MAGA candidates will have to choose between Wacky Steve Bannon & Trump, thus dooming the GOP in 2018

Actually I think this will help the Republican Party. Bannon has been a thorn in the side of republicans, but after he alone caused pubs to lose the Alabama senate seat the honeymoon is definitely over. Bannon has no money or leverage and people he has supported are now distancing themselves from him. He is toast after suggesting that the trump family is treasonous. So that clears the decks for more establishment leaning candidates to come to the forefront and win in 2018. In case no one noticed, Bannon was sort of the lefts poster child for the alt right and now he has been marginalized. In the big scheme of things, this will be a positive for the republicans in 2018. If it becomes a choice between Bannon or trump, Bannon doesn’t have a prayer.
“Yeah, that place sucked balls anyway & the people were lame & they were jealous of me and my ideas” - a fired Burger King employee and Steve Bannon
This may have been Bannons plan all along, I never fully trusted him and I sort of followed him from the sidelines, he always seemed shifty to me. I don't trust shifty people. Even when there were times he seemed to be correct on policy, I was never fully convinced of his loyalty and this seems to be all by design to get Trump supporter behind him.

After he was canned it weakened his hand. The fact that he backed Moore and lost Alabama proves that noone really listens to him, and it ruined his entire plan to do this little outburst for the release of this book. Bannon lost all momentum after Alabama which is why he hid under a rock for awhile, now he pops up and takes some shots to rile up Trump and deflect attention from the problems going on with the Russian Witch hunt.

I say this, Bannon will get his due, because Trump doesn't let such attacks slide. So I hope for Bannons sake he is squeaky clean and has tied up all his loose ends. You can be sure people will be sniffing around and will find something. Even before the presidency there were very few Americans with the public profile that Trump had, and now he is president so he's in a pretty strong place I'd say.

Maybe I am totally wrong and this is all really deep samurai dishonor type revenge on his part, I would actually respect him more if this was the case even as I don't like his efforts, but somehow I doubt this, there is something more here. Just the way he entered his team so late (August 2016) and even when obtaining such an important role in the WH he did all he could to disrupt with no interest in any outreach, suggests something is amiss.
Trump said today that Steve Bannon "lost his mind" when he was fired. But after Bannon was fired, Trump repeatedly spoke to Bannon and took Bannon's advice. Why would Trump take the advice of someone who had "lost his mind?"
Trump said today that Steve Bannon "lost his mind" when he was fired. But after Bannon was fired, Trump repeatedly spoke to Bannon and took Bannon's advice. Why would Trump take the advice of someone who had "lost his mind?"
Bannon wasn’t fired. Trump lied. No breaking news there.
Bannon told everyone the exact date when he would resign the day he got hired.
The Trump base? Bannon is the base? lol.

Bannon represents Breitbart, the most popular right wing news network.
I know who he is. I never watch him because he's a loon.

I've never even visited that website once. It's not that I'm not interested in diverse views, but I try and stay relatively mainstream, especially in my personal situation in which the Canadian authorities who are full of shyte and rat bast.ards are looking for any excuse to label me some RWNJ. Character assassinations aren't new for the RCMP and their lackey pals, so I don't stray too far.

From what I've heard apparently there has been alot of outrage on their website regarding his outburst, so I'm guessing this move wasn't very popular for him and his brand.
the Trump base is unraveling right before our eyes! and it will cost the GOP their majority!

The Trump-Bannon feud is already upending the midterm elections

Still haven't taken your bipolar meds yet?

By tomorrow, you'll be back in Trump's corner,

Dear patriots, we need to boycott Breitbart who has now joined the globalist war against our beloved President.

i came back to Trump's side faster than you thought!

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