Madness and Stupidity in Public Schools

More of the same PC bullshit. According to "Father Kirill Gorbunov, director of information at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow. "There is no Valentine’s Day on the Catholic Church calendar. It’s a purely secular occasion with no religious background."

Further, Principal Carol Keenan stated, “every student is making a friendship card for another student,” she said. “I wanted to make sure that every single student is given the opportunity to get a card and to also give a card. I didn’t want some students feeling left out.” This is not even news, just some news outlet which had nothing better to do.
And you think all crazy incidents are reported in the news? Or do you dare admit much of it goes unheard of?

I don't need to 'admit' anything. If it is going on, we hear about it. You are asserting something, that it's going on all over the place, so prove it. And if you expect me to prove it isn't happening, understand that, logically, it is not possible to prove a negative; therefore, if it is not happening, I cannot prove it is not happening. However, if it is happening, you can prove it is happening, so prove it.

Why prove water is wet? Tests scores prove my accusation about how lousy our schools have become. Also about how lousy are its administrators etc.
Do you also ask proof that eating and drinking are necessary for our survival?
If I have to teach you such basic facts then I want to be paid.

Right to the "everybody knows" fallacy. Pathetic. You lost that round big time.

Rest assured, any quirky anomalies like this consistently get reported. It's what qualifies as news these days. Muckrakers seek it out.

Then there's the OP itself with its hasty generalization: claiming "madness" in "public schools" and then citing one, count 'em, one example.
Makes ya question whether posters should have to pass some kind of logic test.
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It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

That would be all of them, including minor ones. "All Saints Day" (derived from Samhain/Hallowe'en); "Assumption" (Lammas)... the various devotions to "Virgin Mary" (Beltane)...
There are at least 99,000 public schools in the US; that stat includes elementary and secondary schools.

We hear about these isolated, bizarre situations which don't represent what is going on in the vast majority of schools in the nation. Get some perspective.

And you think all crazy incidents are reported in the news? Or do you dare admit much of it goes unheard of?

I don't need to 'admit' anything. If it is going on, we hear about it. You are asserting something, that it's going on all over the place, so prove it. And if you expect me to prove it isn't happening, understand that, logically, it is not possible to prove a negative; therefore, if it is not happening, I cannot prove it is not happening. However, if it is happening, you can prove it is happening, so prove it.

Well there was that whole thing about "blacks only tutoring"and kids getting suspended for playing cops and robbers. So I would say this kind of stuff happens frequently.
Thank God I live in Texas where this foolishness is rare.
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Your free not to participate. And if I remember correctly,wasnt Valentines day invented by the greeting card companies. Kind of like kwanzaa is an invented holiday. Which I dont participate in by the way. But dont care if others do.
Then there's the OP itself with its hasty generalization: claiming "madness" in "public schools" and then citing one, count 'em, one example.
Makes ya question whether posters should have to pass some kind of logic test.

You would fail such a test. Start paying attention.
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Your free not to participate. And if I remember correctly,wasnt Valentines day invented by the greeting card companies. Kind of like kwanzaa is an invented holiday. Which I dont participate in by the way. But dont care if others do.

Absolutely not -- they were the last on the bandwagon, seeking to make a profit off what was already developed in a pagan fertility holiday (as I posted yesterday here: Valentine's Day, Goat Blood and the Sex Lottery). In between, the pagans and the profiteers, the Church invented a fictitious "St. Valentine" -- his purpose being, like Christmas and Easter and the rest, to co-opt an already-existing practice and attempt to paint it over with religious overtones.

They actually tried to replace love notes with religious tracts at one point. Needless to say that didn't sell, but in their own way the Church were the profiteers before the greeting card companies took over. The latter has had more success since they peddle a more useful product.
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Then there's the OP itself with its hasty generalization: claiming "madness" in "public schools" and then citing one, count 'em, one example.
Makes ya question whether posters should have to pass some kind of logic test.

You would fail such a test. Start paying attention.

Uh -- you already did fail it. As I just pointed out.
Try to keep up.
Then there's the OP itself with its hasty generalization: claiming "madness" in "public schools" and then citing one, count 'em, one example.
Makes ya question whether posters should have to pass some kind of logic test.

You would fail such a test. Start paying attention.

Uh -- you already did fail it. As I just pointed out.
Try to keep up.

You've only demonstrated that you are not even qualified to discuss something like logic.
I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Your free not to participate. And if I remember correctly,wasnt Valentines day invented by the greeting card companies. Kind of like kwanzaa is an invented holiday. Which I dont participate in by the way. But dont care if others do.

Absolutely not -- they were the last on the bandwagon, seeking to make a profit off what was already developed in a pagan fertility holiday (as I posted yesterday here: Valentine's Day, Goat Blood and the Sex Lottery). In between, the pagans and the profiteers, the Church invented a fictitious "St. Valentine" -- his purpose being, like Christmas and Easter and the rest, to co-opt an already-existing practice and attempt to paint it over with religious overtones.

They actually tried to replace love notes with religious tracts at one point. Needless to say that didn't sell, but in their own way the Church were the profiteers before the greeting card companies took over. The latter has had more success since they peddle a more useful product.

Appears your correct. Guess I should have done some searching first.:eusa_silenced:
Had no idea the Romans started it.
You would fail such a test. Start paying attention.

Uh -- you already did fail it. As I just pointed out.
Try to keep up.

You've only demonstrated that you are not even qualified to discuss something like logic.

I actually have to explain this? You prefer to play stupid?
:: sigh:: ooo kaayyy....

