MAGA: Trump's Border Wall Under Construction

Your unabashed hatred of white people.
Nope wrong. I just dont like racists.

Self-hatred aside, what does your hatred of whites stem from?
Genetically I'm white married to white and have many white friends and white hate white racists like you. Got the picture now?

Oh. I'm a racist?

You voted for Hillary, several times,. dinja sploogy?
Nope I didn' like lying just like your orange clown.
Hey retard, you are the one paying for those tariffs. Congratulations :itsok:

That's ultimately true.

Amazing a Marxist moron like you gets that.

Still, the tariffs are directly tied to wall construction.

Why I thought Dump said Mexico was going to pay for it, oh ya and like it! Not so much, huh who would have thunk it?

You have never thought, which is why you are a Stalinist.

Trump is saying that the tariffs will be used to fund the wall. Which in his calculus is Mexico paying.

So Mexico is not writing a check or delivering cash for said wall. Thus not paying for it, got it!


You Stalinists are amazingly dull of wit.

Tariffs are paid by the consumer. Amazingly one of your Stalinist bretheren actually grasped that..

You, not so much.

But the Mexican government is not paying for.the wall. Funny you cannot grasp that, but expected from a Dotard rube lover like you.
End Illegal Immigration once and for all. Anyone trying to make that happen, gets my full support.

43 had a chance to do that - he declined for wmd's

Trump had a chance to do that Congress put his lying ass on a very short leash

so just whine about immigration - crying suits candyass RW snowflakes well.
Amnesty isn't the solution to illegal immigration, moron.
The US needs more latinos...hardest working and nicest group of people, good food, good family values.
And we should find a way to shoot them when they do.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Right, because you came here from one of those places brown people ran. Well if brown people do such a good job of running things, why did you come to where white people are?
White people ? Where I live most are not whites they are from all over and majority are indeed brown. And the natives of this land arebrown....your white ass if not from here too. Why did you leave and came here ?

I have no idea when my ancestors came here, but the one thing I will never do is preach how my people are better. Because many years ago when there was no restriction on immigration, my ancestors came here legally as well.

You people tell us how things would be better here with more of your own people, but you left the place where the majority was your people for obvious reasons. If you think we need a country of your people, move back with your people instead of bringing them here. We were here first.

If you don't like white people, then move back to your own people. While your former country existed for thousands and thousands of years, whites made this country the greatest and strongest country in the world in just a couple of hundred years. Your people are probably still walking around in dresses like they did 1,000 years ago.
I dont know why you feel that being white race is superior. Ever heard of the moors ? 800 years of ruling south of Europe they were advanced in all aspects of life while most of the white race where you ancestors camefrom. Were living in the dark ages and filth. Get over yourself, you are an immigrant as well, and we all are of you dont like it go back to Europe.

I didn't come from Europe, I came from the USA. Born and bred here fella.

Trump is actually making America look ridiculous with a ‘wall’ that won’t work.

‘“What is being said is in so many ways irrational and illogical,” said Roberto Arjona, the chief executive of a luxury hotel and spa in Tecate. “To quote a former homeland security deputy, when she was asked about the wall she said, ‘you could build a 50 foot wall and they will build a 51 foot ladder.’”

“So to me that is the essence of these absurd comments. I think people that need to cross the border or want to cross the border they’ll find a way to cross the border.”

And we should find a way to shoot them when they do.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Hold on a minute...don’t forget, you fled a filthy brown’s a shithole because it’s brown....every shithole around the world is brown...weird huh?
Isn’t hoping the U.S. goes brown like hoping the U.S. turns into a total shithole?
Some parts of the US are already shitholes when filled with your kind. All countries have some shithole parts. Lot of red states and areas are qualified as flyover shitholes.
Define shit holes... I was brought up in New England, old E coast prep boarding schools, money everywhere, 'old money' mostly on the E-coast and 'new money' in the circles I ran in, going to college in Malibu, CA. As far as 'shit holes' lacking character, morality, values, empathy, compassion, grace and virtue... let me tell you the darkest of the dark blue epicenters are far and away the biggest shit holes in this Nation.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Right, because you came here from one of those places brown people ran. Well if brown people do such a good job of running things, why did you come to where white people are?
White people ? Where I live most are not whites they are from all over and majority are indeed brown. And the natives of this land arebrown....your white ass if not from here too. Why did you leave and came here ?

