Magadonians Challenged: Answer why multiple Judges would issue SEARCH WARRANTS for Trump's Properties if no evidence of illegal activity existed

May 4, 2022

A search warrant is a warrant signed by a judge or magistrate authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search on a certain person, a specified place, or an automobile for criminal evidence.

A search warrant usually is the prerequisite of a search, which is designed to protect individuals’ reasonable expectation of privacy against unreasonable governmental physical trespass or other intrusion. The origin of this right is from the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to protect people from unlawful government searches and seizures.

The Amendment reads: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Search warrant requirements

Probable cause: The officer should give reasonable information to support the possibility that the evidence of illegality will be found. Such information may come from the officer’ personal observations or that of an informant. If the warrant lacks accurate information as to what will be searched, the search is unlawful. See Groh v. Ramirez, 540 U.S. 551 (2004).



A search warrant is a warrant signed by a judge or magistrate authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search on a certain person, a specified place, or an automobile for criminal evidence.



They (the evil ones) only approach Soros funded judges and that's how they get their warrants. That's how they fuck our Trumpy over.
The deep state globalists and commies have infiltrated all of our institutions. That's why Trump must destroy them, and he said he would. He would terminate the Constitution that he swore to uphold and that's why people should vote for him. So he can tear America apart from within.

A search warrant is a warrant signed by a judge or magistrate authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search on a certain person, a specified place, or an automobile for criminal evidence.



Because....Because.....Because we don't have a Department of Justice any more. We have the lead Democrat Stooge Merrick Garland giving orders to all of his underlings. Did you understand that or do you need a Venn diagram?
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Because....Because.....Because we don't have a Department of Justice any more. We have the lead Democrat Stooge Merrick Garland giving orders to all of his underlings. Did you understand that or do you need a Venn diagram?
So now Garland is a Democrat?

For the same reason they investigated him for 4 straight years and came up empty? Because they COULD? Psst... he can't be stopped from running. I'm looking for some biscuit recipes. I'll need some to sop up those tears next year :laughing0301:

A search warrant is a warrant signed by a judge or magistrate authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search on a certain person, a specified place, or an automobile for criminal evidence.



Pretty easy. Because the judges are bought and paid for. Success matters to them not law. What a stupid post.
Pretty easy. Because the judges are bought and paid for. Success matters to them not law. What a stupid post.
More claims with zero to back them up. It’s easy to cry deep state conspiracy when things dont go your way. Just don’t expect to be taken seriously

A search warrant is a warrant signed by a judge or magistrate authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search on a certain person, a specified place, or an automobile for criminal evidence.



1 shithead magistrate signed a search warrant for Trump Property in South Florida, moron.

He's probably a kiddy diddler and they had something incriminating on him.

That should never have happened. They're trying to prosecute a former president for having things all former presidents have had.

They tossed the man's living space like gangbusters. And it was the same motherfuckers that did the fake Russia collusion bullshit.

(which has been proven to be a corrupt setup)

They also went way beyond the 4th Amendment doing it.

You're not choosing the side that's in the right here.

That's your choice. Ofc I would expect nothing less from a stupid shitbag such as you.

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