Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

I'm sorry, Grandma. :( I wish it was easier to get people to realize instead of constantly deny their errors; dealing with it is tiresome. You're in my thoughts.

I completely understand. But I'll miss you here. Then again, I just told Wake to shove it where the sun don't shine so I'm probably in need of a break as well although not permanently.

It's just certain political topics set off strong emotions. Wake pressed all my buttons. It would be best if we left that stuff out of the games here. Mafia is stressful enough as it is without all that.

I completely understand. But I'll miss you here. Then again, I just told Wake to shove it where the sun don't shine so I'm probably in need of a break as well although not permanently.

It's just certain political topics set off strong emotions. Wake pressed all my buttons. It would be best if we left that stuff out of the games here. Mafia is stressful enough as it is without all that.

I am not a racist, Wolfie, and every single one of those statements you said was racist wasn't, but qualified. You know I debate, you know know I play Mafia, and you know I'm not a racist. My post history is proof of that. Right now you admit certain political topics set off strong emotions (your emotions) and that you say I pressed all of your buttons (I'm being very restrained because I do think of you as a friend). When you are emotional, it is less difficult to take a statement and see racism where there is none. I did ask you repeatedly where the racism was, but you did not clarify, and when I even sifted through those posts of mine you quoted, after that you basically shut down and lashed out. The same does happen with you at times in Mafia. I don't say that to be mean. You are a good person. You are also emotional. Emotions aren't a bad thing. Losing control in the face of disagreement is.

I completely understand. But I'll miss you here. Then again, I just told Wake to shove it where the sun don't shine so I'm probably in need of a break as well although not permanently.

It's just certain political topics set off strong emotions. Wake pressed all my buttons. It would be best if we left that stuff out of the games here. Mafia is stressful enough as it is without all that.

I am not a racist, Wolfie, and every single one of those statements you said was racist wasn't, but qualified. You know I debate, you know know I play Mafia, and you know I'm not a racist. My post history is proof of that. Right now you admit certain political topics set off strong emotions (your emotions) and that you say I pressed all of your buttons (I'm being very restrained because I do think of you as a friend). When you are emotional, it is less difficult to take a statement and see racism where there is none. I did ask you repeatedly where the racism was, but you did not clarify, and when I even sifted through those posts of mine you quoted, after that you basically shut down and lashed out. The same does happen with you at times in Mafia. I don't say that to be mean. You are a good person. You are also emotional. Emotions aren't a bad thing. Losing control in the face of disagreement is.

You were being condescending and rude and not treating me like an equal in the conversation. You've seen me act this way in the games. If you can't be respectful when you talk to me, don't expect me to be respectful back. Yep, I thought we were friends Wake. My friends don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.
I completely understand. But I'll miss you here. Then again, I just told Wake to shove it wh
You were being condescending and rude and not treating me like an equal in the conversation. You've seen me act this way in the games. If you can't be respectful when you talk to me, don't expect me to be respectful back. Yep, I thought we were friends Wake. My friends don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.

I definitely don't think you're an idiot. You've got spunk. I also feel you're emotional and you can rush to judgment very quickly. You may not react well under pressure, either, whether in a game or against an ideologically oppositional post. My way of speaking isn't meant to be condescending. It's meant to keep me from losing control of my own emotions and saying something stupid or hurtful. When you rushed to judgment and made those slanderous remarks, that hurt. You know I don't say racist crap like that. You know I value the art of qualification. I'm saying that not to sound arrogant, but because I feel a bit blindsided and hurt about it. I'm just being honest while trying to work through my own feelings and emotions about this stuff.
was there somethign i missed?

Discussion on race/politics on another part of the forum. Some of my statements were misunderstood as racist, I asked Wolfie to clarify, she was emotional, blew up, and refused to clarify, and I scoured through my posts she quoted as racist and picked them apart in detail. I make it a point to qualify my statements, because nothing hurts more than a whole group being judged based on the actions of a few.

I think discussions on race is even more raw now than ever before. That's how it feels atm.

Ika you should join in on some of the political discussions here. :p
was there somethign i missed?

Discussion on race/politics on another part of the forum. Some of my statements were misunderstood as racist, I asked Wolfie to clarify, she was emotional, blew up, and refused to clarify, and I scoured through my posts she quoted as racist and picked them apart in detail. I make it a point to qualify my statements, because nothing hurts more than a whole group being judged based on the actions of a few.

I think discussions on race is even more raw now than ever before. That's how it feels atm.

Ika you should join in on some of the political discussions here. :p

Wrong, I never blew up, I was not happy with the way you were talking to me so I ended the discussion. Your comments were racist. Don't try to sugar coat it. I gave you examples when you asked for them. There were more I didn't pull up. I do not appreciate your misrep about what happened.
Wake, please stop belittling my opinions both in political discussion and in the games as just some emotional, fragile person who can't take the heat.
Wrong, I never blew up, I was not happy with the way you were talking to me so I ended the discussion. Your comments were racist. Don't try to sugar coat it. I gave you examples when you asked for them. There were more I didn't pull up. I do not appreciate your misrep about what happened.

