Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

PR idea:

X-shot Clairvoyant: Player can channel a dead player for one post. The dead player PM's their message to the mod, and the mod posts it. Dead player can like/thank that post only to confirm their message (optional).

This would only be appropriate with a spoiler-free dz, of course, and could be quite a powerful PR because a NK'ed townie could finger the guilty party (among other uses).
it sounds like a mechanic that my homesite would often use:

last will

what it basicly is, is what it exactly implies, a final will.

Most times town players would leave these with their final reads.
Prs would leave it with their night actions as well
Scums would sometimes use it to direct another scum team/scum allies to tell them what to do.

these would be posted whenever a player gets lynched/killed.
it sounds like a mechanic that my homesite would often use:

last will

what it basicly is, is what it exactly implies, a final will.

Most times town players would leave these with their final reads.
Prs would leave it with their night actions as well
Scums would sometimes use it to direct another scum team/scum allies to tell them what to do.

these would be posted whenever a player gets lynched/killed.

Yeah, but it doesn't sound like a killer can be fingered with last will. Also, a dead player's opinion/reads may change over time (hence the need for a spoiler-free dz).
i think your missing it. The last will shows right at start of day (after player dies) or at end of day (if player is lynched)

its not a delayed mechanic. its instant.
Well you shouldnt be commenting on it either, i have like every right in my mind to go tell the mod over there right now and get you modkilled for it.

I already PMed wake to delete these posts
Well you shouldnt be commenting on it either, i have like every right in my mind to go tell the mod over there right now and get you modkilled for it.

I already PMed wake to delete these posts

I already PM'ed Mala. I didn't discuss the game, I called out somebody for doing so.

if theres one thing that i hate more then anything is when people do stuff like this. anyway:


what do you guys think about 3rd parties? these can be jesters, lynchers (or as i call them executioners), cults, and survivors.

if theres one thing that i hate more then anything is when people do stuff like this. anyway:


what do you guys think about 3rd parties? these can be jesters, lynchers (or as i call them executioners), cults, and survivors.

I'd like to experiment with them.
I'm wary of Jesters, but atm am factoring in Lynchers and Lynchees.
OK, I see now. I thought ika meant the 'Scumhunting' thread.

Yeah, please don't talk about ongoing games when it comes to

They are very, very strict on that. They nailed me three times for it, even when one of them was on accident. They tend to modkill you instantly in all your games and ban you from playing in any games for weeks to months.

The last one, which was on accident, got me banned for 3 months. They're far too strict on that, but nothing can really be done to persuade them to reason. I'm quite a bit more lenient, and the main things I take issue with is cheating and flaming/trolling.
Nothing was been discussed regarding an ongoing game. I was trashed by a player in a game there due to his being angry about a game here and I had to replace out of it because of it. He posted those comments in an ongoing game and hid behind the rules to prevent me from dealing with it. He was upset after what happened in game 6 here. Nothing had anything to do with that game. It was USMB drama period. None of that should ever have been brought to the main site. It appears I can't play in peace anywhere due to the crap that happens here.
These are things to overcome.

Sometimes players will do things in Mafia games out of spite.

I've done it, too, and it's never good for the Town. If you two could please coexist for the sake of everyone else in these games it would be great.
No need to coexist in the games. After this one, I'm done with Mafia for awhile. A good long break to clear my head and figure out why this crap happens every game. I won't play again unless I can figure that out and prevent it in the future. It's too draining and frankly too much negative energy. I need to concentrate on the positive. If anyone has any hints here on how to stay positive and avoid conflict when playing, it would be interesting to see. Even links or something. In case, I decide to try again down the road or someone else might benefit from it.
It's pretty simple.

Conflict is part of the game.

Few people like getting votes with bogus reasons launched at them.

Answer it honestly, succinctly, and then have it end at that. I usually take advantage of every time they're launched at me as windows to launch some of my own back at them.

I try to ignore the personal BS. It's always anti-Town and does no one any good.
The bogus votes are what they are and part of the game. It's the other garbage than makes it all so negative. It's depressing to deal with. But some obviously can. I wish I was one of them but it is what it is.

Enjoy your day Wake!!
These are things to overcome.

Sometimes players will do things in Mafia games out of spite.

I've done it, too, and it's never good for the Town. If you two could please coexist for the sake of everyone else in these games it would be great.

I can't blame Wolfie for how she feels. I have a habit of skirting the edges on rules, and although I wasn't out to intentionally hurt her feelings, I did.

No getting around that, and it was wrong of me.

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