I have no idea when my ancestors came here, but the one thing I will never do is preach how my people are better. Because many years ago when there was no restriction on immigration, my ancestors came here legally as well.

You people tell us how things would be better here with more of your own people, but you left the place where the majority was your people for obvious reasons. If you think we need a country of your people, move back with your people instead of bringing them here. We were here first.

If you don't like white people, then move back to your own people. While your former country existed for thousands and thousands of years, whites made this country the greatest and strongest country in the world in just a couple of hundred years. Your people are probably still walking around in dresses like they did 1,000 years ago.
I dont know why you feel that being white race is superior. Ever heard of the moors ? 800 years of ruling south of Europe they were advanced in all aspects of life while most of the white race where you ancestors camefrom. Were living in the dark ages and filth. Get over yourself, you are an immigrant as well, and we all are of you dont like it go back to Europe.

I didn't come from Europe, I came from the USA. Born and bred here fella.
Son of immigrants unless if you are native American. So sit down and let people live..more likely your ancestors fled Europe to seek a better life dont deny others the same right now that you are in and safe.

I moved here, I worked hard to have a better than average life I would be happy to see more do the same. After all this land and other lands were made for the human race and not just whites like yourself.

And always keep in your mind, that nobody risk their life and cross the border just for the fun of it, have some compassion. You never know if one day you'll be in need of help.
pssssstttt ... hey SUCKERS - Trump signed off on this

  • $641 million for about 33 miles of new border fencing that excludes building a concrete wall, The funding would pay for levees and fences that were previously authorized by Congress in the 2006 Secure Fence Act.
  • Restrictions that prevent new fencing technology, including the models touted by President Trump in a recent border visit, according to the aide. It would only allow “the same see-through fencing technology that has existed for the last decade,"
  • $1.296 billion for border security technology, which is $196 million above the president’s request.
  • No new “ICE” agents. it prevents funding for new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who are responsible for apprehending illegal immigrants in the interior of the country.
deal with it girls
Based on fully funding the Military (a mistake imho) he signed off on a Uuuuge shit budget. My opinion is that we're that much closer to loosing our country by not building that wall, not increasing funding for all aspects of illegal alien enforcement & I'm not sure that having a amply funded military at the expense of our Nation's sovereignty is worth it at this point in time. Like he said upon signing... don't expect it again.
End Illegal Immigration once and for all. Anyone trying to make that happen, gets my full support.

43 had a chance to do that - he declined for wmd's

Trump had a chance to do that Congress put his lying ass on a very short leash

so just whine about immigration - crying suits candyass RW snowflakes well.
Amnesty isn't the solution to illegal immigration, moron.


I'm 100 % FOR enforcing the immigration laws ON THE BOOKS - ON THE BOOKS !!

get that all you dipshit wall idots ?

Trump is actually making America look ridiculous with a ‘wall’ that won’t work.

‘“What is being said is in so many ways irrational and illogical,” said Roberto Arjona, the chief executive of a luxury hotel and spa in Tecate. “To quote a former homeland security deputy, when she was asked about the wall she said, ‘you could build a 50 foot wall and they will build a 51 foot ladder.’”

“So to me that is the essence of these absurd comments. I think people that need to cross the border or want to cross the border they’ll find a way to cross the border.”

