Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

What about insults? Is name calling o.k? What about insults to another's play? How far should that go?

I don't think anyone should ever call another player names. I also think people should give each other some lee way on their play. In game 8, House cc'ed Arden which helped get Arden lynched. People had differing opinions on whether that was the correct play or not. If anyone had insulted House for doing what he did, that would have been wrong. To me, post game discussions are the place to talk about playing styles.
Game's meant to be fun. Loosen up. Let people play as they want, and don't take it so seriously. Point's to have fun. Use the game to have fun interacting with people, instead of taking it so seriously it becomes some complicated chore.

Next games I play I'm just gonna have fun and enjoy my time with the people playing with me. Think of it as a great way to play and socialize with people. :)
Being a dick and calling people names is anti-Town at best. At worst it's Scummy.

If you know this by now, Scum will deliberately try to piss people off and rile them up.


They need you all divided.

If someone's being disruptive, it's best to kindly ask the player to stop. If the player refuses, you can try to rally support for that player's policy-lynch or, if the setting allows it, have the player replaced.
Game's meant to be fun. Loosen up. Let people play as they want, and don't take it so seriously. Point's to have fun. Use the game to have fun interacting with people, instead of taking it so seriously it becomes some complicated chore.

Next games I play I'm just gonna have fun and enjoy my time with the people playing with me. Think of it as a great way to play and socialize with people. :)

Yeah, that doesn't work.

Just playing to be social and have fun will get you scumread for fluff posting. Does that mean you can't be social and have fun? Of course not. But people are looking for suspicious behavior and if you do too much of it, or don't take the game seriously you will be accused of cruising or not scumhunting or something scummy. And letting everyone play how they want is fine, but when their play hurts the team you are on, then you have the right to complain about it. However, I agree with Shaitra that post game is better.
In game 8, House cc'ed Arden which helped get Arden lynched. People had differing opinions on whether that was the correct play or not.

I think the results speak for themselves.

My fake counter got the SK taken out and saved town from potentially losing a PR on N1 because scum was convinced my counter was real.

I viewed myself as a likely N1 NK due to my play D1 anyway, so I went whole hog to get the most out of my time before I was killed.

I bought town time that they otherwise would not have had. It's not my fault they squandered it.
I think a discussion on how to treat each other in the games-what is acceptable and what isn't, is a good idea. Also, talking about others in QT's would be good idea to discuss as well since they are part of the game.

1) Is it o.k. to aggravate a person to get them to replace out?

2) Is calling someone an idiot o.k. or telling them they suck?

3) Where do you draw the line on insults and bad behavior?

4) Is crticizing play fair game since we are all on a team and if someone is hurting the team, shouldn't that be mentioned post game or is it natural to flip out when someone criticizes you?

I don't have time right now, but if the games continue here, this should be addressed.

5) Also, what is considered a personal attack and what isn't?

i numbered them for ease but being a long term player over 4-5ish sites as well as being a long time mod and a slew of games i can give a good idea

1) never, this is not only me as a player but as a mod, if your sole intention is to aggravate them to replace out then you are just being a dick.

that being said aggravating a player can be how you solve someone but its falls to a player to find where the limit is, if you unintentionally push a player past their point where they replace out, then really there's nothing you can do. more then once this has happened,

in our MS rebels in palace i gave my 2 cents to wake about his play and several other players as well, i was scum but what i was saying was not with intention to force him to replace out nor were any of the other players from MPOV.

when your a mod and you knwo the true intent, then you can make a good judgment call, as a player, you should just replace out or PM mod.

2) yes, its fine to do that as long as you are attacking them as a player and not a human. more then once have i been called or called players stupid/idiots/ect for play reasons. never do i say that with the intent to ridicule them as a human.

if you do it and say it like "you are a stupid moron who has nothign in life" then i would say that crossing the line

but going "your reads scuck" or "your an idtiot to think hes town" is acceptable b/c you are attacking a read/play and not a person themself

3) thats a gray area all around. its case by case tbh.

as a mod, i watch the thread and if i see something starting to get out of hand i will PM/step in. but i personally leave it up to players to self moderate that to an extent due to the fact some players like to "mod guess"

4) its fair in game as well as post game. it goes back to point 2 somewhat where if someone goes "your reads scuk" or "how do you think hes town stupid?" are fair things.

as for "flipping out" i do think thats just more playstyle and human behavior. i can elaborate but its more MPOV and not exactly mafia related


"YOU SUCK AND YOUR MOM IS A WHORE" <---- personal insult


"OMG YOUR A SHITTY PLAYER" <------slightly more gray but imo, attacking play and should not be considered a personal insult

if you have examples or quotes i can give you what i would classify it as.
Welp, funny you should mention that.

