Madelein Albright Threatens Women...Says There's A Special Place In Hell For You

Some people stay in politics way too long.

You'll go to hell for not supporting a party that favors killing babies by the millions. Shows you how much she knows about religion.
Can't be anyway. Libs dont believe in heaven and hell.
Why is it libs invoke Jesus and Hell and then complain about Christians trying to impose their views onthem? Libs dont believe in that stuff anyway.
Some people stay in politics way too long.

You'll go to hell for not supporting a party that favors killing babies by the millions. Shows you how much she knows about religion.
Can't be anyway. Libs dont believe in heaven and hell.
Why is it libs invoke Jesus and Hell and then complain about Christians trying to impose their views onthem? Libs dont believe in that stuff anyway.
Same reason they trash Christians, god, the bible and then tell their supporters after a rally "god bless you all".

They are retarded.
yes it is true

there is a special place in hell for women who dont support women

hillary is the first on the list for that special place

after how much condemned the women that her old man bill

abused sexually and otherwise
Alinsky at it's best, demonize opponents, even those in your own party.
Well... Either you are with us or against us... And will get death threats. Lib logic 101
The Blue Dogs understand that well.

Some people stay in politics way too long.

You'll go to hell for not supporting a party that favors killing babies by the millions. Shows you how much she knows about religion.
Can't be anyway. Libs dont believe in heaven and hell.
Why is it libs invoke Jesus and Hell and then complain about Christians trying to impose their views onthem? Libs dont believe in that stuff anyway.
Because they are desperate and running out of options.
Some people stay in politics way too long.

You'll go to hell for not supporting a party that favors killing babies by the millions. Shows you how much she knows about religion.
Can't be anyway. Libs dont believe in heaven and hell.
Why is it libs invoke Jesus and Hell and then complain about Christians trying to impose their views onthem? Libs dont believe in that stuff anyway.
Because they are desperate and running out of options.
Perhaps the status quo can't grip that the people are against the status quo....................could be Bernie is using that to his advantage...........
“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

Ironically, Albright didn't help Hillary with that remark.

i hear ya... helping is subjective and the message is albright's, not said by hillary...

women helping women can be a lady from texas who supports carly fiorina.

a woman from new hampshire who supports barbara bush and votes for jeb.

whatever reaction people may have to albright's comment might not seem to help hillary but maybe it helps women.

maybe albright knew what she was doing, trying to spark a conversation...
If there is any justice in the afterlife there is a special place for a woman who used the power of the state and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were molested by her husband.
If there is any justice in the afterlife there is a special place for a woman who used the power of the state and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were molested by her husband.

threats? link to some facts regarding what you are referring to...
These people are just plain sick. And they have the nerve to accuse Trump of being nasty.

The Daily Caller reports:

Madeleine Albright Tells Young Women Voters ‘There’s A Special Place In Hell’ For Them If They Don’t Support Hillary

Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright attempted to shame young women voters at a Hillary Clinton campaign event on Saturday, repeating her now-famous line: “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

Albright joined New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker at a rally in Concord, N.H., just days before the nation’s first presidential primary of the 2016 campaign.

The 78-year-old diplomat, who served in the Bill Clinton White House, complained that some young women “don’t understand the importance of why young women have to support Hillary Clinton.”

“The story is not over, they’re going to want to push us back. Appointments to the Supreme Court make all the difference,” Albright said of Republicans, adding that young women “have to help” and that “Hillary Clinton will be there for you.”

“Just remember: there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” Albright said, much to the joy of Clinton, who is seen laughing at the remark, which she has used numerous times in the past.
Madeleine Albright: There's a Special Place in Hell For Women Who Don't Support HILLARY (VIDEO) - Progressives Today

Madeline Albright--has brought up a very good point here--and it reflects on all women, regardless of which side of the isle you're on.

Take a look at what the REPUBLICAN Party just did to one of their own Carly Fiorina.

She beat John Kasich & Chris Christie in Iowa. They were on the ABC debate--she wasn't. She was well ahead of Chris Christie--and Ben Carson in New Hampshire--they were in the ABC debate she wasn't. She was excluded by ABC--and the Republican Party let them do that without even a whimper. It is the primary responsibility of the RNC to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. They sat there and did nothing for Carly Fioriina.

Now if this would have happened to any of the MALE candidates--the Republican party would have had a shit fit over it--and they would have been on that stage.

Hillary Clinton has been called every name in the book--and both of them have been attacked simply because they are women running for high elected office. Vagina--cervix --all kinds of attacks.

It's a fact that women have to work 3 times as hard as men to get anywhere. Allbright--having to fight this gender bias all of her life also--makes a great point. If you're a woman you probably do deserve a special place in hell if you don't support another.

ABC is part of the mainstream media which is owned by the Democrat Party.

Democrats don't want a woman running against Hillary.

So fucking spare me.:slap:
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