Macy's is going to go under

It's true. There is a building there that has been empty YEARS. The owners are asking a horrible amount for rent, and many people have asked it to be lowered for 6 months, then full price after they are established and they have refused. Even those who offered full rent, were turned down due to "someone else beat them to it" yet no business ever showed up in it.

And that is just one that I know of. This is up town...2 blocks from the waterfront. ON the waterfront, rents there are 12,000.00 per month for the small stores. 15,000 to 20,000 for the larger ones. But they get the tourists who are so eager to pay 49.95 that was made in Taiwan but has the towns logo on it ...for a souvenir. Uptown, they can get the same tshirt, locally printed and made....for 5.95.

People are stupid.
I can definitely see the writing on the wall with this company. They sell already expensive stuff at the highest price possible. The only way anyone ever buys anything from them is when it is on sale. That in itself is a very bad sign because it is saying that your customers already think the price is to high to begin with. They only think to buy it when it is on sale. The company is over a hundred years old and has an outdated business model that is more suited to the 1950s American than it is today. The management is incredibly superficial and lacks any kind of thinking skills necessary to keep the company going. It is generally a collection of yes men who know they got cushy jobs because they don't disagree with anything Macy's.
Long ago, Macy's sold quality stuff. Now a lot of their clothes are no better than TJ Maxx. I remember the days of the really nice department stores; when they started expanding and moving out to the malls, they lost their class.

Cheap always wins in business.

Certainly not always.

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