Overgeneralization (also Hasty Generalization). The stupid but common fallacy of incorrectly applying one or two examples to all cases (e.g. “Some college student was tailgating me all the way up North Main Street last night. This proves that all college students are lousy drivers, and we should pull their driver’s licenses until they either grow up, learn to drive or graduate!”).

You're actually going to sit there and deny that your own thread we're sitting in now refers to "madness /stupidity in public schools" and then cites a single example to make that case???

Are you an ostrich? Or just obtuse?
Your free not to participate. And if I remember correctly,wasnt Valentines day invented by the greeting card companies. Kind of like kwanzaa is an invented holiday. Which I dont participate in by the way. But dont care if others do.

Absolutely not -- they were the last on the bandwagon, seeking to make a profit off what was already developed in a pagan fertility holiday (as I posted yesterday here: Valentine's Day, Goat Blood and the Sex Lottery). In between, the pagans and the profiteers, the Church invented a fictitious "St. Valentine" -- his purpose being, like Christmas and Easter and the rest, to co-opt an already-existing practice and attempt to paint it over with religious overtones.

They actually tried to replace love notes with religious tracts at one point. Needless to say that didn't sell, but in their own way the Church were the profiteers before the greeting card companies took over. The latter has had more success since they peddle a more useful product.

Appears your correct. Guess I should have done some searching first.:eusa_silenced:
Had no idea the Romans started it.

Not at all, I like to ferret out the origins of things and spread the word. I'm not sure we could say the Romans actually "started" it; they did develop the description of Lupercalia but since the time of the season signifies the birds' mating season, this time has always been associated with fertility in some kind of observance -- just as other holidays through the year reflect the growing, harvesting and storing seasons.

These events, co-opted by the marketplace after being co-opted by the Church, derive from a deep, deep part of the human experience and psyche. Practices like Valentine cards, Christmas lights and Easter bunnies are the tips of profound archetypal icebergs and predate both mercantilism and religion. By a lot. :eusa_angel:
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

The only stupidity is the use of the word "madness" in the thread title.
And you think all crazy incidents are reported in the news? Or do you dare admit much of it goes unheard of?

I don't need to 'admit' anything. If it is going on, we hear about it. You are asserting something, that it's going on all over the place, so prove it. And if you expect me to prove it isn't happening, understand that, logically, it is not possible to prove a negative; therefore, if it is not happening, I cannot prove it is not happening. However, if it is happening, you can prove it is happening, so prove it.

Why prove water is wet? Tests scores prove my accusation about how lousy our schools have become. Also about how lousy are its administrators etc.
Do you also ask proof that eating and drinking are necessary for our survival?
If I have to teach you such basic facts then I want to be paid.

Another fruitloop that cannot back up his insane assertations, so just starts the flap-yap routine. You don't have any basic facts to teach anyone, idiot, you are impervious to facts, all you know is a few wingnut mantras that have no truth in them.
And you think all crazy incidents are reported in the news? Or do you dare admit much of it goes unheard of?

I don't need to 'admit' anything. If it is going on, we hear about it. You are asserting something, that it's going on all over the place, so prove it. And if you expect me to prove it isn't happening, understand that, logically, it is not possible to prove a negative; therefore, if it is not happening, I cannot prove it is not happening. However, if it is happening, you can prove it is happening, so prove it.

Well there was that whole thing about "blacks only tutoring"and kids getting suspended for playing cops and robbers. So I would say this kind of stuff happens frequently.
Thank God I live in Texas where this foolishness is rare.

Rare? Perhaps. But certainly not unheard of, even in TX.

Texas Lesson Plan Instructs Students to Design Flags for a ?New Socialist Nation? |
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea.Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.
School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Has been that way for a longtime now. Just that now with Obama in charge they have become very brazen about it
:cuckoo::rofl:omg, this is's Obama's fault? right..... LMAO

Well in all fairness, it's happening in liberal communities. Michelle Obama's agenda is to get kids to eat healthier. Candy isn't healthy.

In San Francisco, totally run by liberals, in new York city, totally controlled by liberals, soda and toys are banned frpm fast food restaurants.

You can abort your baby but don't feed it candy or soda. :eyeroll:
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It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Let me get this straight...there will be no Valentines cards handed out, instead, every student will make one "friendship" card to give to another student. And somehow that's going to make sure every student gets a card? When I was in school, we handed out Valentines to EVERY student in the class, it was required by both the teacher and my parents. Seems to me, the "one friendship card" idea is gonna make sure there are a lot of people who don't get any.

No birthday cakes or balloons or cupcakes...when my son was in school, they allowed us to send a present for him on his birthday. That present had to be a book and after he opened it, it was then donated to the classroom. I brought in cupcakes and each student in the class got one. I don't get it...what's wrong with that?

There really ought to be a law that everyone that goes into the teaching profession must first have common sense.
It's like there is some looney left-wing unthink tank somewhere employing a team of numbskulls who just sit around coming up with stupid shit like this all day. When they hit on something stupid enough, they find a public school principal somewhere who thinks it's a great idea. Soon, every normal person in the country is left shaking their heads - AGAIN.

School Bans Valentine?s Day Cards, Candy | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I love it when Christians support holidays based on Pagan traditions.... Christmas, Easter, Valentines....

Okay, the story, as I heard it goes, there was a priest named Valentine in Rome in 300 AD. For some reason the Caesar at the time wanted to increase his army but nobody wanted to leave their wife to go to war, so Caesar outlawed marriage. The priest continued to marry people anyway and was caught and sentenced to death. While he was in jail, the jailer's daughter would talk to him every day. When they took him away to kill him, he left behind a note to her saying that he would always be her Valentine. And that's where we got Valentine's Day. How is that Pagan?

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