And we should find a way to shoot them when they do.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Hold on a minute...don’t forget, you fled a filthy brown’s a shithole because it’s brown....every shithole around the world is brown...weird huh?
Isn’t hoping the U.S. goes brown like hoping the U.S. turns into a total shithole?
Some parts of the US are already shitholes when filled with your kind. All countries have some shithole parts. Lot of red states and areas are qualified as flyover shitholes.
Define shit holes... I was brought up in New England, old E coast prep boarding schools, money everywhere, 'old money' mostly on the E-coast and 'new money' in the circles I ran in, going to college in Malibu, CA. As far as 'shit holes' lacking character, morality, values, empathy, compassion, grace and virtue... let me tell you the darkest of the dark blue epicenters are far and away the biggest shit holes in this Nation.
Compassion my ass...conservatives know nothing about compassion, they refuse to help refugees, wanna kick those who risked their lives for a better opportunity, they are bigots towards other religious groups, racists and elected qu asshole. I'm next door to Malibu I'll take liberals anyday over so called conservatives and I'm a conservative myself.
And we should find a way to shoot them when they do.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Hold on a minute...don’t forget, you fled a filthy brown’s a shithole because it’s brown....every shithole around the world is brown...weird huh?
Isn’t hoping the U.S. goes brown like hoping the U.S. turns into a total shithole?
Some parts of the US are already shitholes when filled with your kind. All countries have some shithole parts. Lot of red states and areas are qualified as flyover shitholes.
Define shit holes... I was brought up in New England, old E coast prep boarding schools, money everywhere, 'old money' mostly on the E-coast and 'new money' in the circles I ran in, going to college in Malibu, CA. As far as 'shit holes' lacking character, morality, values, empathy, compassion, grace and virtue... let me tell you the darkest of the dark blue epicenters are far and away the biggest shit holes in this Nation.
Compassion my ass...conservatives know nothing about compassion, they refuse to help refugees, wanna kick those who risked their lives for a better opportunity, they are bigots towards other religious groups, racists and elected qu asshole. I'm next door to Malibu I'll take liberals any day over so called conservatives and I'm a conservative myself.
Is it possible to take in and benefit carte' blanche' all in need? "The poor will always be among us". If there is in fact a limited amount of tangible resources how can you benefit one without commensurately depriving another? Why is it that Conservatives (they tend to fall into the GOP camp but not always).. charitably give far and away more than liberals. Take that another step further to "believers" (of any faith) and "unbelievers" (atheists)... Notice how liberals call for higher taxes and claim the higher moral authority on beneficence yet do not give up voluntarily as much of their resources as their counterparts in the conservative or religious camps. Warren Buffet, John Kerry, Obama, 'the Clintons', etc. etc. exemplify this... yet look at the % they freely give when no one is looking...

Our National obligation (not our personal obligation) is to those CITIZENS among us who are in need!
The Democrats are largely responsible for facilitating generational welfare.... giving for the sake of getting a vote with the intent of the recipient never moving beyond their dependent station in life.
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Your unabashed hatred of white people.
Nope wrong. I just dont like racists.

Self-hatred aside, what does your hatred of whites stem from?
Genetically I'm white married to white and have many white friends and white hate white racists like you. Got the picture now?

Oh. I'm a racist?

You voted for Hillary, several times,. dinja sploogy?
Nope I didn' like lying just like your orange clown.
No one lies more than a douchebag snowflake.
Your unabashed hatred of white people.
Nope wrong. I just dont like racists.

Self-hatred aside, what does your hatred of whites stem from?
Genetically I'm white married to white and have many white friends and white hate white racists like you. Got the picture now?

Oh. I'm a racist?

You voted for Hillary, several times,. dinja sploogy?
Nope I didn' like lying just like your orange clown.

What did I lie about, bigot boi?
The US needs more latinos...hardest working and nicest group of people, good food, good family values.
Why do we need more latinos? Does anyone actually believe we don't have enough people here already?
That's ultimately true.

Amazing a Marxist moron like you gets that.

Still, the tariffs are directly tied to wall construction.

