Madness and Stupidity in Public Schools

It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Okay, the story, as I heard it goes, there was a priest named Valentine in Rome in 300 AD. For some reason the Caesar at the time wanted to increase his army but nobody wanted to leave their wife to go to war, so Caesar outlawed marriage. The priest continued to marry people anyway and was caught and sentenced to death. While he was in jail, the jailer's daughter would talk to him every day. When they took him away to kill him, he left behind a note to her saying that he would always be her Valentine. And that's where we got Valentine's Day. How is that Pagan?

It isn't. That's a myth fabricated for the purpose of shellacking over the pagan fertility rituals that were already entrenched for eons. There is no historical evidence of this Valentine fella at all. They made him up to milk an already-existing event.

That's not unusual; nobody really believed that the historical Jesus was born in December either. But the rituals and beliefs of the rebirth of the Sun (son), which has everything to do with Winter Solstice, were so deep and meaningful that they simply declared it so, and presto-- "Christmas". The ancient roots of marketing.
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I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Okay, the story, as I heard it goes, there was a priest named Valentine in Rome in 300 AD. For some reason the Caesar at the time wanted to increase his army but nobody wanted to leave their wife to go to war, so Caesar outlawed marriage. The priest continued to marry people anyway and was caught and sentenced to death. While he was in jail, the jailer's daughter would talk to him every day. When they took him away to kill him, he left behind a note to her saying that he would always be her Valentine. And that's where we got Valentine's Day. How is that Pagan?

It isn't. That's a myth fabricated for the purpose of shellacking over the pagan fertility rituals that were already entrenched for eons. There is no historical evidence of this Valentine fella at all. They made him up.

Some say they made up Jesus, I don't believe them either.
Okay, the story, as I heard it goes, there was a priest named Valentine in Rome in 300 AD. For some reason the Caesar at the time wanted to increase his army but nobody wanted to leave their wife to go to war, so Caesar outlawed marriage. The priest continued to marry people anyway and was caught and sentenced to death. While he was in jail, the jailer's daughter would talk to him every day. When they took him away to kill him, he left behind a note to her saying that he would always be her Valentine. And that's where we got Valentine's Day. How is that Pagan?

It isn't. That's a myth fabricated for the purpose of shellacking over the pagan fertility rituals that were already entrenched for eons. There is no historical evidence of this Valentine fella at all. They made him up.

Some say they made up Jesus, I don't believe them either.

Yeah, that's highly debatable, since there's little more than hearsay evidence and Church-edited documents. But they certainly made his birthday up. I probably put that edit in while you were writing this.
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Let me get this straight...there will be no Valentines cards handed out, instead, every student will make one "friendship" card to give to another student. And somehow that's going to make sure every student gets a card? When I was in school, we handed out Valentines to EVERY student in the class, it was required by both the teacher and my parents. Seems to me, the "one friendship card" idea is gonna make sure there are a lot of people who don't get any.

No birthday cakes or balloons or cupcakes...when my son was in school, they allowed us to send a present for him on his birthday. That present had to be a book and after he opened it, it was then donated to the classroom. I brought in cupcakes and each student in the class got one. I don't get it...what's wrong with that?

There really ought to be a law that everyone that goes into the teaching profession must first have common sense.

I guess that is 'what works' for them--MA.

I've been out of teaching for a while--no telling what may be going on now.

Even 30 years ago there were issues over celebrating birthdays at school. I taught in a nice middle class neighborhood--very mainstream, fwiw. I think we had a policy against cupcakes---I really can't recall.

They probably had a school wide 'campaign' about making friendship cards and were able to be certain everyone got a card---maybe each student only got one card?

Personally, I am in favor of keeping things 'low key' in schools---that can be accomplished in many ways. March, the month of standardized testing always follows February. After Valentine's Day --came the Social Science Fair--oh, the memories. Good that I was young and strong in those days. :)
I thought you right wingers supported the notion of LOCAL government.

Well, do you or not?

Clearly you don't if you bitch about a local school system making local decisions.

Getting involved includes getting involved in local government (of course).
Uh -- you already did fail it. As I just pointed out.
Try to keep up.

You've only demonstrated that you are not even qualified to discuss something like logic.

I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?

If you haven't been paying attention to all the MANY examples of this nonsense that have come up in the past several years then YOU need to address your own ignorance.

You shouldn't speak of things like logic that you don't understand.
You've only demonstrated that you are not even qualified to discuss something like logic.

I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?

If you haven't been paying attention to all the MANY examples of this nonsense that have come up in the past several years then YOU need to address your own ignorance.

You shouldn't speak of things like logic that you don't understand.

Amazing. Unable to admit his glaring error, the next best thing to do would be say nothing while his gaffe gets buried in tangents. But no -- he highlights it again.


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I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?

If you haven't been paying attention to all the MANY examples of this nonsense that have come up in the past several years then YOU need to address your own ignorance.

You shouldn't speak of things like logic that you don't understand.

Amazing. Unable to admit his glaring error, the next best thing to do would be say nothing while his gaffe gets buried in tangents. But no -- he highlights it again.



