MAGA Death Threats Against Election Officials

These people have a serious vocabulary problem... to them disagreement equals violence.
Basically they never outgrew the Toddler stage into their teen years.
Don't smirk.Its true.My Grandma and Grandfather only had 8th grade educations
and they got married before they were 16.Like many of their Era.
But Grandpa and Grandma started a business { Trucking company } and grew
to become Millionaires when a millionaire was something to be proud of.
Each succeeding era teens are less adult in their overall disciplines in Life.
Actors like W.C. Fields and Cary Grant had to be adults right quick when they
ran off from home.
Todays young adults are mere teens at best.It's obvious.It's Legion.
The old adage ... Been thru the Mill ... does hold meaning.
Now with the changing tides of language Kids are really screwed.
In some cities They can decide their Sex.Because sex is now considered jaded.
It's Gender.That is partly why Democrats and their MSM don't talk specifically
about Individuals but Groups.Like what Group one is from.The Latino Group.
The Black Group ...etc.This sort of classification was never part of Americana.
Tucker Carlson did a marvelous Monologue on this topic last night.
One will never hear anything close to that at CNN or MSNBC.
They are too preoccupied in coaching Bigotry and Intolerance.
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Basically they never outgrew the Toddler stage into their teen years.
Don't smirk.Its true.My Grandma and Grandfather only had 8th grade educations
and they got married before they were 16.Like many of their Era.
But Grandpa and Grandma started a business { Trucking company } and grew
to become Millionaires when a millionaire was something to be proud of.
Each succeeding era teens are less adult in their overall disciplines in Life.
Actors like W.C. Fields and Cary Grant had to be adults right quick when they
ran off from home.
Todays young adults are mere teens at best.It's obvious.It's Legion.
The old adage ... Been thru the Mill ... does hold meaning.
Now with the changing tides of language Kids are really screwed.
In some cities They can decide their Sex.Because sex is now considered jaded.
It's Gender.That is partly why Democrats and their MSM don't talk specifically
about Individuals but Groups.Like what Group one is from.The Latino Group.
The Black Group ...etc.This sort of classification was never part of Americana.
Tucker Carlson did a marvelous Momologue on this topic last night.
One will never hear anything close to that at CNN or MSNBC.
They are too preoccupied in coaching Bigotry and Intolerance.
As the Big Lie embeds itself within the GOP and becomes a litmus test whether or not one is a member of a cult “RINO,” it is also endangering the lives of those who make our democracy work.

At least 850 death threats have been made against election officials, almost all entirely by the MAGA crowd.

Let us know when the member of a Republican campaign staff shoots Congress critters while they're playing softball.

Death threats? Everyone gets death threats nowadays. You're a nobody unless you are getting death

Hell, even Dolly Parton receives death threats
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This is a no brainer.

NO ONE should be threatening people much less elected officials.
I much prefer parents being targeted at school board meetings by the FBI who disapprove of CRT being taught in schools and having the President of the United States tell the nation that the teenager Rittenhouse was not only guilty before the trial, but was also a white supremacist to boot.

Well done democrats. :yes_text12:
Marxism. I’m beginning to think you guys don’t know what it means, it just feels good in your mouth and scares tbe base because you got no real ideas to run on and depend on anonymous threats to discourage civic participation.
Marxism? No way, its Sieg Heil Mein Commandant, you currently run the Gestapo of the New Reich....but not much longer......
Marxism. I’m beginning to think you guys don’t know what it means, it just feels good in your mouth and scares tbe base because you got no real ideas to run on and depend on anonymous threats to discourage civic participation.
Since that's the standard Leftist response, I'm think you know we do know what it means and you're afraid you've been exposed.
Marxism. I’m beginning to think you guys don’t know what it means, it just feels good in your mouth and scares tbe base because you got no real ideas to run on and depend on anonymous threats to discourage civic participation.
There were plenty of ideas. And they were working. Then the globalists and the traitors got very involved.
As the Big Lie embeds itself within the GOP and becomes a litmus test whether or not one is a member of a cult “RINO,” it is also endangering the lives of those who make our democracy work.

At least 850 death threats have been made against election officials, almost all entirely by the MAGA crowd.

Well, they've been warning us for a long time.

Threats of terrorism are similar to terrorist acts; they're all done to frighten, intimidate and change behaviors.

Rememeber when your LefTarded buddy shot Steve Scalise at the ball game?
I’m certain you TDS-ing SuperTards can link us to your posts where you vilified the shooter….RIGHT?
Rememeber when your LefTarded buddy shot Steve Scalise at the ball game?
I’m certain you TDS-ing SuperTards can link us to your posts where you vilified the shooter….RIGHT?

That shooter was a loser scumbag. May he rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Don’t think you’ll hear that from the Trump cultists who’ll blame BLM, ANTIFA, and everyone else but their own tribe for the deaths at the Capitol.
You should have just responded “derp derp derp.” It would have been more intelligent.
Because how dare Americans or any American forgit How Smart the Democrats
are.Hillary being voted the Smartest woman in the world.Barack Obama likewise.
Even though his Harvard Law Professor was Derrick Bell a huge proponent of
Critical Race Theory.The Young Obama held a Harvard Rally defending his Mentor
Derrick Bell who was being denied Tenureship.Andrew Breitbart got the video
where Obama is rallying a small group of Harvard student to demand that Bell
be awarded Tenureship.Breitbart died in the process of keeping his pledge to
have that video shown on march 1st.Basically because he said it was a definite
Smoking Gun.This was way before CRT was made a big deal about a couple years
ago.Barack Obama is the man behind all this CRT nonsense.Trayvon Martin
was a Beta test to use CRT to foment public outrage.Then Michael Brown,then
Freddie Gray and then George Floyd.That isn't smart that is near diabolical.

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