Madison Harris: Say Her Name

Oh look. Another openly racist thread. This place is infested with KKKlansmen. I suppose they've been tossed out of decent society everywhere, so this is their last refuge.

I take that back. They can also take refuge in the Republican party.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.

Those cases have nothing to do with this thread.
Sure they do. You don't like it but they do.
Deal with it.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.

Those cases have nothing to do with this thread.
Sure they do. You don't like it but they do.
Deal with it.

Really? How does police involved shootings have anything to do with 5 black teens, attacking, and killing a white teen?

Deal with that.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.

Those cases have nothing to do with this thread.
Sure they do. You don't like it but they do.
Deal with it.

Really? How does police involved shootings have anything to do with 5 black teens, attacking, and killing a white teen?

Deal with that.

Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.

Those cases have nothing to do with this thread.
Sure they do. You don't like it but they do.
Deal with it.

Really? How does police involved shootings have anything to do with 5 black teens, attacking, and killing a white teen?

Deal with that.


I guess this is where you just troll....Not interested....Have a nice day
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.
I ain't had enough coffee yet to dig into whatever example you're referring to, but the truth is, most of the shitbags BLM marches for, had it coming.
Now, there are plenty of legit examples of police abuse worth protesting over, but that ain't who BLM supports, is it? They are always marching, being obnoxious, using the loud, shit-talking crowd to menace and intimidate people, and often getting violent, if not outright rioting and destroying millions of dollars worth of property, over some worthless lying violent piece of shit whose mama should have flushed him away long ago.

So fuck them.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.
And BTW, modern forensics and body cams put an end to the "throw down" gun decades ago; get with the times, guy.
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
More whites killed by blacks than the obverse. Check out the crime statistics, dumb fucker.
And another "conservative" proves the tiny brain theory.

More Blacks are killed by Whites BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK

Check out THOSE stats dumbass.
Unarmed Black people murdered for no reason that being Black.

Yep. All connected by the same thread and all relevant to this OP.

Seems you're confused
Whenever we hear "unarmed black man murdered" it ALWAYS is an intentionally incomplete story.

You ignore the fact that he was fighting the cop. Walking back to his vehicle to grab a knife/gun. Grabbed the officer's taser/gun. Or his heart exploded because he abused drugs for a decade
No, the stories are not incomplete.
You simply choose to ignore the facts.
Or perhaps, due to your tiny "conservative" brain, you simply don't have room for those facts.

So, what was Floyd doing while he was flat on his face being suffocated that prompted the officer to kill him?
Apparently, he was dying from a drug overdose.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

They need to shoot all 5 of them and kick their entire families off welfare--------

Look up "bill of attainder" and tell me why your proposal is unconstitutional.
The statistics bear out who is more dangerous to who. Hint: Whites have more to fear from blacks
than the reverse, statistics show. If Madison Harris were still with us she could attest to that.
Ghetto culture is really messed up, and it leads to some really messed up, feral youngsters running around.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.

Those cases have nothing to do with this thread.
Sure they do. You don't like it but they do.
Deal with it.

Really? How does police involved shootings have anything to do with 5 black teens, attacking, and killing a white teen?

Deal with that.


I guess this is where you just troll....Not interested....Have a nice day
Bye loser.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.
I ain't had enough coffee yet to dig into whatever example you're referring to, but the truth is, most of the shitbags BLM marches for, had it coming.
Now, there are plenty of legit examples of police abuse worth protesting over, but that ain't who BLM supports, is it? They are always marching, being obnoxious, using the loud, shit-talking crowd to menace and intimidate people, and often getting violent, if not outright rioting and destroying millions of dollars worth of property, over some worthless lying violent piece of shit whose mama should have flushed him away long ago.

So fuck them.
Coffee won't help you.
Please take your tiny minded racism elsewhere.
An IQ above your foot size might, but not coffee.
Black thugs murder another white girl. I guess white lives DON'T matter

Let's see....
Arrested, charged trial to come...
vs no arrest, no charges,
The difference?
No, not the color of the victim,
The clothes worn by the offender.
On one case, the case where they got away with it the murderers were wearing a badge.

Oh wait. I was wrong (bet you've never heard a "conservative" say that)
The race of the victim did make a difference.
With a black victim no one was arrested
With a white victim everyone was arrested.

Care to take this further?

Don't know what you are comparing here....Maybe you could highlight a recent case where a group of white teens killed a black teen and no one was arrested or tried?
Well there's the kid who went to Wisconsin to kill someone. Police let him go.

Why does it have to be teens?
A group covering a total of 6 years of lifespan.
You can find Whites murdering Blacks on a near daily basis with no arrests or charges.
Of course most of those whites are police so...apparently racist murders are OK if you're a White police officer murdering a woman in her home but if it's Black kids then not OK?

Pull up your pants. Your racism is showing.
No, that ain't true either.

Shooting a black guy because he gave you cause to, isn't murder no matter how loudly the anti white crowd screams that it is.

Fuck all these double standards.
Yeah, cause like
Unarmed and running away but the cop was afraid
Talking on a cell phone scared the cop
Unarmed man standing in a lighted doorway shot at over 40 times but only hit twice. Police were scared when he reached for a card to inform them he was deaf. Guess their fear affected their aim.
Oh, and kneeling on a man's neck till he suffocates


Let us not forget the numbers of times police have been caught staging murders by dropping weapons beside the murder victim.
And BTW, modern forensics and body cams put an end to the "throw down" gun decades ago; get with the times, guy.

So tell me, how does forensics determine whether an untraceable weapon that was not fired was or was not dropped?


As for "decades ago"

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