Mad about something not going your way? Just play the "gay card"

Bucs90 is such a queer.

I don't know about that. But he sure is a lame thread starter. The fucker wants "funny rep" from unfunny people so bad,.....he reeks.

Accusing me of trying to land humor points??? Coming from those who joined up to all put clown avatars on their profile pics. Ha. Now thats a doozy.

Listen, dummy.

I readily admit that I am here only to have a laugh. Where you and I differ is that you think this is a serious place and you will not admit that it is your deepest desire to be thought of as a humorous person.

Add to this the fact that you aren't funny, and the result is all of the stupid fucking things that you say.

And if you had a sense of humor you would know that the clown avatars are not meant to be ha ha funny. They are meant to expose the under stupidity of the GOP and it's dopey clown car full of candidates for president.
The only thing being exposed as a clown is you. What could be moewe ass-clown than Obama's vote gathering through debilitating immigration, dangerous pandering to Islamization and the international jihad, imbecile pandering to the race-hustlers, with Al Sharpton visiting the White House 80+ times in one year, leading the pack, and full support for the # 1 racial discrimintion that has victimized far more people than any other, ove rth epast 51 years > affirmative action.

I know you get angry when I point out the flaws in your argument.

And I also know that it is not bullshit. The "I'm an oppressed Christian" is a card to be played like "gay card".
Christianity isn't a game. Nothing in life could be dumber than thinking of it that way.

And you think being gay and coming out to your family is a game? Get real.
How do you propose forcing those families into accepting a gay family member with a gay spouse? If Grandma refuses to cook thanksgiving dinner for the happy couple, take her house.

Rather than ask HOW I propose to force family members to accept a gay member, why not ask IF I propose to force anyone to accept a gay family member. Of course, that would mean you don't get to pretend I am suggesting that someone lose their house, wouldn't it?
For once, have the courage to ANSWER a question, instead of dodging it by changing the subject.

Oh no, I am the one who answers the questions. You are the one dodging them.

But the question put to me is ridiculous. It asked how I proposed to force family members to accept a gay member. Please point out where I ever advocated forcing someone to accept a gay family member. Do that, then we will talk about answering questions.

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