Madame Speaker Pelosi (D) calls out Speaker Boehner (R)

Jesus. Go look up Greece.

Do you have any idea what is actually happening in Greece?

Yea an economic depression because they were duped by conservatives who told them austerity would make them rich

You know less about Greece than you do about this country, amazing.

Here is a chart showing the austerity measures and the nominal spending "cuts" in Europe.


here are the same numbers in constant US dollars (2009).


The austerity measures in Greece mostly come from raising taxes, not spending cuts. No one ever told anyone it would make them rich, they just told them that their government would collapse unless they dealt with the massive debt and constant deficits.
True. This is at the core of rightist extremism and idiocy.

The economy needs to continue to heal, let’s get more Americans back to work first, on payrolls – paying taxes; every economist has gone on record stating that balancing the budget now won’t foster economic recovery, and could even hinder it. Cuts should be made based on facts and reason, not irresponsible conservative doctrine and dogma.

Strange how lefties don't even understand the guy they pretend they admire. If we actually employed Keynes theories we would not have a trillions of debt in the first place, nor would the government continue to run a deficit when the numbers say the economy is recovering. All the bulshit about the economy needing to heal is actually neo-Keynsian lies used to justify ridiculous economic practices that no sane person would ever employ.
Well if wasn’t for Bush and the GOP we would of still had surpluses in the 00’s.
Furthermore dumbass Keynes showed that increasing government deficits in a depressed economy is a good thing. So plz learn the difference between recovery and a depressed economy so you can enter the discussion with a clue
Yea odd how Europe is still in a recession and losing more jobs when they refused to followed that Keynsian bullshit and do the opposite of it.
But plz don’t let reality get in the way of your ignorance.
implmented Keenisain polcies is now ading jobs and growing, every country who did the opposite is losing more jobs and seeing shitty growh/more recession

The Democrats had nothing to do with that?

Keynes did not show anything, he theorized that targeted, timely, and temporary spending by the government would help lift the economy out of a recession. He never advocated massive government spending nor did he think that government spending was a panacea for anything. His theory was based on the government targeting spending in the areas of the economy that most need it, and doing it when it was needed.

The stimulus failed on all counts to meet Keynes theory. It did not target the areas that needed it, a good portion of it still has not been spent, and it is now enshrined as a permanent part of out budget. The only jobs it created or saved were imaginary.
So did Newt, I hate both of them. I actually like Boehner because he does so little.

who knew that someone would like some one for getting nohting done. I wish if I saty on my ass and didnt work my employer would like me more

The less the government get's done the more money is saved. Did you forget about obama's 16 trillion dollar debt?

Jesus so a1cording to you the government doing shit like cutting spending and raising taxes increase deficits.
Come back when you are not such a retard that you blame Obama for debt accrued under Reagan
Strange how lefties don't even understand the guy they pretend they admire. If we actually employed Keynes theories we would not have a trillions of debt in the first place, nor would the government continue to run a deficit when the numbers say the economy is recovering. All the bulshit about the economy needing to heal is actually neo-Keynsian lies used to justify ridiculous economic practices that no sane person would ever employ.
Well if wasn’t for Bush and the GOP we would of still had surpluses in the 00’s.
Furthermore dumbass Keynes showed that increasing government deficits in a depressed economy is a good thing. So plz learn the difference between recovery and a depressed economy so you can enter the discussion with a clue
Yea odd how Europe is still in a recession and losing more jobs when they refused to followed that Keynsian bullshit and do the opposite of it.
But plz don’t let reality get in the way of your ignorance.
implmented Keenisain polcies is now ading jobs and growing, every country who did the opposite is losing more jobs and seeing shitty growh/more recession

The Democrats had nothing to do with that?
Yes democrats are not responsible for polices enacted by republicans
Keynes did not show anything,
Okay then reality does not show anything
The stimulus failed on all counts to meet Keynes theory. It did not target the areas that needed it, a good portion of it still has not been spent, and it is now enshrined as a permanent part of out budget. The only jobs it created or saved were imaginary.
I see so increasing spending on areas seeing the most losses is not targeting areas that need it most.
Who knew that temporary spending because enshrined as permanent not anyone with a brain
The 4 million with jobs because of the stimulus act don’t think they are very imaginary
I love it. Republcians tell us Passing spending bills means they didnt pass a budget because well we are now going to redefine english and say that a spending bill is only a budget if we say so


Budget is a legally defined term in the United States, Congress is legally required to pass one every year. It has not happened for over 3 years.

