Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Some at the main site are just horrible/annoying people. Others are good, but you can't really gather them into one game, I think.

Wake, I was wanting to ask you about this.

There's a guy modding a game over there in the mini games queue that's rejecting almost everyone that signed up for his game. I could understand if it were a bigger game, but a mini?? He seems like a dick to me. I'll never sign up for one of his games.


I'd have to know who this person is. Could be an alt of someone. Rejecting a butt-load of players is bad ju-ju. Like karma it will piss players off and not want them to play with you or in your games in the future.
reck is a respectable mod/host and that he is enforcing "wisodom of the mod" most likely where hes allowed to reject players for any reason.

you must also be aware that reck is doing it with UT and Sleepkrew as well and that they rather have high claibar players and non-toxic ones in.

i could give you a rough guss why they are rejected:

MS: comes in and almost never gives a fuck and his sign looks more like "troll game" then "play game"
AA9: lack of activy and will most likely flake
HI: not enough experince IMO
NS: reck expalined
yours: i would assume experince


most of the signs that are in are players who reck has played with and know are at least okish players and will probally have a good activty lvl as well as not be toxic (MS), flake (AA9, NS) or just inecperince with his plans (HI, you)

mods reserve rights to reject for any reason and i think hes not really outside his rlem, you could always PM him and ask but i wouldnt put too much into it
Reck is a fair mod. It's completely understandable that for a game that he and UT put so much work into perfecting, he'd like it to contain players that would at least be able or likely to bring out the setup's full potential.

Also, the move is more practical for a mini than for a large game; supply and demand.
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If you guys say so. It just seems extraordinary that he's rejected 90% of the signups.
I can understand lack of experience up to a point, but one can't get experience if they aren't allowed to play.
Why doesn't he (and others that do this) just have a "by invitation-only" game instead?
I think you may be mistaken; of 18 signups, 5 were rejected. I see that as reasonable.

There are a multitude of other games that players can join to gain more experience, prove renewed activity, and/or mature. It's one game out of many, and the game in question is part of an long-established and therefore expected higher-quality series of games.

(If you want, read Gay Mafia I and Gay Mafia II. They're exceptional reads, even on flavor and setup alone.)
Thanks, Arden. I didn't sign up for that game, I picked the one before it. I don't want to get into a bunch of games at once.

I'm not harping on Reck in particular, it's that I think if certain criteria have to be met for a game then they should be spelled out. That way there won't be rejections, and players won't have to go to the end of the line behind players that signed up for later games.
Yes, I agree he should have made the signup style more clear from the start- the typical way to warn of what he was doing is to announce something like "Wisdom of the One is in effect" (which means the moderator will reject signups if they feel that player would not be a good fit for their game).

Wisdom of the Crowds - MafiaWiki
He can use WotO if he wants. Undoubtedly that will anger those being blocked. If he's alright with that, cheers. :p
Basically Grandma thinks I'm a racist even though I'm not, and I make it a point to qualify my statements. Racial politics and discussion brings out the emotion in people. It's such a raw thing to talk about.
Look, I really don't want to get in the middle here and I am not going to search what ever is going on. Got too much shit on my own plate. Either way Grandma- you are in my thoughts and wish you would reconsider.

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