I think otherwise. That doesn't mean I think you're a bad or weak person. You've seen me lose control of my emotions and blow up, too. It's a natural part of being human.

You are right about the way I was talking to you in that I shouldn't have said that one specific part to you, which I did apologize for later. However, I do disagree with you about my comments being racist, when anyone who actually knows me knows I'm neither racist nor one to condemn whole groups based on the actions of some.

Of those examples you provided, I asked you to bold the exact parts you felt were racist. You refused, and lashed out. I then took it upon myself to pick through all of it, and note in detail exactly why each part wasn't racist. I do not recall you following up after that there.
Wake, please stop belittling my opinions both in political discussion and in the games as just some emotional, fragile person who can't take the heat.

When I debate politics, I try to not attack the person. Your opinions and beliefs aren't beyond reproach, though. In a political discussion board your political beliefs are subject to scrutiny and opposition. It is the nature of debate and disagreement. I do believe you are emotional both in the games and in political debate and discussion. That isn't a bad thing. It is only detrimental when you allow yourself to lose control of your emotions. I don't recall ever saying or implying you were fragile. As for heat, in Mafia do you feel you stood up well to it?
You are making this about me Wake. You said things that were pretty objectionable to me and you were rude and condescending on top of it. I did not blow up at you at all. I walked away from the conversation before I said something that would of made things much worse.

You want to make this about me now and how I handle pressure in the games? Should we talk about how you behave in the games also over at MS?
You are making this about me Wake. You said things that were pretty objectionable to me and you were rude and condescending on top of it. I did not blow up at you at all. I walked away from the conversation before I said something that would of made things much worse.

You want to make this about me now and how I handle pressure in the games? Should we talk about how you behave in the games also over at MS?

When you continue to say that I said things you find objectionable to you, you do indeed make this about you and where you stand as a human being on the spectrum of human ideology.

If I were rude and condescending, it was not intentional, and what was intentional was wrong of me. If I come off that way then I do not mean it. If you could point out some very good examples of that, beyond what I've apologized for, you would aid me in fixing some weaknesses in my own personality.

I feel you blew up. Feelings are feelings, and they tend to be cloudy. That you walked away before saying something that would have made things worse is good, and is also why I did the same.

Some of my games I did act poorly. Other games I did not. If it would make you feel better to bring some of the things I did on that forum to this one, you may. It will not hurt me, because I know very well the things I said and did in my anger and frustration during my earlier games there, and how I reacted to some of the people who successfully managed to press my buttons.
Wake: you are also a person who has blown up over what wolfie is blowing up over as well: A different POV.

Im not going to get into the middle fo the stupid fight or pick sides, instead im going to sate this:

Both of you deal with the same problem i have delt with, your emotionally unstable online and can not diffreneate someone's opinion from a direct attack.

Now i havent see the "debate" or any of the other stuff so it may not apply here in this context but when it comes to mafia talk. I have seen you players get all riled up over someone criticizing your play or something. People instantly go onto "OMG THIS PERSON IS ATTACKING ME".

The entire problem with both of you is that you take the context of the very post and spin your own interpretation on it. Could wakes post be considered "racists"? apparently so.
Could wolf be just misintrpreting? maybe so.

The problem is that you guys are talking politics, by default it gets heated and goes onto things that can rile. Ever see real life vs internet?

Rooster Teeth Real Life vs the Internet

its somewhat a joke video but this is practically how life is, same could be said for mafia talk.

If you want to be biassed and take everything as personal vendetta online, thats your problem. Im not going to get into this.
Wake should i bring up the fact when i tried to help you on your "bare-bone setup" all you did was come on and never even seek understanding, you just attacked and misrepped and made wild speculations about what we were saying/implying.

I came out and said "QUOTE ME WHERE I SAID XXX" you never did. you guilty as what you are accusing wolfie for right now.

Now If the "offtopic" debate thing continues in here i will just lock thread for an hour so we can move it back on track
I don't want to lose a friend over a difference of opinion/belief.

Whatever the case I need to not attack her personally, because that'd be wrong.

What do you reckon would be the right thing to do?
Wake should i bring up the fact when i tried to help you on your "bare-bone setup" all you did was come on and never even seek understanding, you just attacked and misrepped and made wild speculations about what we were saying/implying.

I came out and said "QUOTE ME WHERE I SAID XXX" you never did. you guilty as what you are accusing wolfie for right now.

Now If the "offtopic" debate thing continues in here i will just lock thread for an hour so we can move it back on track

I did react badly and emotionally. I did, (and still do a bit), feel angry about that.

The way I disagreed with you there wasn't the mature and respectful way.

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