of the improvised chemical munition. The attack was carried out by Syrian forces.

55. Between 8 and 12 December, reports of toxic chemicals being dropped in al-Kalasa neighbourhood emerged daily. One physician treating victims of the attack on 8 December in Al-Kalasa recalled he also treated patients from the Bustan al-Qasr and al-Firdous districts that day. Eyewitnesses saw bombs being dropped by helicopters at around 4 p.m. and a yellow gas leak from the barrels. A pungent accompanying odour was also reported. Thirty-five victims, including women and children, reportedly suffered from symptoms consistent with chlorine inhalation, including hypoxia, bronchospasms and respiratory failure.

Conclusions 94. Parties to the battle for Aleppo committed serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law amounting to war crimes. As pro-Government forces and armed groups fought for control of eastern Aleppo city, civilians caught in the fighting were increasingly left vulnerable to repeated violations by all sides.
"I no longer view Assad’s removal as a precondition for anything, since I don’t see anyone who could become his legitimate successor", Macron said. He also weakened his threats in case of a chemical attacks to the claim he will bomb the depots of the weapons if their location is known. He should ask his secret service or the OPCW, they now the two remaining depots are under "rebel" control.

Macron says Assad’s removal no longer priority in solving Syrian crisis
Okay, someone else who understands that in reality sometimes one must dance with a demon in order to kill a devil.

At this point stability is more important than human rights and only a strongman can maintain it.
At almost any point this is true specifically in most areas of the world. Most American think like Americans, they project their ideals on every other culture in the world and wonder why everyone else can't be like us or expect every culture in the world to be like us when they're not. Unfortunately the bad guys win out more often than the good guys (both relative "labels") and while Assad was never really our friend he's better than the current potential alternative. Why do most ME rulers rule with an iron fist? Because they have to or risk being replaced with another faction that might be even harsher, this has been going on for centuries.
You people need to understand that Assad is not the devil as described in the media. He is still in office because he has the people´s support.
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
Tell Assad Mr. Propaganda artist for Syria............that he's lucky the world hasn't taken his ass out yet...............

He's alive because no one outside of there wants that danged cursed desert.
Okay, someone else who understands that in reality sometimes one must dance with a demon in order to kill a devil.

At almost any point this is true specifically in most areas of the world. Most American think like Americans, they project their ideals on every other culture in the world and wonder why everyone else can't be like us or expect every culture in the world to be like us when they're not. Unfortunately the bad guys win out more often than the good guys (both relative "labels") and while Assad was never really our friend he's better than the current potential alternative. Why do most ME rulers rule with an iron fist? Because they have to or risk being replaced with another faction that might be even harsher, this has been going on for centuries.
You people need to understand that Assad is not the devil as described in the media. He is still in office because he has the people´s support.
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
You people need to understand that Assad is not the devil as described in the media. He is still in office because he has the people´s support.
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.
I'm simply pointing out fact, you make your moral judgements based on your master's propaganda I'll make my moral judgements based on reality however I'm not making moral judgements here just countering your one sided propaganda with reality. Of course you can't allow that to happen, you have to marginalize the messenger by making absurd claims about me hypocritically moralizing. That's called projecting........
Last edited:
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.
The use of Chlorine gas bombs, Sarin gas, and air burst incendiary bombs are outlawed by the international community. Their use are considered War crimes.

Your other posts were the US use of uranium tipped anti armor munitions..............what you were implying.......that right........

War is hell but the use of those types of weapons makes Assad guilty of crimes against humanity. Same as the ISIS scum bags over there............

Given that I don't necessarily disagree with the Leader of France..............because we have removed EVIL SOB'S LIKE ASSAD IS and it hasn't worked out well. Libya and Iraq being prime examples........Yemen now
The use of Chlorine gas bombs, Sarin gas, and air burst incendiary bombs are outlawed by the international community. Their use are considered War crimes.

Chlorine gas
Syrian Militants Have Access to Chlorine Gas: Plant Owner | Analysis | NTI

Sarin gas
UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin' - BBC News

incendiary bombs
U.S.-led forces appear to be using white phosphorus in populated areas in Iraq and Syria

Your regime and its "rebels" are using outlawed munitions, then. Get out of Syria, war criminals.

Your other posts were the US use of uranium tipped anti armor munitions..............what you were implying.......that right........
Nuclear waste turned into munitions. In shells, bombs, cruise missiles, everywhere. Well done, beholder of humanity.
Is an armament sickening U.S. soldiers?
The use of Chlorine gas bombs, Sarin gas, and air burst incendiary bombs are outlawed by the international community. Their use are considered War crimes.

Chlorine gas
Syrian Militants Have Access to Chlorine Gas: Plant Owner | Analysis | NTI

Sarin gas
UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin' - BBC News

incendiary bombs
U.S.-led forces appear to be using white phosphorus in populated areas in Iraq and Syria

Your regime and its "rebels" are using outlawed munitions, then. Get out of Syria, war criminals.

