Madame Speaker Pelosi (D) calls out Speaker Boehner (R)

She's flatly and dangerously wrong.

Boehner is obviously right.

Ohh Boehner is obviously very right, just not very correct.
And no I am not defending Pelosi, I think she should be replaced.

I know you believe there's no response. I'll not try to dissuade you. Obama loses as he should.

both candidates should lose. Unfortunately we do not have a no confidence option on the ballot.
All 5 where passed by both houses and signed by Obama. But I guess you will now say that Obama is a Muslim Kenyan so hes not president therefore its not a budget

Are you really this stupid or do you just play the role on messageboards?
Wow how nice of you to post such an intelligent post… I guess it is intelligent to you or if your IQ is below 60

Look idiot! A "Continuing Resolution" is a resolution to continue spending at previous spending levels with some minor changes. A budget is a new spending plan. Hopefully this will clear it up for you.
Well, that's simply not true. It just isn't. Those examples are NOT budgets. Budget resolutions are distinct from appropriations bills, which actually allocate how the federal government spends its money.

I find it ironic your continued insistence that others do not understand English when it is you that appears deficient with regard to the definition of a budget.

The last time the Senate passed a budget was on April 29, 2009. Fact!

Hell, even the left leaning PolitiFact agrees we've had no budget. What more do you need?!
Yep its not true because you say so.
Notice how first you say they are not budget because they were not singed by Obama then when confronted with the fact that they are you move the goal posts and claim they aren’t budgets just because you say so
I just posted several instances of the senate passing budgets after 2010 you illiterate retard
Furthermore when politfact says that Obama lies whcten he says water is wet because ice isn’t wet its hard to label them as left leaning
So come back when your response to the posting of 5 budget passed after 2010 isn’t. Nope no budgets have been passed because I say so

Actually what you meant to say above, is, "Listen to my nonsense. Suspend belief, and be free! The government will care for you and yours. It's a beautiful morning!

Until it isn't. Never mind that.
thx for proving that you cannot read


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Are you really this stupid or do you just play the role on messageboards?
Wow how nice of you to post such an intelligent post… I guess it is intelligent to you or if your IQ is below 60

Look idiot! A "Continuing Resolution" is a resolution to continue spending at previous spending levels with some minor changes. A budget is a new spending plan. Hopefully this will clear it up for you.

So according to you changing spending is not new.
Yup she accomplished the recession. Congratulations, Nancy.

She did?

I imagine you could tell us which piece of Pelosi legislation caused the recession?
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.

That's very cute..

But to blame Pelosi, you need to be able to tell us "Pelosi did this, this and this.....which caused a recession"

Now.....which specific bill caused the curve to do that?
Wow how nice of you to post such an intelligent post… I guess it is intelligent to you or if your IQ is below 60

Look idiot! A "Continuing Resolution" is a resolution to continue spending at previous spending levels with some minor changes. A budget is a new spending plan. Hopefully this will clear it up for you.

So according to you changing spending is not new.

A "Continuing Resolution" is not a budget.
Look idiot! A "Continuing Resolution" is a resolution to continue spending at previous spending levels with some minor changes. A budget is a new spending plan. Hopefully this will clear it up for you.

So according to you changing spending is not new.

A "Continuing Resolution" is not a budget.

A continuing resolution is a type of appropriations legislation used by the United States Congress to fund government agencies if a formal appropriations bill has not been signed into law by the end of the Congressional fiscal year. The legislation takes the form of a joint resolution, and provides funding for existing federal programs at current or reduced levels.

come back when you know what a budget is
She did?

I imagine you could tell us which piece of Pelosi legislation caused the recession?
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.

That's very cute..

But to blame Pelosi, you need to be able to tell us "Pelosi did this, this and this.....which caused a recession"

Now.....which specific bill caused the curve to do that?

Pelosi led the House of Representatives into irresponsible actions and inactions that caused the recession. It was not so much her individual actions as it was the actions of the House which she led, and the Senate, led by her accomplice, Harry Reid
She did?

I imagine you could tell us which piece of Pelosi legislation caused the recession?
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.
Who Knew that Nancy who became speaker in 2007 caused the housing bubble that started in 2002

The housing bubble started with the "Community Reinvestment Act". That was obama's main competition for worst President in history, James Earl Carter.
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.

That's very cute..

But to blame Pelosi, you need to be able to tell us "Pelosi did this, this and this.....which caused a recession"

Now.....which specific bill caused the curve to do that?

Pelosi led the House of Representatives into irresponsible actions and inactions that caused the recession. It was not so much her individual actions as it was the actions of the House which she led, and the Senate, led by her accomplice, Harry Reid

Odd how you Cannot name a single one of those actions.
Well tis not odd at all
I know the written word is a challenge for you, so here's a picture. Unemployment rate vs party in control of Congress.
Who Knew that Nancy who became speaker in 2007 caused the housing bubble that started in 2002

The housing bubble started with the "Community Reinvestment Act". That was obama's main competition for worst President in history, James Earl Carter.

ROTFL so the housing bubble according to you started in 1979.
I’d also like to know how the CRA which made it so banks did not make loans to people based on the color of their skin caused the housing bubble but like always you will not explain because you are just a brainwashed brain dead zombie regurgitating shit fed to you by your overlords

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