Why I thought Dump said Mexico was going to pay for it, oh ya and like it! Not so much, huh who would have thunk it?

You have never thought, which is why you are a Stalinist.

Trump is saying that the tariffs will be used to fund the wall. Which in his calculus is Mexico paying.

So Mexico is not writing a check or delivering cash for said wall. Thus not paying for it, got it!


You Stalinists are amazingly dull of wit.

Tariffs are paid by the consumer. Amazingly one of your Stalinist bretheren actually grasped that..

You, not so much.

But the Mexican government is not paying for.the wall. Funny you cannot grasp that, but expected from a Dotard rube lover like you.

Indirectly they are paying, according to Trump.
Right, because you came here from one of those places brown people ran. Well if brown people do such a good job of running things, why did you come to where white people are?
White people ? Where I live most are not whites they are from all over and majority are indeed brown. And the natives of this land arebrown....your white ass if not from here too. Why did you leave and came here ?

I have no idea when my ancestors came here, but the one thing I will never do is preach how my people are better. Because many years ago when there was no restriction on immigration, my ancestors came here legally as well.

You people tell us how things would be better here with more of your own people, but you left the place where the majority was your people for obvious reasons. If you think we need a country of your people, move back with your people instead of bringing them here. We were here first.

If you don't like white people, then move back to your own people. While your former country existed for thousands and thousands of years, whites made this country the greatest and strongest country in the world in just a couple of hundred years. Your people are probably still walking around in dresses like they did 1,000 years ago.
I dont know why you feel that being white race is superior. Ever heard of the moors ? 800 years of ruling south of Europe they were advanced in all aspects of life while most of the white race where you ancestors camefrom. Were living in the dark ages and filth. Get over yourself, you are an immigrant as well, and we all are of you dont like it go back to Europe.

I didn't come from Europe, I came from the USA. Born and bred here fella.
Son of immigrants unless if you are native American. So sit down and let people live..more likely your ancestors fled Europe to seek a better life dont deny others the same right now that you are in and safe.

I moved here, I worked hard to have a better than average life I would be happy to see more do the same. After all this land and other lands were made for the human race and not just whites like yourself.

And always keep in your mind, that nobody risk their life and cross the border just for the fun of it, have some compassion. You never know if one day you'll be in need of help.

We have 7.5 billion people in this world, how many of those are we supposed to be "compassionate" to?

No, this land was not made for all human race. This land was structured by white people and grew into the greatest nation on earth. We made claim here and it's ours--not the worlds.

As such, we make the rules, we decide who we are going to let here to occupy and share in the result of our hard work. Name me one country that has no borders and willing to let anybody drift and change the way their country operates.

A country with no borders is not a country at all.
Most border patrol officers are immigrants or from immigrant families, wont happen. Let more come in there is plenty of space and work. Heck we need more brown people to be a majority to stop the racists from gaining power in the future.

Hold on a minute...don’t forget, you fled a filthy brown’s a shithole because it’s brown....every shithole around the world is brown...weird huh?
Isn’t hoping the U.S. goes brown like hoping the U.S. turns into a total shithole?
Some parts of the US are already shitholes when filled with your kind. All countries have some shithole parts. Lot of red states and areas are qualified as flyover shitholes.
Define shit holes... I was brought up in New England, old E coast prep boarding schools, money everywhere, 'old money' mostly on the E-coast and 'new money' in the circles I ran in, going to college in Malibu, CA. As far as 'shit holes' lacking character, morality, values, empathy, compassion, grace and virtue... let me tell you the darkest of the dark blue epicenters are far and away the biggest shit holes in this Nation.
Compassion my ass...conservatives know nothing about compassion, they refuse to help refugees, wanna kick those who risked their lives for a better opportunity, they are bigots towards other religious groups, racists and elected qu asshole. I'm next door to Malibu I'll take liberals any day over so called conservatives and I'm a conservative myself.
Is it possible to take in and benefit carte' blanche' all in need? "The poor will always be among us". If there is in fact a limited amount of tangible resources how can you benefit one without commensurately depriving another? Why is it that Conservatives (they tend to fall into the GOP camp but not always).. charitably give far and away more than liberals. Take that another step further to "believers" (of any faith) and "unbelievers" (atheists)... Notice how liberals call for higher taxes and claim the higher moral authority on beneficence yet do not give up voluntarily as much of their resources as their counterparts in the conservative or religious camps. Warren Buffet, John Kerry, Obama, 'the Clintons', etc. etc. exemplify this... yet look at the % they freely give when no one is looking...

