MAGA 2020 Supporter Causes BLM Mural To Be Removed By City.

BLM is political advertising.
No. It is a slogan independent of any political party or candidate.

And MAGA isn't?


MAGA was and is the political slogan for the Trump campaign, there is no question there.

It is entirely associated with a political campaign.

It's also associated with a Movement, just like Black Lives Matter.

sorry, but once government allows a political message on public property, it has to allow others and not discriminate based on content.

Let's make it similar, should NYC be required to allow a "Blue Lives Matter" mural to be put on the Street?

And THAT is comparable. It isn’t a political message. And answer is yes.

Political campaigns are not the same as movements Particularly when it comes to public property and taxpayer money.

They are all political messages. I'm sure progressives would be fine with "Hope" which was an Obama slogan.

Political campaigns are political speech.

MAGA is without question slogan. You know this, why are you trying to draw an equivalency that isn't there?
Public support is turning against them and the Democrats as the lawlessness continues..
Is it?

You KNOW it is. You have:
  • Airhead support from people who mindlessly put BLM signs in their yard because they're just behind any fad that sounds good.
  • Official Media promotion of the organization as a fake front to exaggerate the effect and suppress the bad in a fake image to the public..
  • Then you have the REAL OPINIONS of the actual publc who largely stay silent but whom are F@*cking SICK & TIRED of having their lives, safety and businesses all disrupted while hearing of another riot, another violent confrontation, seeing cities looted, defaced and burned and historic statues all senselessly toppled by a bunch of snotnose idiots every night on the evening news who don't even know what or why they are there, and want an end put to it.
So you are this all on a theoretical silent majority?
This all---- ? I generally don't admit or advertise my support for Trump when contacted. No stickers, signs or apparel. If anyone calls, I'm leaning toward Joe. I want Biden in the lead by 15 points on election night. Another sure thing.

Ideally, Trump should win on election night by just 1 EC vote but lose by 3.8 million popular votes, just so the Left hates it all the more.

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