Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

lulz, would you be fine with me talking about my ideas for a modified Sensor?
I'm fine with that since it's a role like any other. What's on your mind?

I'm thinking of a Sensor that is 1-Shot, that can only activate at any time during the Day, and can only target a wagon, whether it has only one vote or 5+. If it could be modified further to where it must be activated at some point during Day 1, that would be, in my very fallible opinion, optimal.

Also, the 'Best Friends' role I'd like to tech into my games. The 2+ players know each-other like Masons, but don't have communication. I do think that mechanic has some merit.

I like that it has to be used D1 and can only target a wagon and is one shot. That makes it more balanced.

And the best friends role would mean they know each other are town but can't communicate like masons?

I love the idea. I think it would be a lot of fun. If you do either/both of these, it would make for an interesting dynamic in a game.
lulz, would you be fine with me talking about my ideas for a modified Sensor?
I'm fine with that since it's a role like any other. What's on your mind?

I'm thinking of a Sensor that is 1-Shot, that can only activate at any time during the Day, and can only target a wagon, whether it has only one vote or 5+. If it could be modified further to where it must be activated at some point during Day 1, that would be, in my very fallible opinion, optimal.

Also, the 'Best Friends' role I'd like to tech into my games. The 2+ players know each-other like Masons, but don't have communication. I do think that mechanic has some merit.

I like that it has to be used D1 and can only target a wagon and is one shot. That makes it more balanced.

And the best friends role would mean they know each other are town but can't communicate like masons?

I love the idea. I think it would be a lot of fun. If you do either/both of these, it would make for an interesting dynamic in a game.

I really, really want to.

Correct on the BFs, too. Nerfs the power a bit but adds in a bit more subtle complexity.

After I finish my Mini Normal and Large Normal at the main site (again), I'll set up a massive themed game. I have an idea, a theme, and a complicated yet satisfying design for it. Gonna take some time though. If I keep getting grilled and crushed by time's blows I'll shift back to primarily modding awesome games.
I will only join a game of yours Wake if Grandma isn't in it. If she joins, I'm out.
My goodness. This forum has more Drama than a Shakesperean Tragedy.

Also Wake, I'm a huge fan of roles that aren't seen often. Best Friends I don't think I've ever seen used. I'll be more than happy to review your game but I'm not sure how accurately I'll review it. I've only done self reviews...
I'm just letting Wake know if he starts up any games and invites me, I won't play with Grandma. As a mod, he should be aware of these things.
I will be aware of things as I am able. I am extremely busy. If you feel you should shoot me a PM to help me be aware, please do that. Would rather get shot up with PMs pre-game than have my game(s) shot to hell with drama.
Anyone know when another game is starting on here? I've been just on "the other site" for a while and for some reason found myself thinking fondly of the two/three I played here- let's just say I like the newbie treatment, which is a compliment.
Anyone know when another game is starting on here? I've been just on "the other site" for a while and for some reason found myself thinking fondly of the two/three I played here- let's just say I like the newbie treatment, which is a compliment.

I enjoy playing with you and @ you whenever there is a game here. If there is some other way you can be contacted, let me know. We just finished one right now, so not sure when the next one will be. Many of us are also over at MS playing as well.
That would be great! Thank you :)

While I'm reluctant to hand out my main account, you can PM my alt "Frightened inmate number3" on MS whenever you want to reach me; that goes straight to my email account.

Also, I am a fairly experienced moderator, if anyone wants a specific [type of] game run here but also wants to play in it. Just let me know ;)
That would be great! Thank you :)

While I'm reluctant to hand out my main account, you can PM my alt "Frightened inmate number3" on MS whenever you want to reach me; that goes straight to my email account.

Also, I am a fairly experienced moderator, if anyone wants a specific [type of] game run here but also wants to play in it. Just let me know ;)

Hope +1 is fun.

Depending on the playerlist, I might /in for that.
I don't want to make any promises I may not be able to keep.

Would like to create a Nightless game with many fun and subtle abilities.
I should be able to play in a game here or there. My experiment with using Tapatalk to play mafia makes it a little easier than trying to use the web browser on mobile. I probably won't be joining any games bigger than 15 players though.

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