Our National obligation (not our personal obligation) is to those CITIZENS among us who are in need!
The Democrats are largely responsible for facilitating generational welfare.... giving for the sake of getting a vote with the intent of the recipient never moving beyond their dependent station in life.
The US has more room and more food, and resources to accommodate millions more let's not be greedy. Average American is overweight is good to share the food at least. Space we have plenty, some towns are willing to pay you to relocate there...why not let in those that aredesperate. Conservatives might give charity to their churches and organizations but as a whole they are less tolerant towards foreigners and other religions. I lived amongst both and I have seen first hand how bigots and racists they can be. Take this forum for as a good example.
Nope wrong. I just dont like racists.

Self-hatred aside, what does your hatred of whites stem from?
Genetically I'm white married to white and have many white friends and white hate white racists like you. Got the picture now?

Oh. I'm a racist?

You voted for Hillary, several times,. dinja sploogy?
Nope I didn' like lying just like your orange clown.

What did I lie about, bigot boi?
White people ? Where I live most are not whites they are from all over and majority are indeed brown. And the natives of this land arebrown....your white ass if not from here too. Why did you leave and came here ?

I have no idea when my ancestors came here, but the one thing I will never do is preach how my people are better. Because many years ago when there was no restriction on immigration, my ancestors came here legally as well.

You people tell us how things would be better here with more of your own people, but you left the place where the majority was your people for obvious reasons. If you think we need a country of your people, move back with your people instead of bringing them here. We were here first.

If you don't like white people, then move back to your own people. While your former country existed for thousands and thousands of years, whites made this country the greatest and strongest country in the world in just a couple of hundred years. Your people are probably still walking around in dresses like they did 1,000 years ago.
I dont know why you feel that being white race is superior. Ever heard of the moors ? 800 years of ruling south of Europe they were advanced in all aspects of life while most of the white race where you ancestors camefrom. Were living in the dark ages and filth. Get over yourself, you are an immigrant as well, and we all are of you dont like it go back to Europe.

I didn't come from Europe, I came from the USA. Born and bred here fella.
Son of immigrants unless if you are native American. So sit down and let people live..more likely your ancestors fled Europe to seek a better life dont deny others the same right now that you are in and safe.

I moved here, I worked hard to have a better than average life I would be happy to see more do the same. After all this land and other lands were made for the human race and not just whites like yourself.

And always keep in your mind, that nobody risk their life and cross the border just for the fun of it, have some compassion. You never know if one day you'll be in need of help.

We have 7.5 billion people in this world, how many of those are we supposed to be "compassionate" to?

No, this land was not made for all human race. This land was structured by white people and grew into the greatest nation on earth. We made claim here and it's ours--not the worlds.

As such, we make the rules, we decide who we are going to let here to occupy and share in the result of our hard work. Name me one country that has no borders and willing to let anybody drift and change the way their country operates.

A country with no borders is not a country at all.
Greatest nation on earth ? How did u come to that conclusion ?
Because we have of the highest homicide rates ?
Least life expectancy in the developed world?
Highest obesity rate?
One of the highest death per capita ?
Highest homeless rate?
Most mass shootings ?
Most wounded soldiers and veterans?
Amount of wars?
Highest amount of debt ?
Worst health care system ?

What exactly?

And you right whites wrote the law, now brownies will be the majority be prepared Mr snowwhite.

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