Are you for some reason assuming your ignorance is universal? You've mentioned logic several times now. Maybe you should take some time to study the subject.
If you haven't been paying attention to all the MANY examples of this nonsense that have come up in the past several years then YOU need to address your own ignorance.

You shouldn't speak of things like logic that you don't understand.

Amazing. Unable to admit his glaring error, the next best thing to do would be say nothing while his gaffe gets buried in tangents. But no -- he highlights it again.



Are you for some reason assuming your ignorance is universal? You've mentioned logic several times now. Maybe you should take some time to study the subject.

Oh the density...

Here's your new avatar:
Ok, so you DO assume your own ignorance to be universal? That must make you feel better.
How long do you want to go on making a fool of yourself?
Ok, so you DO assume your own ignorance to be universal? That must make you feel better.

Logic is universal, yes. That you would term it "ignorance" so that you can go on defending blatant violations of it, says a lot.
In fact that in itself is a fallacy, since you're poisoning the well of Logic itself -- which Logic tells us is a fallacy.

Cool, huh?

How deep you wanna go here?
:dig: :dig: :dig: :dig:
Ok, so you DO assume your own ignorance to be universal? That must make you feel better.

Logic is universal, yes. That you would term it "ignorance" so that you can go on defending blatant violations of it, says a lot.
In fact that in itself is a fallacy, since you're poisoning the well of Logic itself -- which Logic tells us is a fallacy.

Where did I term logic as ignorance? Are you really this stupid? Why don't you go back and read the first post in this thread before humiliating yourself further? I'll understand if you want to slink away with your tail between your legs.
Ok, so you DO assume your own ignorance to be universal? That must make you feel better.

Logic is universal, yes. That you would term it "ignorance" so that you can go on defending blatant violations of it, says a lot.
In fact that in itself is a fallacy, since you're poisoning the well of Logic itself -- which Logic tells us is a fallacy.

Where did I term logic as ignorance? Are you really this stupid? Why don't you go back and read the first post in this thread before humiliating yourself further? I'll understand if you want to slink away with your tail between your legs.

In the quote you included.

What you're attempting here is blatantly dishonest.
You want to go back to Post 33 where I used your own OP to demonstrate the fallacy, as if it never happened, and lather, rinse, repeat, then ignore it again? Here it is:

I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?


Now I'm unsubscribing from this thread since you're clearly overmatched and have scuttled it as a tactic to hide your own inanity.
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Logic is universal, yes. That you would term it "ignorance" so that you can go on defending blatant violations of it, says a lot.
In fact that in itself is a fallacy, since you're poisoning the well of Logic itself -- which Logic tells us is a fallacy.

Where did I term logic as ignorance? Are you really this stupid? Why don't you go back and read the first post in this thread before humiliating yourself further? I'll understand if you want to slink away with your tail between your legs.

In the quote you included.

What you're attempting here is blatantly dishonest.
You want to go back to Post 33 where I used your own OP to demonstrate the fallacy, as if it never happened, and lather, rinse, repeat, then ignore it again? Here it is:

I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?


Now I'm unsubscribing from this thread since you're clearly overmatched and have scuttled it as a tactic to hide your own inanity.

Ah, bothered to read the OP, huh? Running away because you now realize what a fool you've made of yourself? Good idea. That is pretty much your only remaining option. Keep your mouth shut next time and you won't have to be humiliated like this. You wanted to bluster about "logic" like a big boy only to realize you didn't know the fist thing about it, and hadn't read the OP carefully in the first place. Maybe you'll know better next time.
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Hard to believe anyone would be willing to put their name next to this level of obtusity. It's like trying to debate Pee Wee Fucking Herman, only less cerebral. :cuckoo:

Grow up.
Hard to believe anyone would be willing to put their name next to this level of obtusity. It's like trying to debate Pee Wee Fucking Herman, only less cerebral. :cuckoo:

Grow up.

Tell the truth; did you read the first post before jumping in to make a fool of yourself like this? You didn't, did you? You might want to give that a try next time.
I thought you right wingers supported the notion of LOCAL government.

Well, do you or not?

Clearly you don't if you bitch about a local school system making local decisions.

Supporting the "notion of local government" means acting to change it.

I doen't mean simply accepting whatever happens.
That would be like depending on a large centralized nanny state.
Hard to believe anyone would be willing to put their name next to this level of obtusity. It's like trying to debate Pee Wee Fucking Herman, only less cerebral. :cuckoo:

Grow up.

Tell the truth; did you read the first post before jumping in to make a fool of yourself like this? You didn't, did you? You might want to give that a try next time.

I quoted it when I pointed out your fallacy in the first place, you pathetic blithering asswipe moron.
Hard to believe anyone would be willing to put their name next to this level of obtusity. It's like trying to debate Pee Wee Fucking Herman, only less cerebral. :cuckoo:

Grow up.

Tell the truth; did you read the first post before jumping in to make a fool of yourself like this? You didn't, did you? You might want to give that a try next time.

I quoted it when I pointed out your fallacy in the first place, you pathetic blithering asswipe moron.

There was no fallacy, moron. You wanted to toss around words like "logic" like a big boy, but you don't understand it and didn't even bother to read carefully before shooting your mouth off.

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