At the moment, I'm wanting to run three Newbie games side-by-side. Problem is my time to play (and live for the most part) has been effectively neutered thanks to work. Can't play anything but one Micro at a time, but modding is far easier than playing.

If anyone wants to run a game soon, I'll wait until then. If not I'll get to pumping out Newbie games using the Matrix6 format, and @'ing the USMB memberbase. It looks like my stamina is starting to climb with all the hard work, so.... I feel less tired now, which is a good thing.

I'm open to theme suggestions for each Newbie game. I'd like to squeeze in a Jurassic Park Newbie game. :D
In game 8, House cc'ed Arden which helped get Arden lynched. People had differing opinions on whether that was the correct play or not.

I think the results speak for themselves.

My fake counter got the SK taken out and saved town from potentially losing a PR on N1 because scum was convinced my counter was real.

I viewed myself as a likely N1 NK due to my play D1 anyway, so I went whole hog to get the most out of my time before I was killed.

I bought town time that they otherwise would not have had. It's not my fault they squandered it.

It was very daring... but dangerous.

If the real JoaT blustered out of the shadows to call you out, Scum would have had a field day with it. In this case it worked. You did fool me with that gutsy gambit. If the JoaT revealed itself, I would have been thanking you. :p
I strongly disagree'd with House's gambit but we talked it out in the dead QT. The fact that FA wasn't around was fortunate. He is probably smart enough to stay quiet but PR's can be jumpy. I was a jumpy as hell PR in my first newbie game and ended up outing myself while I was being wagoned with scum pushing it also. I ended up getting NK'd N2 because of it and it just so happens I tracked the last scum-to me. Just imagine if I would of survived and could of brought that info. to town. Town won anyway so it didn't matter but still, not a good idea to get PR's all nervous in a game and that gambit was sure to make the JOAT nervous.

That said, House's gambit paid off. His willingness to throw self-preservation to the wind was very, very townie. He did it about as well as anyone could of.
Aye had mentioned wanting to start a new game in the dead QT but changed her mind because of the fact that a lot of people are busy this time of year and the fact that the last game had an issue with lurkers and apathy.

I have 2 games going at MS right now and ika's game starting soon. Plus, this time of year is nuts. There is no way I can sign up for a game here before January. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do one however. I am always willing to be a replacement if/when a game needs one.
At that point I had to gank him. Either he was the JoaT, or as you say he came off as self-less. Being self-less can definitely net a lot of Townpoints in Mafia.

Arden being killed helped us quite a bit. If she had decided to help the Town she could of killed either of us. Also, Cafe discerned FA as the JoaT way before me.
Yeah, Cafe is damn good at this game. She picked out Avi as Psyche and FA as JOAT. She's good as scum and really good as town. If I would of stayed in the game, I would of townread her up until PoE came into effect.

gg Cafe
To mix it up a bit, if I do run 3-4 Newbie games at a time then players can only sign up for at most two of those games. That would mix it up quite a bit, and give everyone more choices. Think I'll get that ready today. The basic Matrix6 structure can simply be copy-pasted from the main site, or altered very mildly for style.
CaféAuLait is scary as Scum. She was nervous at first, but proved she's got the grit for it.

One of these days I'm going to play with you guys when I'm not handicapped. :)
In game 8, House cc'ed Arden which helped get Arden lynched. People had differing opinions on whether that was the correct play or not.

I think the results speak for themselves.

My fake counter got the SK taken out and saved town from potentially losing a PR on N1 because scum was convinced my counter was real.

I viewed myself as a likely N1 NK due to my play D1 anyway, so I went whole hog to get the most out of my time before I was killed.

I bought town time that they otherwise would not have had. It's not my fault they squandered it.

It was very daring... but dangerous.

If the real JoaT blustered out of the shadows to call you out, Scum would have had a field day with it. In this case it worked. You did fool me with that gutsy gambit. If the JoaT revealed itself, I would have been thanking you. :p

There was zero motive to cc a fake cc to a fake claim.

The real JoaT knew Arden's claim was fake, and my counterclaim had obvious town motivation to them because I was keeping them from having to do it.

A real CC would have been suicidal for town. Had you let me live, THAT is when my gambit would have become dangerous.
Arden being killed helped us quite a bit. If she had decided to help the Town she could of killed either of us.

No. The way she outed herself, I knew there was no way she'd have NK'ed scum even if she had mod confirmation on who they were.

When the JoaT witnessed Arden's and then your claims, and then saw how she flipped Serial Killer, it would be reasonable for FA_Q2 to deduce you were Town...

...then again, if Scum thought Arden was telling the truth, they could have sacrificed one of themselves to take it out. When we're talking three parties the dynamics and perspectives become more complicated.

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