Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

House, Wake's post is "if Arden wanted to help town". If I wanted to help town, I would have claimed SK, and then I would have NKed scum. It's all or nothing.

When the JoaT witnessed Arden's and then your claims, and then saw how she flipped Serial Killer, it would be reasonable for FA_Q2 to deduce you were Town...

...then again, if Scum thought Arden was telling the truth, they could have sacrificed one of themselves to take it out. When we're talking three parties the dynamics and perspectives become more complicated.

Why are you WIFOMing? YOU WERE SCUM, you know whether you thought her claim was real or not.

Her claim was so blatantly false it gave me a headache.
House, Wake's post is "if Arden wanted to help town". If I wanted to help town, I would have claimed SK, and then I would have NKed scum. It's all or nothing.

That would not have been optimal play either, because town would have simply lynched you when we were through with you.

A leashed SK has a short lifespan.
an sk only option is to either claim vig or claim sk and ask for a leash.

sk is mostly doomed overall but it still stands
As I recall, if I had decided to help town, I would have been converted to a confirmed town player. It was a special setup. Trust me that my play would have been drastically different had I not had that option open (which was what I intended to go for before saying "fuck it" because the rest of the scum was underpowered as it was).

Also, I didn't understand why I got the option to be investigation immune :/ I was the only role that could make cops get a "no result" therefore if the cop got a no result on someone, they're confirmed SK.
I think your results would be "town"

Also in that SPECIFIC setup an sk claim could actually be beneficial mostly due to the fact it could act as a vig and then be converted to VT
Yeah, Cafe is damn good at this game. She picked out Avi as Psyche and FA as JOAT. She's good as scum and really good as town. If I would of stayed in the game, I would of townread her up until PoE came into effect.

gg Cafe

considering I practically told everyone I was the psych I'm surprised no one else did.
Yeah, Cafe is damn good at this game. She picked out Avi as Psyche and FA as JOAT. She's good as scum and really good as town. If I would of stayed in the game, I would of townread her up until PoE came into effect.

gg Cafe

considering I practically told everyone I was the psych I'm surprised no one else did.

It was your psychic pigs comment right? :biggrin:
Getting closer to bringing out 3 Newbie games.

Gotta get through hospital orientation first (48 hours in 4 days).
I want to bring them about soon. Much of the problem stems from severe physical exhaustion from work, and constantly juggling 6+ hospital-bound patients connected to various tubings and having to be hoyered. Imagine having to be there twelve hours for a man in serious need of care. He is quadraplegic, has twelve leads on him (specialized surface pads placed upon the patient's chest and abdomen hooked up to a telemetry system), is attached to a foley bag and needs blood sugar accuchecks on a routine basis, needs oral care q2 hours, must be checked and changed every so often to keep from sitting in feces, and has very emotional family members coming and going.

You are there to make sure he is ok. Every little thing from vitals to bed sore to oxygenation to comfort you must keep a watchful eye on.

However, you have to care for 5+ other patients at the exact same time, with equal deftness, while juggling priorities, maintaining your calm, and not letting yourself get behind in your responsibilities. If you hoyer and shower a patient in the shower room, and that costs you 35 minutes, especially if those minutes mean you're now behind in catching vitals, you are behind and will undoubtedly earn the ire of the doctor and one or two nurses. It's so delicate and intense. You're screwed if you've pulled your back out the day before (which is why I rest as much as possible).

One of my patients is 680lbs. He's relatively independent while here. Another is 785lbs, and it is disgusting. It takes 3 people to bath/roll him, and his underside has a festering, smelly-ass wound which would make anyone spit up their breakfast if they weren't accustomed to medically-foul smells. I consider the fresh horse manure farmers spread on their crops to be perfume compared to some of the serious stuff you smell in hospitals. No joke.

And not only that, your very life and well-being is at risk. More than five times I've had to gown up and protect my body while caring for patients with MRSA, pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis, hepatitis C, streptococcus A, c difficile, and other highly dangerous diseases.

It's stressful, but the work is good. CNAs routinely get treated like s*** and considered to be dumb and stupid. It's uncommon to work under a nurse that treats you as a teammate instead of "the help." A lot of this work is more difficult for me personally because I struggle with ADD (the sole issue being inattention). At this point in my life, I want to return to nursing school, and am trying to come up with ways to survive that and this together. I absolutely love Mafia and the people I play and socialize with here. I just feel like a hollow shell at times. Starting to become dependent on sleeping pills to catch some ZZZs, because two people I live with are content with playing loud music past midnight. The quarter-sized blisters that left my feet raw and bleeding stopped for the most part, in turn becoming large calluses. Now I wear 2-3 pairs of socks as extra cushioning to lessen how much my feet get chewed up.

The highlights are knowing that you're helping people, and doing everything you can to keep your patients comfortable and well-cared for. It's no joke when they say health care will leave you emotionally drained, and how health care providers typically forget to care for themselves while caring for everyone else. I've been neglecting myself pretty badly. Been forgetting to eat at times, and dropped about 15lbs already. Stamina and muscle mass has increased considerably, but it's like I don't do anything fun for myself much, as if all my life is is working to care for people. At this point my mentality tells me I don't want to retire for as long as possible, because I'd go nutso-stupid from not having things to do. Even now I'm dealing with my first weekend off in 5 months, and I feel like I'm going insane from not having to prepare for work and making preparations. I just feel antsy right now when sitting, and that's likely because work has me going non-stop. Been trying to design two large theme games and get a bunch of Newbie games going, but the pressure and exhaustion get in the way.
Wake-Do you have roomates that blast music until midnight? Could you ask them to turn it down? Also, get some really good shoes with good support and stretch out your back before work everyday. Your job sounds rewarding but physically demanding. As long as you like it and are happy with it, that's all that matters. Nursing school maybe is something you can do part time? I don't know how that works but if you really want to do it badly enough, don't let anything hold you back. I remember a period in my life where I worked FT and went to school FT because I wanted to get into a different career path. It was hard but I got through it.

Perhaps modding newbies is your best bet right now as far as time and how much energy it would take-at least here at USMB. If you can get enough new players, that might help here because you already know how I feel about how the last game went. If you can get some new players who are into it, and get some of the regulars who like to be active-meaning posting at least once a day-then it would be worth it. I'll be replacement if you need one.
Rolling out four games simultaneously.

Jurassic Park
Supernatural (Season 7)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Wake, I'll play in a couple of yours coming up.

As far as me hosting another soon, maybe by the end of Jan I can. Too much going on right now - company moving next week and I've been on antibiotics twice the past month for bronchitis and now for bronchial pneumonia.
Okay I'm now mafia game less for the first time in while this a weird feeling.

at least I picked up a new win at the site.
Apologies. Been busy and over-worked. Caring for a severely bi-polar patient with a history of biting peoples' nipples off. Literally.
Apologies. Been busy and over-worked. Caring for a severely bi-polar patient with a history of biting peoples' nipples off. Literally.
All good. I think the whole board knows by now that your work can be very demanding at times and that it is not always predictable. Hopefully, now that Xmas is over, we will see some more participants though :D
Wake, Have you considered getting a back up mod due to being so busy? Like ika or someone? I would be willing to in to one of your games and be a replacement for one if needed but that's all I can manage. I have 2 going on at MS and am in sign-ups for ika's with House and Grandma. Plus, I have family in town now as well.
I don't know if I can keep doing Mafia here, to be honest. Wanting to make it happen, but it's all spent. Have to re-evaluate what I can do in general.

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