Maddow, entire MSNBC tanks...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
August, 2013 ratings for the dying lefty cesspool...

"In primetime, “The Rachel Maddow Show” posted all-time low ratings in total and demo viewers, down -43% and -47%, respectively. “

“Morning Joe” was down -9% in total viewers and -17% in the A25-54 demographic compared to the same month last year, which actually was a better result than many of the programs that came later in the day.

"Compared to August 2012, MSNBC was down -28% in total viewers and -32% in the A25-54 demographic in total day and -36% and -32%, respectively, in primetime.

August 2013 Ratings: MSNBC Down Double Digits - TVNewser

R.I.P...Al, Chrissy, Rach, and the rest of you lefty clowns.
Most leftest are younger than the aged conservatives, thus the conservatives sit at home and the left is out at the beach.
I don't watch any of the media news outlets.
Summer ratings don't mean much. Unless there is a big breaking story, most people have better things to do
they deserve to tank, they put out so much spin information (made up by them) and they are all HATERS and don't have a problem showing it with everything conservative, Republican...
Outside of Maddow, most of the MSNBC commentators are lightweights and do not deserve good ratings.
Most leftest are younger than the aged conservatives, thus the conservatives sit at home and the left is out at the beach.
I don't watch any of the media news outlets.

really? that's a little out there moon and you know they say you are liberal when you're young but become a conservative when you have to get out in the REAL WORLD. I was one of those youngsters who changed...
I am a OLDER conservative and I don't watch any of news programs...get my news off the internet...
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Outside of Maddow, most of the MSNBC commentators are lightweights and do not deserve good ratings.

I don't think Maddcow deserve good ratings either...she take some of the petty stuff and turn the whole program ranting about that...and you call Rush a mouthpiece for Republicans, well she is mouthpiece of spreading hate for anyone and anything Republican.. she is rabid biased
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I'll never understand why the corporate suits let it happen. It's not like it's a secret why their ratings are forever in the basement. Even a highly paid TV exec should be able to connect the dots between program content/slant and tiny audience, and then easily calculate how many many millions of advertising dollar revenue they leave on the table every year. That wouldn't fly in any boardroom I've ever been in.
They need Olbermann back. Maddow can't carry the evening by herself
Most leftest are younger than the aged conservatives, thus the conservatives sit at home and the left is out at the beach.
I don't watch any of the media news outlets.

I doubt that's it. I think younger people get their news from the Internet. That's where I get most of mine.

Plus, MSNBC is more of a propaganda tool than an actual journalist outlet.
Who is Maddow and what is an MSNBC?

Maddow is a left wing liberal pundit. MSNBC is one of the cable news networks. It is mostly liberal leaning and competes with FOX and CNN. None of them are very significant. They fight over a few million viewers and try to make a big deal over ratings. Their fans are convinced they are watching important journalism, but it is mostly propaganda TV. FOX gets the highest ratings, but it's viewers amount to less than 2 million on it's best night and most of the time fewer than 1 million. Maddows might get 300,000 or a bit more or less for comparison. If you count on any of them as your main news source you will become very stupid.
Who is Maddow and what is an MSNBC?


It speaks well of you that you do not about this woman and her network.

She has a real thick neck and short hair and a constant smirk on her face. One look at her and you immediately suspect that she is a feminist homo-sexual {think dyke.....but I didn't call her that, and you will also note that I did not use "taco-eater". Such words would get me in trouble with Obama's Thought and Speech Police who are reading now.}

I don't know if she is gay, but I did read that she was....on the internet.

Her network features her...presumably a gay and definitely angry; an angry black man; two angry white men; and a third white man who professes to get tingles running down his leg when he hears Obama talk. Together, they make up an all-day Reality Show where they compete against each other over who can display and develop the most personality disorders.

They are even loonier on the left than Beck and Limbaugh are loony on the right and they spend their time abusing those two right-loons.

None of them have found the Lord.

Nobody watches except people interested in psychopathologies.
Outside of Maddow, most of the MSNBC commentators are lightweights and do not deserve good ratings.

I don't think Maddcow deserve good ratings either...she take some of the petty stuff and turn the whole program ranting about that...and you call Rush a mouthpiece for Republicans, well she is mouthpiece of spreading hate for anyone and anything Republican.. she is rabid biased
No she doesn't.

She exposes the BS and evil things that Republicans are doing in the dark.

The equivalent of turning lights on cockaroaches.

That's why Republicans and far RWers hate her guts...she simply exposes them.

Take this week for instance, she flew down to North Carolina and brought much-needed light to what the hard RW leadership in that state is doing to disenfranchise minority and young vote. Moving voting ballots from colleges and universities, making rulings and laws that deem students that live on campus are not actual residents of the states so they must vote at their home state, and other such evil deeds.

Very'll be hearing more on that in the upcoming future I'm sure.

That's why you guys hate her...she exposes your evil-doings.

For that, I love her.
So is it time yet for another RW and/or conservative network like FOXNEWS?

What do you say folks?

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