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus who knew legally having to pass spending bills every year and doing so means you are breaking the law and not getting budgets
It is really pathetic how republicans cannot learn from history. Argentina in 1998 was told to implement austerity to save its economy so it began doing so and immediate went into an economic depression. So the GOP then tells us that if we do the same thing it will result in a different outcome.
I cant wait for Syriza to win Greece elections and ends austerely and Greece begins recovering and then the GOP will claim that the reason is because of austerity in in 2010-2011 (of which when they claim does not exists)
Well if wasn’t for Bush and the GOP we would of still had surpluses in the 00’s.
Furthermore dumbass Keynes showed that increasing government deficits in a depressed economy is a good thing. So plz learn the difference between recovery and a depressed economy so you can enter the discussion with a clue
Yea odd how Europe is still in a recession and losing more jobs when they refused to followed that Keynsian bullshit and do the opposite of it.
But plz don’t let reality get in the way of your ignorance.
implmented Keenisain polcies is now ading jobs and growing, every country who did the opposite is losing more jobs and seeing shitty growh/more recession

The Democrats had nothing to do with that?
Yes democrats are not responsible for polices enacted by republicans
Keynes did not show anything,
Okay then reality does not show anything
The stimulus failed on all counts to meet Keynes theory. It did not target the areas that needed it, a good portion of it still has not been spent, and it is now enshrined as a permanent part of out budget. The only jobs it created or saved were imaginary.
I see so increasing spending on areas seeing the most losses is not targeting areas that need it most.
Who knew that temporary spending because enshrined as permanent not anyone with a brain
The 4 million with jobs because of the stimulus act don’t think they are very imaginary

The Democrats happily ran deficits when Pelosi took over the House in 2006.

Reality show that no government in history has ever properly implemented Keynes theory. what does your reality show?

The stimulus cut taxes, that is not targeted spending. It did nothing to shore up the housing industry, which was the main driver of the recession. Its spending was targeted to state governments, not the private sector. Krugman actually praised it for this, claiming that it would produce the fastest possible spending. Believe it or not, not a single state government did anything to help the economy of their states, all they did was use it to protect government programs that already existed in the hope that the economy would bounce back just as quickly as usual. Do you remember the Summer of Recovery in 2009?

How would you know what anyone with a brain knew?
I love it. Republcians tell us Passing spending bills means they didnt pass a budget because well we are now going to redefine english and say that a spending bill is only a budget if we say so


Budget is a legally defined term in the United States, Congress is legally required to pass one every year. It has not happened for over 3 years.

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus who knew legally having to pass spending bills every year and doing so means you are breaking the law and not getting budgets

Who knew Ried was a Republican?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he would not bring a budget to the floor for a vote this year, the Hill reports, which would make this the third straight year without such a resolution.

Reid says he won't bring budget to floor this year | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

You lose.
The Democrats had nothing to do with that?
Yes democrats are not responsible for polices enacted by republicans

Okay then reality does not show anything
The stimulus failed on all counts to meet Keynes theory. It did not target the areas that needed it, a good portion of it still has not been spent, and it is now enshrined as a permanent part of out budget. The only jobs it created or saved were imaginary.
I see so increasing spending on areas seeing the most losses is not targeting areas that need it most.
Who knew that temporary spending because enshrined as permanent not anyone with a brain
The 4 million with jobs because of the stimulus act don’t think they are very imaginary

The Democrats happily ran deficits when Pelosi took over the House in 2006.

Reality show that no government in history has ever properly implemented Keynes theory. what does your reality show?

The stimulus cut taxes, that is not targeted spending. It did nothing to shore up the housing industry, which was the main driver of the recession. Its spending was targeted to state governments, not the private sector. Krugman actually praised it for this, claiming that it would produce the fastest possible spending. Believe it or not, not a single state government did anything to help the economy of their states, all they did was use it to protect government programs that already existed in the hope that the economy would bounce back just as quickly as usual. Do you remember the Summer of Recovery in 2009?

