Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

No need to coexist in the games. After this one, I'm done with Mafia for awhile. A good long break to clear my head and figure out why this crap happens every game. I won't play again unless I can figure that out and prevent it in the future. It's too draining and frankly too much negative energy. I need to concentrate on the positive. If anyone has any hints here on how to stay positive and avoid conflict when playing, it would be interesting to see. Even links or something. In case, I decide to try again down the road or someone else might benefit from it.

For whatever it is worth, IMO: Your town play is a little too reactionary and too needy, for lack of a better word. You bounce around a lot so when people need someone to bounce around, you are the target. Could be they are scum, or a town PR who is trying not to defend themselves to you, could be someone hoping to take the heat off themselves, or it could be more exploratory to gauge certain players reactions to you when they have a history of reacting to you (i.e. drama).

Taking a break is usually a good idea if a player uses it to change up their play style or is just tired of the frustration inherent in the game. The lack of a role theme game (like Star Wars characters, etc) encourages people to target each other for reasons some will take more personally. Just try to be less reactionary if there is no purpose to your reaction that furthers your game and more thick skinned. In the meantime, try to find a site to play a game where the theme is not just mechanical in nature.
I'm thinking a Jurassic Park game should come about eventually. :D
I am going to host a resistance game next. It'll be set in the town of WiFom City. All my games are. You'll be overthrowing the mob which took over WiFom City in the last game.
I'm thinking, in the next few months, of running some Newbie games using the Matrix6 Setup. Same thing used for Newbies at the main site. I'd be able to mod 1-3 at the same time, which would give players the opportunity to play multiple games as different roles and alignments. They'd be partially-themed, too. It wouldn't affect normal mechanics at all. Just the OP and Vote Counts.

I think this would be a really good way to draw in even more players. Different themes like Supernatural, Jurassic Park, The Mummy, and Game of Thrones sounds pretty fun. :D Once my Large game at the main site resolves, it wouldn't be any trouble running multiple Newbie games at once.
We could use more players here, and the crazier games tend to scare off the noobs. Matrix-6 games would be perfect.
I'm finally feeling well-rested. This is rare.

Getting closer to modding three themed Newbie games at once.

Jurassic Park, Supernatural, Arachnophobia.

Flavor will have no bearing on mechanics. VCs will be frequent and orderly. sameech may like this idea, since it's straight-up pure Mafia.

I'll be @'ing hundreds of members in a special Mafia thread in Feedback, which will be a common occurrence there. Absolutely any theme possible, whether a movie, a video game, or a show, anything is possible.

These games will give players the opportunity to play as Scum and Town in the exact same kind of Setup, and would allow players, if they wish, to choose which games they want to play in.
As long as the flavor is divorced of mechanics, I'm in.

I don't know the source material of either of those 3.
Well Wake, for these games, if they are treated like newbies, for new players, then I would like to give them a chance to join and play and not take up one of their spots. If you need a replacement or an SE or IC type role is needed, I'll help out there no problem. Otherwise, I'll stand back and let the new players play.
Jurassic Park's an awesome movie series. People getting eaten by dinosaurs, man.

Supernatural = only show I currently watch on TV outside of news.

Arachnophobia: Horror movie responsible for my fear of spiders and old houses.

Wolfie, you'd like training the newbies, I bet. :D :p
My bastard game is off for now.

With the huge USMB membership numbers, getting 40 players should be fairly easy, hell, 60 or more players shouldn't be impossible.

The problem is the timing. There are too many people wound up or burned out over the midterms. There's been a massive influx of socks and trolls, appearing just for this election.

Things need to settle down a bit, the membership needs to re-adjust. By the end of January everyone should be bored enough with winter that they'll do anything for entertainment.

Wake's newby games will help expand the player base here as well.
Grandma, a 40-player game was, iirc, possible only once on the main site. A 60-player game is far too massive. Not even the main site, which focuses solely on Mafia, has been able to do that in over a decade. I think even with mass PMs on the main site it wouldn't be possible, especially with the say of the NRG. 20 is more likely. 30 would take great effort.
I'm very comfortable with throwing parties for 80 guests and up. In fact I prefer very large gatherings. I know how to organize crowds.

There's something like 3000-ish active members here, including the intermittent posters. Somewhere in there are my players.

I will find them.
Nah, I'll pm them. :)

The thing with getting a bunch of players in a mega game over at MS is that there are - what - a couple hundred games going on at a time? And players there are in upwards of 3 games at a time.

With not so much going on in the political world, the USMBers will have lots of free time and this is the perfect place to spend it!

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