MAGA More Fails: DHS will have 5th Leader in 33 Months. How safe do you feel? NOPE, not safe!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!

The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
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You scared? Cuz, you sound scared.
The Great Douche is great at keeping us more exposed. 2 Confirmed 3 Acting in 33 months.
Obama only had 3 in the whole 8 years. 2 confirmed and 1 acting for like 101 days.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
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You scared? Cuz, you sound scared.
The Great Douche is great at keeping us more exposed. 2 Confirmed 3 Acting in 33 months.
Obama only had 3 in the whole 8 years. 2 confirmed and 1 acting for like 101 days.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
i feel a lot safer now that Isis is no longer conquering large swaths of territory and reaping millions from stolen oil fields ! and Trump is a demanding boss that expects results from his appointees ! do the job right or you are fired !! maybe you think your hero Obama was better at national security and fighting isis [the jv team] !
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
do you own a gun ??? or do you expect the police to instantly beam into your home if an intruder breaks in ??? ohh i forgot people like you hate the police ....but you would love a socialist police state .
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
I told you to stop smoking the crack.
You're whining about keeping us safe but are pro sanctuary state open border and anti-border wall
What you support is no security
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

Have we had a terrorist attacking since he has been in office. No and they took out ISIS leader. So on that note STFU

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How safe did you feel while Clinton was bombing Europe, his A.G. ordered the CIA and the FBI not to share information and the 9-11 terrorists were enjoying life in Florida while attending flight school?
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Elect a blob like clown and you get a circus.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Elect a blob like clown and you get a circus.
FYI: If you want to count correctly, The Great Douche is on its 6th DHS sec.
The Great Douche has been killing and selling off America for some 1015 days / 6 = 167 days avg. they last each.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Elect a blob like clown and you get a circus.
FYI: If you want to count correctly, The Great Douche is on its 6th DHS sec.
The Great Douche has been killing and selling off America for some 1015 days / 6 = 167 days avg. they last each.

Take your meds. That libtard disease is bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

The wall will be built, and you and your criminal ilk, will be sent packing.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Elect a blob like clown and you get a circus.
FYI: If you want to count correctly, The Great Douche is on its 6th DHS sec.
The Great Douche has been killing and selling off America for some 1015 days / 6 = 167 days avg. they last each.

Too bad he isn't selling off shitholes like you.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
You do realize that these positions are never really vacant. D,C is never going to run out of the acting bureaucrats. Shouldn't people like yourself be ecstatic that our government is so huge that the unelected positions in it will never be left empty.
The large turn over does show a problem but do I feel less safe? No. The agency needs disbanded.
A lot of people who voted for W. Bush did not like the Homeland Security Department, the Patriot Act, the TSA and additions to them since then. Progs even added to them. These things and other hidden laws are going to get us someday. We may even want them if things are bad enough.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he will select Chad Wolf to head up the Department of Homeland Security, the fifth person to lead an agency that has seen an unprecedented level of turnover during the last year and has a stable of acting leaders in key positions.

Trump announced the selection of Wolf — also in an acting role — to reporters outside the White House.

:eek-52: FFS! The Great Orange Douche is in charge of America's safety.
The Great Douche only hires the BEST PEOPLE!
View attachment 287584
The People at DHS most be laughing at this. Plus this guy insane DOPer Crazy.
And HAS NO Experience at this level to run the DHS to keep us safe.
Stop smoking crack you're an anti-border wall pro sanctuary city but blame the president because America is not secure?

The sanctuary city are still here, and there is no Great Orange Douche wall. Both are not an issue.
The 911 Crew flew into the USA, were here living on visas. The NRA gets more people killed in our schools
than any outside non-American persons or groups by 2000%

Try to be informed with facts DOPer.
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

The wall will be built, and you and your criminal ilk, will be sent packing.
And as it will not be built, what then? Will you be on the borderline with a gun shooting them?
If you're not there already, shooting invaders. You are just a WEAK MORON DOPer spewing nonsense DOPer lines.

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