Your other posts were the US use of uranium tipped anti armor munitions..............what you were implying.......that right........
Nuclear waste turned into munitions. In shells, bombs, cruise missiles, everywhere. Well done, beholder of humanity.
Is an armament sickening U.S. soldiers?
The UN and international community have stated both sides in the conflict are committing crimes against humanity.

Our forces are hitting ISIS daily.......................

Be thankful that our forces aren't hitting Syrian Forces daily..............Or Assad would be done.

Coalition forces killed Turki-al-Bin’ ali > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA — Coalition forces killed Turki al-Bin’ali, the self-proclaimed “Grand Mufti,” or chief cleric, of ISIS, in an airstrike May 31 in Mayadin, Syria.

Al-Bin’ali had a central role in recruiting foreign terrorist fighters and provoking terrorist attacks around the world. As chief cleric to ISIS since 2014, he provided propaganda to incite murder and other atrocities, attempted to legitimize the creation of the “caliphate,” and was a close confidant of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
June 22: Military airstrikes continue against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA — On June 21, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 112 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Raqqah, 14 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 16 fighting positions, three vehicles and an ammunition cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 86 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
* Near Mosul, four strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 35 fighting positions, 10 medium machine guns, seven rocket-propelled grenade systems, six heavy machine guns, five vehicles, three VBIEDs, two command and control nodes, a mortar team, and a UAS launch site; damaged two ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a mortar team.
* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 20 that closed within the last 24 hours.
* On June 20, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes damaged eight fighting positions.
* On June 20, near Mosul, Iraq, one strike suppressed five mortar teams.
You need to understand how Assad is viewed here and whether you like it or not he's a demon, not a devil, the devil is ISIS.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
Your claim lacks of any basis. Assad is the legitimate President, he is viewed as good guy in his sphere of influence and that is all what matters. Evil are those who support terrorists and Assad fights terrorists which makes him the good guy.

Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
June 22: Military airstrikes continue against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA — On June 21, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 112 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Raqqah, 14 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 16 fighting positions, three vehicles and an ammunition cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 86 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
* Near Mosul, four strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 35 fighting positions, 10 medium machine guns, seven rocket-propelled grenade systems, six heavy machine guns, five vehicles, three VBIEDs, two command and control nodes, a mortar team, and a UAS launch site; damaged two ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a mortar team.
* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 20 that closed within the last 24 hours.
* On June 20, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes damaged eight fighting positions.
* On June 20, near Mosul, Iraq, one strike suppressed five mortar teams.

"New York, SANA- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for protecting civilians at a time when the warplanes of the US-led international coalition continue their massacres against innocent civilians there."
UN chief calls for protecting civilians in Raqqa – Syrian Arab News Agency
Isis fighters strike deal with US-backed forces in exchange for their lives

Isis claimed damage from US air strikes had caused rising water levels and put it at imminent risk of collapse in March, although the SDF denied propaganda statements as civilians started to flee.

Footage broadcast by the SDF on Friday showed fighters scaling the deserted dam to throw Isis’ black flag to the ground, replacing it with huge banners bearing the logos of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and its women-only counterpart, the YPJ.
Isis fighters strike deal with US-backed forces in exchange for their lives

Isis claimed damage from US air strikes had caused rising water levels and put it at imminent risk of collapse in March, although the SDF denied propaganda statements as civilians started to flee.

Footage broadcast by the SDF on Friday showed fighters scaling the deserted dam to throw Isis’ black flag to the ground, replacing it with huge banners bearing the logos of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and its women-only counterpart, the YPJ.
June 22: Military airstrikes continue against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA — On June 21, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 112 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Raqqah, 14 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 16 fighting positions, three vehicles and an ammunition cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 86 engagements against ISIS targets.
* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
* Near Mosul, four strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 35 fighting positions, 10 medium machine guns, seven rocket-propelled grenade systems, six heavy machine guns, five vehicles, three VBIEDs, two command and control nodes, a mortar team, and a UAS launch site; damaged two ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a mortar team.
* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 20 that closed within the last 24 hours.
* On June 20, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes damaged eight fighting positions.
* On June 20, near Mosul, Iraq, one strike suppressed five mortar teams.

"New York, SANA- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for protecting civilians at a time when the warplanes of the US-led international coalition continue their massacres against innocent civilians there."
UN chief calls for protecting civilians in Raqqa – Syrian Arab News Agency
I make an urgent appeal to all those conducting military operations in Syria to do everything in their power to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, he said in a statement Wednesday, adding that the inhabitants of Raqqa are facing critical situation.

We already do that..................Show the proof of the Massacres by the United States............

Probably show me crap that Assad and ISIS did though..........

This twit tried to use a video of incendiary bombs from Gaza not long ago saying we were using them in Syria..........Caught his little lying ass on that one.

This OP is a LIAR.

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