How would you know what anyone with a brain knew?
Yep they happily ran deficits due to Bush and GOP policies implemented before they came into power
I see so cutting taxes for certain industries is now not targeted. Do you not know what targeted means?
Furthermore the whole stimulus wasn't tax cuts dumbass. The stimulus housing tax credit ended the housing fall and partially reversed it
Furhtermore billions where spent on construction of housing products and other contrcution all of which targeted weak areas.
So come back when you have a clue
Also come back when you are not such a retard that you think states not laying off thousands of workers is not helping the economy. Just like in Greece your response is "unemployment is good"
Yes I remember the 2009 summer recovery where the recession ended So plz post more regurgitated talking points that have no basis in reality
The problem here is that you are not trying to be honest
or intelligent you're just trying to score political points
It is really pathetic how republicans cannot learn from history. Argentina in 1998 was told to implement austerity to save its economy so it began doing so and immediate went into an economic depression. So the GOP then tells us that if we do the same thing it will result in a different outcome.
I cant wait for Syriza to win Greece elections and ends austerely and Greece begins recovering and then the GOP will claim that the reason is because of austerity in in 2010-2011 (of which when they claim does not exists)


The year Argentina imposed austerity measures was 1952, not 1998. Whose history are we supposed to learn from? That was right after they elected Juan Peron for the second time.

Budget is a legally defined term in the United States, Congress is legally required to pass one every year. It has not happened for over 3 years.

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus who knew legally having to pass spending bills every year and doing so means you are breaking the law and not getting budgets

Who knew Ried was a Republican?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he would not bring a budget to the floor for a vote this year, the Hill reports, which would make this the third straight year without such a resolution.

Reid says he won't bring budget to floor this year | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

You lose.
Yes reid saying he wont bring the GOP budget for a vote means no budget was passed.
See when all you try to do is score political points it results in you making posts that even a retard would call retarded
Perhaps if you were trying to find the truth and be intelligent instead of winning then you would not be a retard
It is really pathetic how republicans cannot learn from history. Argentina in 1998 was told to implement austerity to save its economy so it began doing so and immediate went into an economic depression. So the GOP then tells us that if we do the same thing it will result in a different outcome.
I cant wait for Syriza to win Greece elections and ends austerely and Greece begins recovering and then the GOP will claim that the reason is because of austerity in in 2010-2011 (of which when they claim does not exists)


The year Argentina imposed austerity measures was 1952, not 1998. Whose history are we supposed to learn from? That was right after they elected Juan Peron for the second time.
Jesus I'm talking about the Argentinana economic depression/ financial crissis in the late 90's/early 00s and you think the year 1952 is relevant
Next will you tell me Ford producing T cars in the 30's means Saving the American auto industry could not of happened
But go on trying to distract from the fact that everytiem asuteirty is tried it fails
who knew that someone would like some one for getting nohting done. I wish if I saty on my ass and didnt work my employer would like me more

The less the government get's done the more money is saved. Did you forget about obama's 16 trillion dollar debt?

Jesus so a1cording to you the government doing shit like cutting spending and raising taxes increase deficits.
Come back when you are not such a retard that you blame Obama for debt accrued under Reagan

I realize you hate Reagan because he destroyed the Russian, I realize obama is a failure and you will support a failure, no need to advance your stupidity with a discussion.
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.

That's very cute..

But to blame Pelosi, you need to be able to tell us "Pelosi did this, this and this.....which caused a recession"

Now.....which specific bill caused the curve to do that?

Pelosi led the House of Representatives into irresponsible actions and inactions that caused the recession. It was not so much her individual actions as it was the actions of the House which she led, and the Senate, led by her accomplice, Harry Reid

Once again you demonstrate you are just making shit up

You claim "Pelosi caused the recession" yet you cannot point to a single piece of legeslation that could have created a recession. Congress passes budgets and passes laws. The 2007 Congress was tightly restricted by Bush veto threats and did not pass much significant legeslation. The 2007 budget was passed by the Republican controlled Congress.

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