Macron says Assad’s removal no longer priority in solving Syrian crisis

Isis fighters strike deal with US-backed forces in exchange for their lives

Isis claimed damage from US air strikes had caused rising water levels and put it at imminent risk of collapse in March, although the SDF denied propaganda statements as civilians started to flee.

Footage broadcast by the SDF on Friday showed fighters scaling the deserted dam to throw Isis’ black flag to the ground, replacing it with huge banners bearing the logos of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and its women-only counterpart, the YPJ.

Specific shelling leading to the damage of the dam could not be confirmed, but Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesman Talal Silo assured there was no immediate danger.

“There have been no airstrikes on the dam,” he told AFP.

On Wednesday, US Army forces helicoptered SDF troops behind IS lines to begin their offensive in the area, 55 kilometers (35 miles) west of Raqqa.

“We carried out this operation to land there to avoid shelling or damage to the dam,” Silo explained.

Evidence provided by militants fighting the US-led coalition shows the dam was definitely bombed.
Not sure how barrel bombing entire villages and using chemical weapons against his own people including children equals "fighting terrorists" but...whatever. Presumably anyone who fights a tyrannical regime becomes a terrorist.
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You have only been reading U.S. media, it's all anti-Government propaganda. For example the Vatican Insider (Roman Catholic publication) in Italy directly accuses the U.S. of bombing civilians and dams as reported by the Archbishop of Aleppo. Why would Roman Catholic media not tell the truth about what is going on and who is bombing who?

"Qual è la situazione nel Paese dopo l’attacco Usa?

«La distruzione della infrastruttura in Siria da parte degli americani - più di 32 ponti e la diga di Tabbka sull’Eufrate bombardata, la quindicesima al mondo come capacità – ha messo completamente fuori uso tutto il sistema elettrico. Il presunto attacco chimico è una scusa, come tante che abbiamo già sentito in passato in Libia, in Iraq... Gli Stati Uniti stanno occupando insieme all’Isis tutti i giacimenti di petrolio e di gas in Siria....."

Siria, il vicario di Aleppo: “Chi ha coronato Trump arbitro del mondo?”


"The destruction of Syria's infrastructure by the Americans - more than 32 bridges and Tabbka dam on the bombed Euphrates, the fifteenth in the world as a capability - has completely put out the entire electrical system. The alleged chemical attack is an excuse, like so many that we have already heard in Libya, Iraq ... The United States is dealing with Isis all the oil and gas fields in Syria......."
Chemical barrel bomb tales from al-Qaeda are not valid. You don´t complain of terrorists occupying a town and expelling and murdering the civilians but of the Syrian people (Syrian military, NDF) fighting them.

On the other hand you remain silent when the US reduces entire Syrian cities to dust or even applaud.


Kobani after US bombing

"B-1 pilot Major Brandon Miller, 38, has been deployed five times in warzones, but he had never before dropped as many bombs as during the battle for Kobane.

"I personally went Winchester three times," he said. Before that, he had never emptied his weapons bay.

In previous six-month tours over Afghanistan, it was typical for his squadron to unload 15 to 20 bombs.

But in their last deployment, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 bombs and hit more than 1,700 targets, he said."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
It's a war zone, we were bombing ISIS held areas in the city, unfortunately collateral damage happens in war something both Russia and Assad do so stop with your one sided propaganda, they may buy it elsewhere but not here.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
No, you are that stupid, confusing their cultural realities for yours. Obviously you either know nothing about the mindset or you're deflecting.
So when Assad is bombing he´s a demon and when you are bombing it is fine. Understood. Got it.

There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
No, you are that stupid, confusing their cultural realities for yours. Obviously you either know nothing about the mindset or you're deflecting.
Realize its all propaganda.
There is a difference between targeting civilians and trying to avoid hitting civilians.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
No, you are that stupid, confusing their cultural realities for yours. Obviously you either know nothing about the mindset or you're deflecting.
Realize its all propaganda.
No, not all of it.
More al-Qaeda bullshit. Why should the Syrian airforce target civilians. What would it gain from that?
BTW: Why did the US airforce bomb the Tabqa dam? If destroyed, it would have flooded Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and other places, killing hundreds of thousands. Don´t accuse others of what can easily be tracked back to your "government".
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
No, you are that stupid, confusing their cultural realities for yours. Obviously you either know nothing about the mindset or you're deflecting.
Realize its all propaganda.
No, not all of it.
Yes, of course it is.

Was this in the news?
Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Because they're civilians that oppose Assad....... The Russians are just as guilty and the US is no stranger in that area either. So stop playing propaganda games, only the truly gullible are buying it.
You are not that stupid! If they oppose Assad or not, bombing them brings not an advantage.
No, you are that stupid, confusing their cultural realities for yours. Obviously you either know nothing about the mindset or you're deflecting.
Realize its all propaganda.
No, not all of it.
Yes, of course it is.

Was this in the news?
Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Sure thing there Sparkette, good luck passing the "yes it is" off as reality. As for it being in the news....... You're asking the wrong person, I may accidentally see the news maybe once every couple of weeks or view the results of the news here...... Not the most reliable place........ but then again neither is the MSM here or abroad.
Macron is the Rothschilds' henchman (basically, puppet) and their goals are obviously Globalist, so how much we can believe what Macron says? I guess, we'll watch and see...

I agree.

Let's hope Macron is being sincere.

I am not holding my breath though.

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