Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Well, I won't sign up for any games until you decide. Just do what is best for you Wake. Your life is more important than a game on a forum on the internet. Someone else can mod one or we can just stop here since there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest from anyone except for a few of the regulars that always play. If I want to play Mafia, I can do it at MS. Take care of yourself Wake.
Good morning, everyone.

I'm not giving up on Mafia here. At the moment I'm researching ways to repair myself to get back into making these games. Started taking Super B Complex vitamins which seem to be helping, and the work has me shedding weight rather quickly (18lbs in one month). Now that I'm becoming more familiar with my work in neuro-rehabilitative care, the days are going by faster and more peacefully. Ever since being hired at the specialty hospital my life really changed. The first few days were harsh on my body, because of the physical work and mental juggling and prioritizing, but with each and every day I'm becoming more confident and relaxed, and my body's grown accustomed to it. They say on average the amount of walking you do on each hospital wing is about seven miles. That doesn't include all the hoyer lifting, boosting, bathing, toileting, bandaging, feeding, you name it.

All in all, I absolutely love it, and I can't really express just how much I love caring for people and their total well-being. All this socializing and human dynamics have rubbed off on me, too, and I've become surprisingly more social. It's weird, in a way, because four years ago I was so shy. Now I'm working with so many different coworkers on a constant basis it just doesn't faze me anymore, and it's like I'm no longer shy. Why would I be now? It's a strange, good feeling, to be so comfortable working and talking with people, and craving it more and more. Now the respiratory therapist and a few others just invited me to go bowling with them tomorrow night, and I'm stoked. :p

The nurses are now showing me how to reconstitute medications and secure them in drip lines, and otherwise letting me shadow them on the side while we work, and teaching me all the tricks of their trade. Returning to nursing school is becoming a more prominent thing off in the distant horizon. I'm only a CNA, but the work I absolutely love, and soon I'll be taking the next step to becoming an RN. There are two wound care specialists I work under, and both women have become an inspiration, and I'm thinking of specializing in wound care in the future, and seeing to it that horrific woulds like pressure ulcers and gashes heal back to their proper state. I want to see things heal and get better, so this idea just won't seem to leave my mind which, I think, is a pretty good thing. :D

Taking each day at a time, step by step.
Thanks. I'm going through a rough patch right now.
VI stands for Village Idiot, and is a player who routinely behaves in a stupid way which disrupts the Town's efforts to catch the Scum.
I might play if you ever get another game going here soon and it is not the type of game where I would need to know a lot about some movie or something to understand. I played once before in a message board situation. Died pretty quick though. Weekdays can be busy for me but I can play some early or late. Not really sure how much longer I will be around this board because the tone of the politics here is so harsh unless there is something else going on here that interests me.
I might play if you ever get another game going here soon and it is not the type of game where I would need to know a lot about some movie or something to understand. I played once before in a message board situation. Died pretty quick though. Weekdays can be busy for me but I can play some early or late. Not really sure how much longer I will be around this board because the tone of the politics here is so harsh unless there is something else going on here that interests me.

Never mind. I am stepping away from this site. After seeing the following thread, I don't want to be a part of Stormfront West

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